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    Usa "dispose of" in una frase

    dispose of frasi di esempio

    dispose of

    1. Lopez’s mission is the education of the public on the necessity to quit using chemicals altogether and in the meantime, to properly dispose of their waste - so that one day the earth may return to its natural cycle of growing and decomposing

    2. Altera straightened herself and took a deep breath, “Yes my Queen, there is still one more piece of garbage to dispose of

    3. He set off to dispose of the fruit, no longer useful as food, and to return the fireplace implement to its normal perch next to the fire screen---no one to be the wiser for its most recent use

    4. At the following rehearsal, before the next weekly performance, Kaitlyn broached the subject to the Players, of how to dispose of the receipts from each engagement

    5. I have to dispose of a large amount of scrap

    6. “How will you dispose of the bodies?”

    7. When an independent workman, such as a weaver or shoemaker, has got more stock than what is sufficient to purchase the materials of his own work, and to maintain himself till he can dispose of it, he naturally employs one or more journeymen with the surplus, in order to make a profit by their work

    8. 'Perhaps you could read them quietly and dispose of those you think inappropriate

    9. It amazed me how many people wanted to dispose of great grandpa's pride and joy

    10. In them, too, the rich, having a greater superabundance of food to dispose of beyond what they themselves can consume, have the means of purchasing a much greater quantity of the labour of other people

    11. Fizzicist had to dispose of his contents and when he arrived back there was just the cauldron to scrape clean

    12. will dispose of it as we see fit,’ said the Abbot

    13. But the whole produce of the land undoubtedly belongs to him, who can dispose of the labour and service of all those whom it maintains

    14. The people to whom it is granted as a privilege, that they might give away their own daughters in marriage without the consent of their lord, that upon their death their own children, and not their lord, should succeed to their goods, and that they might dispose of their own effects by will, must, before those grants, have been either altogether, or very nearly, in the same state of villanage with the occupiers of land in the country

    15. Along with this grant, the important privileges, above mentioned, that they might give away their own daughters in marriage, that their children should succeed to them, and that they might dispose of their own effects by will, were generally bestowed upon the burghers of the town to whom it was given

    16. Now that I know that there's a rat somewhere around, I have to flush him out and dispose of him

    17. To dream that you are unable to dispose of the feces suggests that you are unwilling to let go of your emotions

    18. Be ready for action as soon as I dispose of our uninvited guest

    19. Nevertheless, you alone stand as no threat to me, so I have no reason to dispose of you

    20. If, in a year of scarcity, therefore, any of them should find that he had a good deal more corn upon hand than, at the current price, he could hope to dispose of before the end of the season, he would never think of keeping up this price to his own loss, and to the sole benefit of his rivals and competitors, but would immediately lower it, in order to get rid of his corn before the new crop began to come in

    21. manufacturer, by taking his goods off his hand as fast as he can make them, and by sometimes even advancing their price to him before he has made them, enables him to keep his whole capital, and sometimes even more than his whole capital, constantly employed in manufacturing, and consequently to manufacture a much greater quantity of goods than if he was obliged to dispose of them himself to the immediate consumers, or even to the retailers

    22. The Leader was about to dispose of all the soldiers when the sound of gunfire distracted him

    23. But that part of the capital of Great Britain which brings those eighty-two thousand hogsheads to Great Britain, which re-exports them from thence to those other countries, and which brings back from those other countries to Great Britain either goods or money in return, is employed in a round-about foreign trade of consumption; and is necessarily forced into this employment, in order to dispose of this great surplus

    24. But the owner of that stock necessarily wishes to dispose of as great a part of those goods as he can at home

    25. He naturally, therefore, endeavours as much as he can to turn his carrying trade into a foreign trade of consumption, If his stock, again, is employed in a foreign trade of consumption, he will, for the same reason, be glad to dispose of, at home, as great a part as he can of the home goods which he collects in order to export to some foreign market, and he will thus endeavour, as much as he can, to turn his foreign trade of consumption into a home trade

    26. In the spice islands, the Dutch are said to burn all the spiceries which a fertile season produces, beyond what they expect to dispose of in Europe with such a profit as they think sufficient

    27. Unless, therefore, he has the custom of, at least, 50 such families as his own, he cannot dispose of the whole product of his own labour

    28. But as the produce of the agriculture of both France and England is, the far greater part of it, consumed at home, each person employed in it must, according to these computations, require little more than the custom of one, two, or, at most, of four such families as his own, in order to dispose of the whole produce of his own labour

    29. Now we need to dispose of it, but if we are to avoid leaving a hole in our heat shielding then we are going to have to use one of those in the command section

    30. In 1734, the company petitioned the king, that they might be allowed to dispose of the trade and tonnage of their annual ship, on account of the little profit which they made by it, and to accept of such equivalent as they could obtain from the king of Spain

    31. “I stalk the darkness and serve to dispose of

    32. The maltster does not always keep in his granaries a stock of malt, which it will require a longer time to dispose of than the stock of beer and ale which the brewer frequently keeps in his cellars

    33. My ‘crime’ offended them so much that not only was it covered up, but I was locked away in a place certain to dispose of me

    34. Historians tell us that it took poison, stabbing, shooting, and finally, drowning to dispose of him

    35. They assist the primary systems in the body to dispose of waste products

    36. Seeing his chance to dispose of one of the men, the creature lunged a claw at Saldon’s head and Manna leapt before it, slicing deep into the creature’s wrist

    37. During that period (or window of opportunity) mothers will be permitted to dispose of their infant/child in a manner adjudicated by law

    38. "I'll dispose of these for you then, shall I, sir?" he asked, his tone telling me exactly what he thought of me

    39. Chuck went to dispose of the bag into a handy garbage bin, which unfortunately did not have a lid

    40. dispose of all her painful memories, misguided actions, and all her suffering by breathing these memories back into the physical body,

    41. He took our coats, called someone to dispose of our luggage, and told us where the main party was at

    42. He asked if she thought the people aboard the boat could be persuaded to discreetly dispose of the corpse at sea without attracting the attention of the American authorities

    43. After arranging to dispose of the body, he went to check on the rest of his flock

    44. Everything had to go smoothly without any bodies to dispose of later

    45. He thought about the best way that he might dispose of the Torre D’Oro

    46. We dispose of the bodies quickly and limit the exposure

    47. They had seen it happen before, they all knew the dangers and the ignominious ways the Patriarch and the Castigator chose to dispose of their enemies

    48. Raul had been freed of his shackle to help dispose of the cocaine, although his left arm was far too painful to move and hung useless in a sling

    49. He stood to dispose of the ugly mess in his hands

    50. ‘But it is over, and we have hordes of insect prisoners to dispose of

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    Sinonimi per "dispose of"

    throw away relinquish get rid of eliminate sell murder destroy slaughter eradicate