Usa "divinity" in una frase
divinity frasi di esempio
1. The result is something altogether other, and God so identifies with that corporate entity that He actually seems to indicate that it has Divinity
2. ―Inspiration‖ comes when we erase those old memories and reconnect with our source (Divinity)
3. Ho‘oponopono is used to erase those memories and reconnect with Divinity
4. She could take that as proof of the Divinity of Jesus
5. But still the fact that he was not here strengthened her faith in the divinity of Jesus
6. turned their beliefs to divinity from fear to love
7. The idea of a good divinity was not just new
8. As for a good-hearted divinity, the Greek
9. proves could be vindicated by divinity (faith)”
10. Divinity itself is conceived on the base of
11. All offerings to his divinity were promptly removed from the site as per the Concordat
12. Divinity is found in the universal code within us all
13. Some believe in a creator God or Divinity that created and continues to create the real world
14. the divinity in me recognizes the divinity
15. In religion, it is the personification of God that is ordinarily worshipped, not the Godhead (divinity) of God
16. Deep within all of us lies an inner knowing and it speaks of divinity
17. The veil separating this physical plane and the unseen higher realm is slowly being lifted, and all the changes, including our changing biology are helping us to be closer to our divinity and carry more energy within us
18. The privileges of graduates in arts, in law, physic, and divinity, when they can be obtained only by residing a certain number of years in certain universities, necessarily force a certain number of students to such universities, independent of the merit or reputation of the teachers
19. The de-emphasizing of Christ‘s Divinity by nominal ―Christians,‖ (Protestants and sadly, Catholics alike), stressing His good works and moral teachings (only); that is to say, His ―Humanism‖ in contrast with His Divinity, is troubling to traditional believers who correctly understand that without the Resurrection, the redemption of sin occasioned by His own self-sacrifice is meaningless
20. Was he being asked to be more than mere Faery, more than mere Human? Would he have to take on the mantle of Divinity itself in order to teach this girl, spend time in her sweet presence, keep his hands off her, avoid reaching for her those soft, luscious lips
21. It was as if a small trickle of divinity flowed through the essence of God made manifest; the air, earth and water resonating with godly purpose and sacrosanct silence
22. I can conceive of no explanation for the failure of my drowning save the intervention of some hostile divinity, gleeful to see me suffer more
23. If God had left a provable trace of his divinity within the re-creation of himself in Jesus, the game would have been over
24. Gnosticism has a False God, Jehovah, who rules this physical world, with their Higher Divinity in charge of the spiritual cosmos
25. Then we have the generation that fell away, before the God of secular necessity, the emperors who had insisted on recognition of their own asserted divinity
26. They incorporated into their system “stars” that represented the “spark of divinity” within chosen individuals that represented some level of Godhood
27. “I was ordained a minister at 17, put myself through undergraduate school and divinity school, through Harvard, then a congregation
28. To know is the province of Divinity
29. Pantheism can become atheist -atheistic pantheism-; but not panentheism, which is a more complex understanding of God, the divinity, as one, omnipresent and omniscient
30. He made Him perfect and gave Him double divinity; He was flawless, exalted among Them; perfect were His members beyond measure, impossible to understand, difficult to perceive; four were His eyes; four were His ears; when He moved His lips, fire escaped them; great were His hearing organs and His eyes, in equal number, scrutinized everything
31. He was quite literally an evangelist, despite not having done well in divinity school, earlier in his career
32. He forgot congregational worries and spiritual problems; the years slipped away from him; he was a young divinity student again and the roses of June were blooming red and fragrant on the dark, queenly head of his Cecilia
33. After all, there WAS a certain divinity hedging a minister, even a poor, unworldly, abstracted one
34. Ultimately, Socrates was tried for corrupting the youth and believing in one god who did good, certainly a divinity different than the gods of Athens
35. The consciousness of infinite divinity
36. The hearts will open for the moments of divinity
37. The hearts will open for the moments of divinity,
38. Knowing the Truth, feeling the divinity,
39. Of Love of passion and an absolute divinity
40. Being the same in Divinity!
41. In the days of Energies of Spirit, Divinity and Earth
42. These four major holy days have been referred to as “fire festivals” for at least the last hundred years or so, because (1) to the ancient Celts, as with all the Indo-European Paleopagans, fire was a physical symbol of divinity, holiness, truth, and beauty; (2) fires play important roles in the traditional customs associated with these festivals; and (3) several early Celtic scholars called them that
43. claimed to be divinity
44. 6 "This is he who promised you majesty and divinity
45. Where, then, is the beauty that was on him? Where is his divinity? Where is his light? Where is the glory that rested on him?
46. 6 Then God said to him, "O Adam, see, he is lord and master of all you have, he who said, he would give you divinity
47. The divinity was almost too beautiful to bear as I looked at the twinkling sparkles that encompassed the hand that had entered the brilliant radiance
48. It is only His divinity that brought him through it alive and sane
49. fully realized man conscious of his divinity (swarupa) is hard to
50. The Divinity of History gifted you with this fate, before we met