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    Usa "dive" in una frase

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    1. I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set

    2. I'm convinced she had to be at that dive bar with her psycho father

    3. So lets dive into this

    4. life!” And with that, they immediately want to dive headlong

    5. Instead of resisting the fear, dive straight into it

    6. As the dragon had reached the peak before going into its dive, the

    7. The dragon continued its dive, completely unaware of what had

    8. steep dive it was a hard job to hold on

    9. Ethereead swooped up out of its dive and flew alongside the

    10. and he flows into a magnetic dive

    11. themselves but from that point the whole experience takes a nose dive

    12. connect, it is always important to dive into the conversation

    13. confidence is to dive into a conversation that you would not normally enter into

    14. Why don't you try a dive? I'm sure there's spare equipment

    15. It was a two-hour dive over changing terrain with Tarak pointing out areas of interest

    16. The what-ifs made me hesitant, but I snapped myself out of it and made a dive to

    17. Not wanting to dive into more research, I pull up the drafts I have written so far and go through them editing the information and tweaking the grammar so that it reads better

    18. Helen came to her senses as if emerging from a deep dive in

    19. Hang on!” Flavio put the flying hearse into a shallow dive

    20. His aim of course was to attempt to dive deep into his own unconsciousness

    21. " Yompere was scared of the dive where they met

    22. But, with the celebration of the Midnight Sun the night before and this afternoon's unexpected activity Alec wanted nothing more than to crawl into the corner of an unknown dive, eat his meal in peace and be confident that no one would dare burst in to disturb him

    23. You can go through the required courses at fast speed and dive into those subjects you have a strong attraction for

    24. Her only escape was to dive into the crashing waves

    25. Ben, the terrier was the first to dive in

    26. ‘C’mon dive in!’ encouraged Ben, following the telepathic message with a small bark

    27. Eyes grew wide and she spun around to dive behind the tent, hoping desperately to DRAFTChapter 18 475

    28. ” gasped Fletcher, still winded from his dive

    29. What he saw made him dive back into his seat

    30. Jack made a dive to catch him and pull him back

    31. He wanted to dive across the room and swing at the smug-faced warden, but he knew he was powerless to do anything

    32. All Nathan wanted to do was to dive under the duvet and emerge in a year’s time when all of this may have blown over

    33. We walked out of the building and across the street to a little dive that was probably the safest place in the city to eat, as there seemed to be no one there but cops, or people associated with them, such as secretaries and lawyers

    34. The Globe will appear dull and Amber in colour, but when activated it becomes clear and contains a depth so enticing, you could almost dive into it as if it were a pool of amber water

    35. He had the last laugh as I had to dive in after him fully clothed to hold his head above the freezing water while dragging him back to dry land after I realised that swimming did not come naturally to him! Obviously his mom (a good police dog too) failed to teach him to swim properly as a youngster

    36. I accelerated and the constables sitting of the roof admiring the view started to dive into the Casspir as they also saw that black mamba and realised what was happening

    37. Many Army sappers sighed and stopped sweeping when they had to dive out of the road whilst searching for landmines and the police Casspirs came roaring past with the members sitting on the roof shouting well-meant insults at their wanker ways

    38. William was hesitant; he decided that it was best not to rush this next dive into time

    39. Deciding that his best bet would be to dive into the canal and make his get away, he stumbled towards the bank

    40. Then they wouldn’t have to dive into the ground fire, especially if they were working with another aircraft

    41. I stayed that way for the next ninety minutes, praying that the flight would end, so terrified that it was almost preferable that the plane did dive into the ground

    42. Astonishingly, and certainly unfortunately for Kevin in view of what happened, he stayed on, but only because his desperate dive into a bear-hug around the neck of the run-away beast came in time

    43. No Hun in the sun, and by careful feel, timing it in my head, I rolled inverted and began a blistering dive on the mass below, and even as we dove, I could see machines burning and falling out of the fight

    44. “He seemed okay to dive with the plane, and he caught up to the Camel

    45. Camels were not enormously fast in a dive, but neither was the Fokker

    46. A quick half-roll and a dive, with your winger right there with you—it worked often enough

    47. It had been a long while, but he recognized the feeling: pre-battle terror – only one cure; dive into the thick of it He rolled back his eyes, inhaled deeply and picked up the phone

    48. Looking into her eyes was like taking a big dive into a very deep pool without checking for rocks, but he just couldn’t help himself

    49. Then, with perfect control, wingtips would fold back and the bird would plunge forward in a dive controlled by shoulder movements

    50. It reminded him of standing on a rock, preparing to dive into the river

    1. Jorma had no translation for the curses in Portuguese that Herndon bellowed as he ran across the dock and dived into the boat's cabin

    2. And, the high spot of the tour, our stop at Navagio (the Shipwreck): Without the slightest compunction, I left behind the two undecided grumblers who happen to be my companions in this trip and dived into the clear blue water from the deck of the boat

    3. Oreo saw them and her rage was renewed as she leapt off the lower landing and dived into the midst of them

    4. The divers had dived

    5. One of the seamen dived in after him and dragged him out, but his skull was caved in where he hit it

    6. 'In the Unassisted Constant Ballast section I've dived to forty-six, I tell you, man - unassisted

    7. Ish dived in as well

    8. unhurt only if I had dived a second earlier

    9. Salmon somersaulted out of the water and dived back in again

    10. He dived in after her and there was the phone laying open on her mattress screaming with the Colonel's voice

    11. He dived into the plate and began eating the

    12. Alan got to the top of the stairs and dived into the plank-ups beyond

    13. Jacques dived into the water after Pippi

    14. Then spoon in hand he dived back into his tent to sample the delicious cereal

    15. immediately dived, grabbed it, and rolled off to the other end of

    16. He dived toward the point of no return

    17. ‘on’ when he dived to the Earth, then the

    18. Fletcher dived to catch him and barely managed to catch his arm

    19. ” We ran across and dived into the trench on the other side as the machine gun chattered into life and sent a few bursts our way we all made it safely though

    20. The rest were not as slow though and dived back into the trench to get away from the sudden death that had visited them and I never saw so much as a hair on their head again while I was on watch

    21. “Alright let’s go”, and we fled for the relative safety of the first shell hole and dived into it

    22. After about fifteen minutes one of the craft had dived in and was now accelerating towards him

    23. Weapons drawn, the adventurers had taken a slow cant toward the village, keeping to the treeline as much as possible and had almost reached the gate when they dived into the bushes

    24. The crow dived, grabbing the robin in its sharp talons, two of which pierced its chest

    25. “I'll call you,” he shouted as he dived for the safety of the car

    26. Without thinking, Troy ran across the sand and dived into the sea, swimming out to the floundering man with strong strokes

    27. He reappeared a moment later with something in his hand and dived into the sea

    28. As Simon came to the top of the stairs on the ground floor, he dived to the ground for cover as he watched one of the gunman jump out from a small utility room, which was a dead end

    29. He had been dehydrated before, and knew it was a lot worse if a man that had been denied of water for too long just dived straight in a lake or drank to his heart’s content

    30. Molo accepted the flask with a nod, sipped cautiously and dived in a sea of thoughts

    31. Unaccustomed to protocol and etiquette, Ethan dived straight into the matter and said bluntly:

    32. Ethan turned his head only slightly towards Nicole and saw her lying with her back on the ground, drawing the gun in her hand coolly towards the two men who dived towards the gun head-first in a desperate attempt to stop her

    33. ’ At the end of his session, exhausted but exhilarated, he dived into the swimming pool and floated on his back

    34. She washed with soap several times all over before she dived under the water and let it rinse off all the soap

    35. Alf threw a well placed fist at Russell’s nose and Bert dived for Russell's waist

    36. dived into the river and clutching the Lord to his heart, came to the

    37. She dived under the table to find Municantir who played tag with a nut he had found on the floor

    38. Yukino dived from the truck and rolled out into the yard

    39. waited until it was ten meters away and then dived in and swam for it, but the current was

    40. Without thinking, Yukino stripped down to her underwear and dived into the

    41. He dived his hands into his pockets (without averting his eyes away) and pulled out a scrunched up charm

    42. She dived her hand into her pocket and brought out a charm in an attempt to aid Itsuki

    43. wasn’t a security barrier and dived for his life out of the way of the two loyal Specsaver customers as they drove on right past him and

    44. action, he dived into the inviting yet almost overflowing water and put his head under for a few refreshing seconds

    45. The goliath dived and swept under him at the last minute but

    46. Derek dived into the hallway as a mighty crack of thunder was

    47. was too thirsty to care whether he was about to taste the salty alien contents and spit it out and dived in, with his head half submerged in the liquid

    48. Chin didn’t require a second invitation and dived into the

    49. Once Libby in a confiding moment had explained how Norm used to wake up with nightmares screaming, and how once when a car backfired near them, he dived into the bushes, and was actually white and shaking when she managed to finally co-erce him out

    50. Penn turned over and dived as hard as he could

    1. John dives over the levee to protect himself

    2. We watch as the swimming crewman dives time and again trying to find Joris

    3. I preferred to lay under my towel within the safety of the shore, enjoying an ice cream and watching my uncle struggle with his wet suit before he curved into the sea like a dolphin only to reappear sometime later and regale me with stories of seals, gentle basking sharks, forests of stunning pink corals and walls of bright coloured jewel anemones he said he saw on his dives

    4. Just as they had practiced in training over and over again, the precision of their arcs, and their flawless dives took out many dragons on that first pass

    5. Simon immediately goes to where he threw his jacket and dives into one of the pockets

    6. They can fall into a rage faster than a peregrine dives

    7. The tooth faerie dives for the tooth, brings it to the

    8. First, Raven Dives, moving into Corn Harvest, flowing into Silver Snake, and finishing with Fire on the Water

    9. “This is Raven Dives,” Jean said as she lifted her arms with the sword out straight, then plunged the blade downwards and aimed at chest height, moving faster this fourth time

    10. Thinking back over previous dives into the lake, she knew there had not been anything in the bottom of that pristine water during her training

    11. We could measure pull-ups, and dives; even mount it in the rear cockpit

    12. Really; it’s just a question of how much altitude it gains or loses as it climbs and dives

    13. Molly smirks at Christina, and without warning, dives, hands outstretched, at Christina’s midsection

    14. Anti-war protests, love beads and hippies, were the ingredients of his songs, and while the Beatles, The Rolling Stones and a plethora of other rock groups blasted the anthems of their generation from radios and turntables, he played for tips in the dives of Sydney's Red-light King's Cross, and sometimes Carlton and wherever the work was

    15. She dives through the curtains into the dining room sub machines drawn, the burst of gunfire

    16. He dives for the stroller with all the perfection of a football player intercepting a big play, throwing his body between it and you

    17. A 2nd guard dives as well, probably hoping for a raise if he survives

    18. This was Shevatas, a thief among thieves, whose name was spoken with awe in the dives of the Maul and the dim shadowy recesses beneath the temples of Bel, and who lived in songs and myths for a thousand years

    19. 2 "There was a certain rich man named Dives, who, being clothed in purple and fine linen, lived in mirth and splendor every day

    20. And then Dives cried aloud: `Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send over Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue, for I am in great anguish because of my punishment

    21. ' Then said Dives to Abraham: `I pray you send Lazarus back to my father's house, inasmuch as I have five brothers, that he may so testify as to prevent my brothers from coming to this place of torment

    22. ' And then answered Dives: `No, No, Father Abraham! but if one go to them from the dead, they will repent

    23. 'Send your men into the markets and wharfside dives and learn if one Beloso, a Zingaran, is in Messantia

    24. He dives at Chee-Chee with amazing grace but unfortunately Chee-Chee was a little more graceful

    25. Shadow dives into a bush and two seconds later Century leaps at the same bush, “Gotcha!”

    26. This section dives into some of the “how-to’s” of having constant energy and bliss

    27. ‘’From Seagull One to all Seagull: arm your bombs and start your attack dives by pairs on the troopships

    28. Ingrid understood that Nancy had probably directed a redesign of the wing profiles, in order to get rid of the severe aerodynamic compressibility problems in speed dives experienced by P-38s in Nancy’s history

    29. Some just did a simple, but graceful, approach, flying efficiently, extending their glides as long as possible, while others flew out over the valley with plenty of altitude and executed a spectacular aerobatic display, performing stalls, dives and over the top wingovers, often entering their last manoeuvre dangerously close to the ground

    30. The six P-38s then continued on their dives, zooming by the stunned surviving Japanese fighter pilots and already putting each a Mitsubishi G4M BETTY in their gun sight

    31. Steve brought out a new hang glider, designed for better glide and better lift, and even though he thought that the new wing would not be as suitable for aerobatics as the old one, it turned out that the extra performance only enhanced aerobatics because the pilots could attain a higher top speed in dives and carry that speed better through the manoeuvres

    32. While the G4Ms flew too high for the defending 40mm Bofors guns, the VAL dive bombers soon attracted a dense fire from the eight guns of the 996th Air Defense Battery of the 99th CAG, with the eight halftrack-mounted quad heavy machineguns of the battery adding their dense streams of tracers at the dive bombers as they were coming out of their bombing dives on Henderson Field

    33. 50 caliber slugs, two of the five dive bombers were destroyed before they could release their bombs, while two more were shot down as they leveled out of their dives

    34. He saw him execute high-speed dives followed by fairly conservative wingovers

    35. from local dives to classy restaurants in the historic district—like most

    36. The Wildcats and Hellcats came in low over the hills, strafing the battleship with machine-gun fire as the Barracudas began their bombing dives

    37. Jet releases the alien to the wind, then dives through the newly created entrance toting his partner

    38. To Millie, who was used to four G turns and ninety–three mile an hour power dives, the thirty minute drive seemed to take years and it only gave her time to seethe in her frustration

    39. A Recruit on the red team dives out of the entrance, but he’s already out

    40. And now the creator’s vision swan dives into the concrete wasteland of our

    41. In the Bible, Lazarus was the name of the ailing beggar who sat at the gate of the rich man (traditionally named Dives) in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

    42. He dives off the board

    43. could allow no more than three well-spaced dives a day

    44. Night dives are fun

    45. Some of the girls were top swimmers and upped their scores with record-breaking, breath-hold dives

    46. He dives flat onto the top of the stack just as the Great Lady slams the unsecured cargo hull doors shut

    47. Cass has no though to his own life as he dives overboard

    48. He rushes to the water and dives in

    49. minutes, making several dives in that time

    50. Reform and agitation have closed up those old dives

    1. The dragon was still diving

    2. than usual, as it was diving down into a valley, but still close

    3. in the planes down diving that swallows and drives

    4. head down, arms out, diving through the wave wall,

    5. The birds sang sweetly in the hedgerows and the last of the house martins were diving and darting across the sky as they fed themselves up for their long autumn flight south

    6. those that spend a mere ten to twenty minutes a day diving into current events and keeping

    7. Alan's face screwed up, "Yes, and I'm sorry, I didn't know if it was you diving that cherub or not

    8. Swirling and diving

    9. Crackling as they wove through the air, the threads of light closed in on the meteor, diving into its fiery tail

    10. It simply fell, spinning and diving until it hit the ground and exploded

    11. She missed his diving frame and hit a statue instead

    12. Slow diving distantly into the ocean

    13. But he was looking out to sea, where many cormorants were diving in the water

    14. Its head moved clockwise around his lips and dipped into his mouth, similarly to how a child tests the water with their toes before diving in

    15. The part about diving to find Andrastus, this was new, however

    16. I fired but he was already diving for the hole but I saw him grab his chest as he disappeared

    17. The pressure in his head increased to something which made him feel as if he was diving at crushing depths

    18. Despite the August heat, it was cool down by the water—there was a steady, southeasterly breeze, and the gulls and sandpipers were swooping and diving around them, laughing merrily amongst themselves

    19. Years later when I did some SCUBA diving the Diving Instructor told us the same

    20. Then darting forward, each tiny creature unloaded its precious bubble of oxygen into the fine structure, the water frothing as their small bodies flitted hither and thither, diving this way and that

    21. The mouse, though quick, had made the mistake of diving headlong for cover

    22. Diving swiftly into the deep, icy water, she plunged her head under, massaging her tired scalp with long, strong fingers

    23. She and Melchior had passed pleasant times swimming and diving there

    24. Diving into the sea, Piers rolled over and over, splashing and swirling his legs in the cold water

    25. Twisting, turning, rolling, diving and climbing, and all the while it was dog eat dog

    26. Diving in, seek a target, who needs help? But then it was all over again

    27. diving as they engaged the nasty biting beasties

    28. Suddenly the air was filled with swooping diving

    29. The marbled murrelet is a diving seabird that has sued the Pacific Lumber and the 9th Circuit Court decided that the lumber company had to stop logging

    30. Sitting quietly eating a plate of fruit I was suddenly startled to see several large Koi flying through the air, flapping like a flock of pigeons before diving back into the water only to leap out again

    31. bull ring pounced across the room, diving at Cloud

    32. remembered was diving off the apartment building and swimming toward the pile of

    33. I didn't even realize that the monster was diving towards me until Mana jumped out between us

    34. Jaden follows behind the nose diving shark with two passengers as it flies by debris, strings of seaweed and through billions of bubbles of salty water

    35. He kept diving in and climbing out, over and over

    36. “One for the road!” He yells while he puts his hands in front of him as if he is diving

    37. IT’S hard to beat the enjoyment of scuba diving in the Gulf of

    38. watching as it bounced back and forth like a spring-mounted diving board

    39. The marbled murrelet is a diving seabird that has sued the Pacific Lumber and the 9th Circuit Court decided that the lumber company had to stop logging on 65 acres and also had to pay the legal expenses of $1

    40. Is it really possible that a company can be sued by a diving seabird and found guilty? It is also time for us to consider the impeachment and removal of court judges

    41. having the SEALs and Marines enter the aft ends of the diving chambers

    42. a vacuum was drawn within the diving chamber

    43. Great flocks of birds winged overhead through the branches of the great trees, with an occasional raptor diving after prey

    44. Diving Bell and the Butterfly

    45. one advantage of diving into the canal, was that the canal

    46. Frederick held the dive while rolling left and right in a modified diving jink

    47. To enhance port security skills and operations, Coast Guard personnel have trained at Army and Marine bases and Navy diving schools

    48. knew, the diving knives were still secured in one of the storage

    49. The crew had sharpened two of the diving knives,

    50. broke into a run toward the stern of the ship, diving into the

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    dive nose dive nosedive diving honkytonk plunge plunk bar night club café cabaret coffee shop beer garden fall lunge jump leap plummet submerge disappear