Usa "distasteful" in una frase
distasteful frasi di esempio
1. its distasteful art with
2. James read through the transcript and, distasteful though he clearly found it, signed without argument
3. change of subject - even one as distasteful as this
4. Though the ern did have ranged weapons, the creatures found their use distasteful, and shied away from them
5. It was nothing serious but she found the thought of watching her friend kissing a boy somewhat distasteful
6. however distasteful to (modern) sensibilities…
7. As distasteful as he had found his younger brother’s leanings, he was family and needed protecting
8. quite distasteful, she often referred to him as a pig that walks on two legs
9. I believe IN His Word and I BELIEVE His Word, from Genesis to Revelation! The word of God is an embarrassment for Christianity and there is no way that Christianity will ever fit into the Word of God, without scraping, cutting and sawing scriptures! (If you find this comment distasteful, I have proven this in my book “Kinderdoop…”
10. He also has an eye for the ladies, and although he is not married and is free to pursue any woman he fancies, I find it all somehow distasteful and I cannot quite explain why
11. It is no secret that the Whitechapel area is one of the poorest areas in the country, and is almost seen as an embarrassment, although despite that I found the entire conversation somewhat distasteful
12. I could tell he was about to ask us to do something distasteful to him
13. He knew there were dangers in rekindling their pain by recalling their mother’s past virtues, but he wanted that blissful past to erase their unpleasant memories of her present distasteful behavior
14. It was a distasteful task, but one that had to be
15. Asked to describe his years with the Park organization, Fink, 52, said, “I found it to be a very distasteful experience
16. This is so out of character for them that it seems almost impossible, but apparently they even assist in the most mundane and distasteful of labors with as much stoic military discipline as any commander could ask! Imagine Dark Dragons expending their flame in flaring latrine pits! I would have thought that any of them would gladly die before submitting to such malodorous drudgery, but our witnesses have seen it with their own eyes, and reported that it was accomplished with no more griping and complaint than one would expect from any other soldiers!
17. Pushed from the rear by others eager for their own first taste, they wallowed into deeper water and along the shoreline as they kept trying to sample the distasteful disappointment
18. water and along the shoreline as they kept trying to sample the distasteful disappointment
19. When he next spoke, Simon heard the unsteadiness in his companion’s voice, and understood that this encounter was as distasteful to Johan as it was to him
20. "It is distasteful, but many mortals will fight for any cause as long as they are paid
21. You once would have found all this highly distasteful
22. I had thought this task was going to be onerous and distasteful but that
23. I can tell by their faces that they have experienced much sorrow; they have suffered much at the hands of an apparently cruel fate; they have not intentionally chosen this sort of life; they have, in discouragement bordering on despair, surrendered to the pressure of the hour and accepted this distasteful means of obtaining a livelihood as the best way out of a situation that to them appeared hopeless
24. Every time Judas allowed his hopes to soar high and Jesus would do or say something to dash them to pieces, there was always left in Judas's heart a scar of bitter resentment; and as these scars multiplied, presently that heart, so often wounded, lost all real affection for the one who had inflicted this distasteful experience upon a well-intentioned but cowardly and self-centered personality
25. Oded clears his throat and says: ‘There’s really no end to the distasteful and horrible practices of that guy
26. This is again somewhat distasteful
27. They just blocked out distasteful moments and setbacks and continued on
28. But being the superior group that they are, they often tend to leave the more distasteful aspects of the job to second shift
29. out, like it was distasteful, and a word he despised
30. She worked a distasteful mouth
31. The smell of death was clear and as always, distasteful
32. Nazi helmets and swastikas added an ingredient of distasteful icing to a thoroughly unpleasant cake, thought Rudolph, as the two biggest members of the gang advanced the full distance between the barricade and his car
33. taking the piss! It was the only explanation for the frankly distasteful sequence of
34. gulps of alcohol later, he was back on the path to oblivion, the whole distasteful episode
35. As he surveyed them, one distasteful clown at a time, he realised with a
36. I am conscious that I have advanced opinions which are distasteful to some minds, and startling because of their novelty
37. This foul and distasteful tableau was unprecedented
38. He was well aware that he had let the distasteful parrot get to him
39. The other clasped his daughter in a way that David found distasteful
40. Each project would be plotted in excessive detail and the participants would argue and reconsider and revamp, mostly because aside from maintaining the squalor they lived in and occasionally being compelled to perform the more dangerous or distasteful servicing tasks at one of the Viirin compounds, the hoomans had little else to occupy their time
41. said, “We Reall are as distasteful to them as they are to us
42. Not enough to do, Miss Cartwright privately criticized, to whom such of the idle rich as were women were becoming daily more distasteful
43. The practice was apparently distasteful even to Carthaginians, and they began to buy children for the purpose of sacrifice or even to raise servant children instead of offering up their own
44. Harris having evidently fulfilled his mission, whether of delivering the package or receiving news which Ike seemed to be pouring into his ear, had but one thought, to escape from a place which was evidently distasteful to him
45. So why was he being shown such hospitality? Or was the old man going to return with three young men to beat him up once more? Tom discarded this distasteful possibility
46. To be honest the detective found the very idea of love making between an able-bodied young woman and a disabled man a bit distasteful
47. Their vocabulary was very limited and their language was an ugly-sounding guttural grunting that Manfred found distasteful
48. And the rumours, were they true? Did the Queen host orgies? Did she enjoy lesbian trysts? Did she bed her own son? I found the gossip distasteful and, in truth, felt that it was easy for everyone from the bitter minor royals to the hungry peasants to blame all France's ills on the Austrian, instead of the King's fruitless wars, his advisers' economic incompetence and a nobility unwilling to accept the higher taxes that France so desperately needed
49. He was pretty insistent about it, no matter how distasteful the contents
50. Some strange details seem to adhere on your brain and I wondered why she did not trim her hair in that region to avoid this distasteful effect