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    Usa "dispassionate" in una frase

    dispassionate frasi di esempio


    1. which, though generally calm and dispassionate, comes with us from the womb, and never leaves us till we go into the grave

    2. Unlike Roscius he did not let it shake his body, instead standing still and appearing dispassionate

    3. The graphical displays then went into further detail: a dispassionate clinical analysis from a subsentient AI, that felt no obligation to inform him

    4. Be passionately dispassionate

    5. His expression was as dispassionate as his tone when he said, “Thou shalt not kill speaks of murder done in anger with premeditation and malice

    6. Or they will consider that I have an 'axe to grind', or that I had a 'bad experience' concerning these illusions, and am unable to remain dispassionate! Needless to say, the category into which a particular illusion fits, varies from person to person

    7. Because force is the most basic way of violating rights, any civilised society renounces the use of individual force, and hands this power (the ability to initiate force) over to a dispassionate government

    8. The big blue eyes, cold and dispassionate, watched the pain burning in Travis' face

    9. to the world around me with a dispassionate ear focusing my

    10. The dispassionate pit bull eyed the tiny blink-blink-blink like a jaded housewife watching TV

    11. ideally be interpreted by a dispassionate observer who may know little about the

    12. and reproach are treated by him in the same dispassionate manner

    13. In a cool dispassionate tone she

    14. “(And) who, like a dispassionate onlooker, is unmoved by the

    15. Why are social, but not personal, abortions morally acceptable? Pro-life is against the killing of fetuses by undiscerning and dispassionate drones, mothers dying from malnutrition, wars contaminating the yet to be conceived, and all diseases, for all of these are social abortions against unwilling mothers and wanted children

    16. In two days I have my Coffee, and no—and no--and no--' She burst into tears, hiding her face from the dispassionate stare of the Fräulein at the desk in her handkerchief, and trying to conceal her sobs by a ceaseless blowing of her nose

    17. She was very tender and kissed my face and inevitably our lips joined in a low-voltage, dispassionate kiss that slowly built up in intensity until we undressed and made ourselves comfortable in bed

    18. I heard her news with a curious dispassionate interest

    19. I loved women in a dispassionate sort of way

    20. Some part of my consciousness knew that to be so objective and dispassionate about the ending of life heralded in the fear that I had always had about myself

    21. Those concepts were all radical changes to the routine ebb and flow of my structured and dispassionate lifestyle

    22. He was by nature critical and rather dispassionate

    23. Also, the mercer, as a second cousin, was dispassionate enough to feel curiosity

    24. It may seem odd that with such pleasant habits he should have been given to the heroic treatment, bleeding and blistering and starving his patients, with a dispassionate disregard to his personal example; but the incongruity favored the opinion of his ability among his patients, who commonly observed that Mr

    25. Dissenter, and in other ways probably of that disadvantageous quality usually perceptible in a first wife if inquired into with the dispassionate judgment of a second—was almost as much as she had cared to learn beyond the glimpses which Mr

    26. This document can serve as a control to help the trader build discipline, and can provide a connection between dispassionate analyses done outside of market hours and the actual trading process

    27. They are accountants, nominally appointed by shareholders but in practice by directors, who are supposed to take an outsider’s dispassionate view of the figures and to see that they have some relation to reality

    28. At my firm, Chieftain Capital Management, we evaluate an investment opportunity based on the predictability of the business and a dispassionate calculation of its expected rate of return

    29. Moreover, Speranski, either because he appreciated the other’s capacity or because he considered it necessary to win him to his side, showed off his dispassionate calm reasonableness before Prince Andrew and flattered him with that subtle flattery which goes hand in hand with self-assurance and consists in a tacit assumption that one’s companion is the only man besides oneself capable of understanding the folly of the rest of mankind and the reasonableness and profundity of

    30. Such eye-popping returns turned many an investor’s head, enticing many to abandon any dispassionate assessment of valuation and begin to truly believe that we had entered a “new era” for investing

    31. In hindsight, it may be easy to convince yourself that you would have stuck with this strategy and remained a systematic, dispassionate investor, but having lived through the period and working with many clients, I can tell you that the odds of this happening are small indeed

    32. When it comes to investment, you need to be cold, dispassionate and unaffected

    33. If the majority of people prefer obedience to insubordination, it is not because they have given the subject dispassionate consideration, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, but because they are, so to speak, under the influence of hypnotic suggestion

    34. Moreover, Speránski, either because he appreciated the other’s capacity or because he considered it necessary to win him to his side, showed off his dispassionate calm reasonableness before Prince Andrew and flattered him with that subtle flattery which goes hand in hand with self-assurance and consists in a tacit assumption that one’s companion is the only man besides oneself capable of understanding the folly of the rest of mankind and the reasonableness and profundity of one’s own ideas

    35. The resolution before us seems to embrace several objects pre-eminently entitled to the dispassionate consideration of Congress; objects altogether unconnected with those factions and political dissensions which have unhappily too long prevailed among brethren of the same common family, and which may one day prove fatal to political liberty

    36. Lloyd,) to whose dispassionate observations I listened with great pleasure, superadded the instance of the erection of custom-houses

    37. If this resolution were to authorize an arming against Great Britain alone, this argument would have no effect; but as it has a view to a general arming against all nations, this reasoning is conclusive on my mind, and must operate in the same way upon all men who will give the subject a dispassionate consideration

    38. Your committee are happy to observe, on a dispassionate view of the conduct of the United States, that they see in it no cause for censure

    39. Jefferson also concurred at a period most auspicious to fair inquiry and dispassionate judgment; it was before the tempest of party arose, to obscure the great luminary of truth and blacken the political horizon

    40. We have for years past had so much idle declamation on the subject, that a dispassionate investigation of it appeared to me to be called for

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    Sinonimi per "dispassionate"

    cold-eyed dispassionate composed detached serene imperturbable unemotional impassive restrained impartial neutral judicial disinterested just