This increases the stretch of the dorsal muscles while you are performing the deep breathing
Because it calls into play the deep muscles of the dorsal and lumbar region, the spine is strengthened and made more flexible
Lord Dorsal was master of Sea Hold; his people built the large fishing ships that fished the large seas and provided food for the different Holds
Then Lord Dorsal threw his head back and roared once more
When the lovely lady was satisfied that the table was ready she turned and nodded towards Lord Dorsal
They now understood the story of Lord Dorsal and his beloved
“So, is this the young pup that has caught my daughter’s attention,” Lord Dorsal bellowed to Lord Tarak across the table
Lord Dorsal stood and took Alexei’s forearm in a meeting of equals; both men grinned
The sea held some of the strangest mammals on the planet; Lord Dorsal was fond of all of them, but especially the behemoth of the seas, the Balenus
Lord Dorsal explained that he did not enjoy hunting these magnificent creatures, but one of these would feed an entire town for the winter
Lord Dorsal turned to his mate and nodded and she excused herself for a moment
Lord Dorsal opened the box and withdrew the contents
Dorsal couldn’t have known that they were dead, but all the same the gift was deeply appreciated by Tarak
Sure enough, as they entered the room Lord Dorsal swept Rayne off her feet and made for the dance floor
Then she dove in and joined Dorsal matching his movements step for step
Rayne leaned in and said in a sultry voice, “Maybe I did the hunting, Lord Dorsal
In a low voice Dorsal declared, “Only now do I realize that you two have already joined as one
She then looked at Lord Dorsal with such love in her eyes that it was almost a living thing
“My Queen,” Lord Dorsal interrupted, “it is winter here
Lord Dorsal smiled and raised his hands, “End of problem!”
Lord Dorsal and his platoon found Boras’ men and surrounded them
Nereus spun and expanded, turning into a killer whale, but I grabbed his dorsal fin as he burst out of the water
Just before the Smug came up, Fishmael retreated below to his cabin, like a snail illuminated with that star's salt, retreating back into its shell, and locked the door, having left orders for the navigation of the ship with Jerry, who manned the helm, and orders for Mungo to stay aloft in the crow's nest on the look our for anything pale and fish-like, be it tail-fin or dorsal
It will rest against the inner surface of your lower dorsal spine and will be held in place by composite pins and brackets
Only the shout of alarm from a dorsal gunner in one of the BETTYs finally told the leader of the bomber group that he was under attack
The B-26 gunners fired back from their dorsal and tail turret guns but had little chance against the jet fighters and their cannons
Some 23mm tracer shells from the dorsal turret of the bomber she was now targeting went by, missing her aircraft by a wide margin
To enter the suit, one had to open the large dorsal rectangular hatch that also supported the life support systems backpack and then literally jump inside before closing back the hatch
Going to the semi-rigid spacesuit kept suspended on a special stand, Ingrid opened the dorsal hatch and, grabbing the support bar of the stand with both hands, flexed her knees and got feet first in the spacesuit
With her whole body now inside the spacesuit, she walked backward a couple of paces, freeing her spacesuit from its supporting stand, then cautiously stood against a wall, thus forcing closed the dorsal hatch
The two technicians then pulled on the two knobs at the base of her suit’s backpack and opened for her the dorsal access hatch while the CBS cameramen filmed the scene
Two Air Force technicians again helped her as she got into her spacesuit and connected her headset and other suit systems inside, then closed the dorsal hatch and secured it
back through the water towards the rowing boat, its hard grey dorsal fin cutting through the
Memory of odor to recall certain events is send as smell signal to the left dorsal prefrontal cortex to be stored as memory
Tape a cup in their hand and tape a flexible straw to the dorsal surface of their forearm with the joint of the straw aligned with their wrist joint
having an orange dorsal fin and an orange horizontal band near the lateral line
dorsal and lateral line band will be black
band on the dorsal fin and near the lateral line
Males will have an orange or yellow dorsal fin
The dorsal and anal fins will grow past
They have a "false eye" towards the back of the dorsal fin
They are striped white and black with yellow dorsal and caudal fins along with the
is covered in small white spots that are more easily seen on the dorsal, pelvic, anal and caudal
be a much longer second dorsal fin on males
Gender : Females have the black spot on the dorsal fin, whereas males may not have the black
They are a brilliant blue color with a black outline along the bottom of the dorsal fin and around
their dorsal and pectoral fins in unison, perhaps for stability
venomous dorsal spines so you'll need to use caution when using a net to catch them
venomous dorsal spines and so should the hobbyist
The dorsal fins on this fish are venomous so we need to handle them with care
They have a brown body with brown and yellow dorsal
Some fish even have two dorsal fins
“It’s a White Tip,” John had said, looking up at the creature’s dorsal fin, as if to confirm his point
It is a creature of monstrous proportions, of metal and agony, with two bright eyes that shine at the front of its person and two dorsal constructs that flash the colors of pain and serenity overhead
Rising to her feet in a fit of agony caused not by pain but sorrow, fear and just, Mary stumbles out of the high grass and back onto the road to find the police car still standing in place, its dorsal lights still shining and its eyes still beaming into the distance
dorsal rather than the ventral aspect of the frame, and speak in a major key, pass the
Cavorting around the Nautiluswas a school of triggerfish with flat bodies, grainy skins, armed with stings on their dorsal fins, and with four prickly rows of quills quivering on both sides of their tails
From the eighty–ninth fish genus in Lacépède's system of classification, belonging to his second subclass of bony fish (characterized by gill covers and a bronchial membrane), I noted some scorpionfish whose heads are adorned with stings and which have only one dorsal fin; these animals are covered with small scales, or have none at all, depending on the subgenus to which they belong
From such slender threads hang the destinies of nations! I also observed some wonderful snappers belonging to the order Lutianida, sacred fish for the Greeks, who claimed they could drive off sea monsters from the waters they frequent; their Greek name anthias means "flower," and they live up to it in the play of their colors and in those fleeting reflections that turn their dorsal fins into watered silk; their hues are confined to a gamut of reds, from the pallor of pink to the glow of ruby
These were tuna from the genus Scomber, blue–black on top, silver on the belly armor, their dorsal stripes giving off a golden gleam
There were whitish eels of the species Gymnotus fasciatus that passed like elusive wisps of steam, conger eels three to four meters long that were tricked out in green, blue, and yellow, three–foot hake with a liver that makes a dainty morsel, wormfish drifting like thin seaweed, sea robins that poets call lyrefish and seamen pipers and whose snouts have two jagged triangular plates shaped like old Homer's lyre, swallowfish swimming as fast as the bird they're named after, redheaded groupers whose dorsal fins are trimmed with filaments, some shad (spotted with black, gray, brown, blue, yellow, and green) that actually respond to tinkling handbells, splendid diamond–shaped turbot that were like aquatic pheasants with yellowish fins stippled in brown and the left topside mostly marbled in brown and yellow, finally schools of wonderful red mullet, real oceanic birds of paradise that ancient Romans bought for as much as 10,000 sesterces apiece, and which they killed at the table, so they could heartlessly watch it change color from cinnabar red when alive to pallid white when dead
"Those animals are only members of the genus Balaenoptera furnished with dorsal fins, and like sperm whales, they're generally smaller than the bowhead whale
During our crossing I saw numerous baleen whales belonging to the three species unique to these southernmost seas: the bowhead whale (or "right whale," according to the English), which has no dorsal fin; the humpback whale from the genus Balaenoptera (in other words, "winged whales"), beasts with wrinkled bellies and huge whitish fins that, genus name regardless, do not yet form wings; and the finback whale, yellowish brown, the swiftest of all cetaceans
I'll finish up this catalog, a little dry but quite accurate, with the series of bony fish I observed: eels belonging to the genus Apteronotus whose snow–white snout is very blunt, the body painted a handsome black and armed with a very long, slender, fleshy whip; long sardines from the genus Odontognathus, like three–decimeter pike, shining with a bright silver glow; Guaranian mackerel furnished with two anal fins; black–tinted rudderfish that you catch by using torches, fish measuring two meters and boasting white, firm, plump meat that, when fresh, tastes like eel, when dried, like smoked salmon; semired wrasse sporting scales only at the bases of their dorsal and anal fins; grunts on which gold and silver mingle their luster with that of ruby and topaz; yellow–tailed gilthead whose flesh is extremely dainty and whose phosphorescent properties give them away in the midst of the waters; porgies tinted orange, with slender tongues; croakers with gold caudal fins; black surgeonfish; four–eyed fish from Surinam, etc
existence in reiterated coition, lured by the smell of the inferiorly pulchritudinous fumale possessing extendified pudendal nerve in dorsal region
Great slate-colored backs and high serrated dorsal fins shot up with a fringe of silver, and then rolled down into the depths again
to the nearest station, and driving across that elevated dorsal line of South Wessex which divided him from his Tess's home
activity in the dorsal striatum: implications for alcohol drinking behavior
in the dorsal striatum and their synaptic relationships with motor corticostriatal afferents
Fuchs RA, Eaddy JL, Su Z et al (2007) Interactions of the basolateral amygdala with the dorsal
in the NAc and dorsal
sensitivity of 5-HT1A receptors located in the dorsal raphe (Rasmussen and
recent study suggested that mGluR8 mRNA levels in the NAc and dorsal striatum
escalated animals would show increased dopaminergic responsiveness in dorsal,
in the dorsal striatum correlated with higher scores of severity (Volkow et al
exhibited greater craving-related activation in the dorsal striatum, a region related to
provided evidence that DA in the dorsal striatum (region implicated in habit learning
Interestingly, during the latter condition, dorsal ACC and dorsolateral
And then, every morning, he sets himself afresh to the task of earning his bread; and while his hands earn his bread, his dorsal column gains pride, his brain gathers ideas
The stranger inserted his two hands in both his fobs, drew himself up without straightening his dorsal column, but scrutinizing Marius in his turn, with the green gaze of his spectacles
It is reported to be able to swim up the urethra of a person urinating in the water—where it gets stuck by its dorsal spine
He has a peculiar way of showing his dorsal hooked fin in swimming, which looks something like a Roman nose
Head black above, cheeks and gills olivaceous, back blackish olive, sides olivaceous, lower parts olive gray; a black ring at the base of the tail; lateral line ascending upwards at the base, tail forked, dorsal and anal fins with nine rays
A specimen within my view has five dorsal series, of alternate, irregularly orbicular black spots, those of the intermediate series are obsolete, and slightly connected across the back, those of the vertebral series have not red centres, and are edged with a white line; the ventral spots are disposed adventitiously, so as not to be traced into longitudinal series; they are large, black, irregularly orbicular, and occupy about one half of the surface, which is white
The younger specimens vary considerably, in being, on many parts of the body, destitute of black punctures, and in having the dorsal and ventral colour, of the same pale orange