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    Usa "diverted" in una frase

    diverted frasi di esempio


    1. He could do it at a time when the presentation was getting loud, and everyone had their attention diverted

    2. ’ Angie commented, diverted from the subject of the hotel

    3. “Whatever ship this is, they have been trying to close with us for years by now, if it is Pink Dawn diverted to intercept us, or if it is Curitiba or even Al-Harron turned around to intercept us

    4. The thing that made him most confident he was on the right track, this had all started happening as soon as they were diverted to the Kuiper Belt

    5. He refused to give him up, diverted their attention to other possible avenues and gave long lectures on investigative technique and the protocols under which his department operates

    6. Just before the gate, she diverted off the course path, and set off across the high grass, to the copper rock, near the ponds edge

    7. She diverted her thoughts, to the problem at hand

    8. A certain quantity of materials, and the labour of a certain number of workmen, both of which might have been immediately employed to augment the food, clothing, and lodging, the subsistence and conveniencies of the society, are thus diverted to another employment, highly advantageous indeed, but still different from this one

    9. Were it possible, as perhaps it is not, to establish this intercourse universally, and all at once ; were it possible to turn all at once the whole farming stock of the kingdom to its proper business, the cultivation of land, withdrawing it from every other employment into which any part of it may be at present diverted; and were it possible, in order to support and assist, upon occasion, the operations of this great stock, to provide all at once another stock almost equally great; it is not, perhaps, very easy to imagine how great, how extensive, and how sudden, would be the improvement which this change of circumstances would alone produce upon the whole face of the country

    10. The labour of the English colonies, therefore, being more employed in the improvement and cultivation of land, is likely to afford a greater and more valuable produce than that of any of the other three nations, which, by the engrossing of land, is more or less diverted towards other employments

    11. Scott diverted his trajectory down toward Josh

    12. His HUD told him there was in effect no fuel left in the tank, power was being diverted to essential systems

    13. The revenue of every established church, such parts of it excepted as may arise from particular lands or manors, is a branch, it ought to be observed, of the general revenue of the state, which is thus diverted to a purpose very different from the defence of the state

    14. The object of his scheme was to promote all the different branches of foreign trade, particularly the carrying trade, by taking away all duties upon importation and exportation, and thereby enabling the merchant to employ his whole capital and credit in the purchase of goods and the freight of ships, no part of either being diverted towards the advancing of taxes, The project, however, of taxing, in this manner, goods of immediate or speedy consumption, seems liable to the four following very important objections

    15. somewhat diverted by her circle of friends and had followed her

    16. Raven saw a chance and knew he should attack Khan while his attention was diverted, but he could not think of what to do

    17. The shields absorbed and diverted much of the onslaught, but even still, some of the energy from

    18. With their attention diverted, perhaps, just maybe, I would be able to sneak in from behind enemy lines

    19. Larkey’s quarters to stash the gold, and his attention became diverted elsewhere

    20. diverted to a mall, and found a café court, where she had pasta and I ate Chinese

    21. Perhaps they had a chance after all, they might be able to escape back through the labyrinth while the defenders attention was diverted with what was happening at the rear of the sett

    22. A lot of the river went past, but a small amount must be diverted into the ground here

    23. Some of his own cabinet diverted (in other words, stole) weapons and ammunition, sending it to secessionists

    24. Suspects often gave inaccurate information, telling their abusers whatever they could think of to stop the torture, leading to resources diverted to stopping attacks that were never going to happen

    25. They looked up and diverted towards him

    26. She diverted hers, provoking a sneer

    27. No amount of reasoning that he had acted for the general good, that he had diverted a future disaster, held any comfort for him

    28. It was as if it had remembered something of great importance, or its attention was suddenly diverted elsewhere

    29. I have diverted them with a task, and for that I humbly apologize

    30. Tens of billions of gallons of water have been diverted away from farmers and the water is

    31. River were diverted away from Albuquerque

    32. Vera diverted her attention from the oven

    33. As we neared the city, which I noticed had spread out quite a bit to the east and southwest since my previous visit, we were met by sentries who diverted us around the city to a huge encampment to the south

    34. Attention diverted from them as thoroughly as if they had sunk into the stone itself

    35. Palin and the inept conduct of the Republican campaign diverted what scant attention there was away from the true nature of Obama’s background and makeup

    36. One test assumes a building engineer who discovers toxic gas in a school’s forced air heating system that would kill five children in a room if not diverted

    37. other investigators uncovered millions of dollars that had been diverted

    38. diverted from the find to pay for costs that should have been covered by

    39. ” At the very last possible moment our household goods were diverted from New Orleans to Pascagoula, a move for which I, as a new government hire had to pay for

    40. Swinney diverted attention away from Nick’s comment and Jesse was relieved to hear conversation resume

    41. instantaneously diverted any more of my

    42. Diverted in a split second

    43. Moshe had felt it too, but his attention had been diverted

    44. Moshe’s attention was diverted by Rimmon’s return with Korah in tow

    45. We got some TAC air diverted to him, but the weather was going sour

    46. Moshe's attention was diverted by Rimmon's return with Korah in tow

    47. At that moment, a young woman, face diverted toward the

    48. Parenthetically, outside attempts to aid the suffering population in North Korea are diverted to maintain the army

    49. obsidian structure, until his gaze was diverted to the roof of the

    50. diverted back to the house as a stampede of feet came from

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