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    Usa "discourse on" in una frase

    discourse on frasi di esempio

    discourse on

    1. Lao Tzu in his discourse on Taoism says:

    2. nauseum with a discourse on the art of Florence, Sienna,

    3. But the sprites were getting restles at Fizzicist's incessant harking on with a repetitious discourse on shrubs that were so obviously different

    4. I was about to begin a didactic discourse on the damages of

    5. Then comes Descartes, and his infamous „Discourse on Method" in which he said, among other nonsense things, that he would begin by doubting everything except his own thinking and therefore his own existence

    6. And what's the matter with a nice tasty discourse on heaven for New Year's? Though it wouldn't be half as interesting as hell, girl--not half

    7. Some have questioned if The Prince was a satire, as Machiavelli’s discourse on Livy’s history of Rome stressed political morality

    8. [26] Pabongka Rinpoche, Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand: A Concise Discourse on the Path to Enlightenment, new revised edition, edited in the Tibetan by Trijang Rinpoche, translated into English by Michael Richards (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2006), 389

    9. Is the discourse on love proposed by Sophia-Analysis something new?

    10. One reader will consider my discourse on the illusion of religion, to be the incoherent ravings of a sinner who was probably beaten senseless by a gang of sadistic nuns; whilst another reader will consider these comments as boringly obvious, 100% correct, completely accurate, and hardly worth saying!


    12. That day they heard a learned rabbi discourse on the "Destiny of Israel," and after the service they met one Crispus, the chief ruler of this synagogue


    14. After they had discussed worship for some days, Jesus finally delivered his memorable discourse on prayer in answer to Thomas's request: "Master, teach us how to pray


    16. 1 For days after the discourse on prayer the apostles continued to ask the Master questions regarding this all-important and worshipful practice


    18. Thursday night and Friday many of them went out to fish, while on the Sabbath day they attended the synagogue to hear an aged Jew of Damascus discourse on the glory of father Abraham


    20. 1 This memorable discourse on religion, summarized and restated in modern phraseology, gave expression to the following truths:



    23. At one time he would discourse on one phase of the kingdom, and at another time he would discuss a different aspect of the brotherhood of God's reign in the hearts of men

    24. Accordingly, about two o'clock, when Jesus had just begun his discourse on "The Liberty of Sonship," a group of these elders of Israel made their way up near Jesus and, interrupting him in the customary manner, asked this question: "By what authority do you do these things? Who gave you this authority?"

    25. Nevertheless, he left the temple in company with the twelve, went with them to Mount Olivet, where, with his fellow apostles, he listened to that fateful discourse on the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the Jewish nation, and remained with them that Tuesday night at the new camp near Gethsemane

    26. 1 The eleven had scarcely ceased their discussions of the discourse on the vine and the branches when the Master, indicating that he was desirous of speaking to them further and knowing that his time was short, said: "When I have left you, be not discouraged by the enmity of the world

    27. Chapter 26 – The Shout – A Brief Discourse On The Will O' The Fish

    28. Though his discourse on the causes and results of action was an exercise in astute observations, Aristotle far surpassed observation and objective reason by interjecting fantasy into his teachings

    29. But no sooner has Krishn concluded his discourse on the consequences

    30. Descartes also noted in Discourse on Method: “It is good to have examined all things, even

    31. A saint claimed that he was enlightened and was giving a discourse on the inner workings of our universe

    32. Against his better judgment, he stopped and gazed through a tropical heat haze while Tim delivered a discourse on his army adventures in the Far North

    33. My discourse on secondary beauty and on immortality is one that in substance is very similar to alchemy, even though it offers an alternative path that is comparable to an existential artistic one

    34. I am ready to discourse on all or any of the great Abstractions with the glibness of the shallow mind

    35. discourse on demons, but most likely they are the angels that sinned, and they are bound

    36. discourse on demons, but most likely they are the angels that sinned and they are bound

    37. Tregelles, after the fathers, affirms,—notwithstanding the omission of one sentence in the middle of Christ’s last discourse on Olivet (the same discussion in which later occurs the ko>lasin aijw>nion of xxv

    38. No one with the fear of God before his eyes can doubt that the main design of Christ in these closing words of His discourse on the Mount of Olives, as throughout all His teaching, was to raise in the minds of His servants and ministers a soul-terrifying conception as to the future punishment of the persons chiefly aimed at in this final prophecy—the wicked world-rulers and church-governors who should be found in their civil activity when He the Lord should return froth heaven to take possession of His kingdom

    39. The effect of his discourse on the lady too, could not escape her observation, for though she was too honorable to listen, and had even changed her seat, on purpose that she might not hear, to one close by the piano forte on which Marianne was playing, she could not keep herself from seeing that Elinor changed colour, attended with agitation, and was too intent on what he said to pursue her employment

    40. We find with some surprise (not unlike the feeling which Aristotle in a well-known passage describes the hearers of Plato's lectures as experiencing, when they went to a discourse on the idea of good, expecting to be instructed in moral truths, and received instead of them arithmetical and mathematical formulae) that Plato does not propose for his future legislators any study of finance or law or military tactics, but only of abstract mathematics, as a preparation for the still more abstract conception of good

    41. But the "humane" Andrey Semyonovitch ascribed Pyotr Petrovitch's ill‐humour to his recent breach with Dounia and he was burning with impatience to discourse on that theme

    42. During their discourse one of the clerical brothers probed the hedge carefully with his umbrella, and dragged something to light

    43. We advised them to sell the position, but their analyst began a long-winded discourse on why INSP was “undervalued

    44. Has a girl of fourteen a heart large enough, vigorous enough, to hold the swelling spring of pure, full, fervid eloquence? Such was the characteristic of Helen’s discourse on that, to me, memorable evening; her spirit seemed hastening to live within a very brief span as much as many live during a protracted existence

    45. She entered into a discourse on botany with the gentle Mrs

    46. The effect of his discourse on the lady too, could not escape her observation, for though she was too honorable to listen, and had even changed her seat, on purpose that she might NOT hear, to one close by the piano forte on which Marianne was playing, she could not keep herself from seeing that Elinor changed colour, attended with agitation, and was too intent on what he said to pursue her employment

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