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    Usa "drawers" in una frase

    drawers frasi di esempio


    1. Not finding what it was he was looking for, Henry dumped the massive pile back onto his desk and started opening his desk drawers, banging his elbow on the cubicle wall behind him

    2. He left all his drawers open and all over the walls were fliers, notebook doodles, and movie ticket stubs

    3. Cockroaches have are hiding (attic, inside walls, drawers, cabinet, car port, as good a memory as ants

    4. On the chest of drawers on the other side of the room is a studio photograph of a woman

    5. He jumped up and started tearing out drawers in search of a murder weapon

    6. Without comment, he pushed across a sheet of paper for her to write on; she waited while he dug in one of the drawers for a pen that worked

    7. the drawers where he kept the Travel Device

    8. The room was dimly lit in an eerie dark green with nothing but drawers full of zombies in its walls

    9. On the left side were two drawers and a small cabinet below them

    10. “The drawers are for whatever you need to pack away that may be fragile,” said Titania, pulling one open to reveal a padded lining

    11. On the side facing the drawers and cabinet of the trunk was an embroidered stiff curtain which could be untethered at the bottom and pulled over the top of the trunk's side

    12. ” Pengem said, “I keep the current year as active files here in the drawers, I rotate the old year out to the building bale and put the new stuff in every week

    13. She went around picking up drawers full of the little cards they used for personnel records, giving him some to look at, keeping some for herself

    14. "I'll have to look," she started going thru some drawers

    15. Then Gogo took a shoebox out of her chest of drawers, opened it and grabbed a handful of what looked like cotton candy

    16. The debtors of such a bank as that whose conduct I have been giving some account of were likely, the greater part of them, to be chimerical projectors, the drawers and redrawers of circulating bills of exchange, who would employ the money in extravagant undertakings, which, with all the assistance that could be given them, they would probably never be able to complete, and which, if they should be completed, would never repay the expense which they had really cost, would never afford a fund capable of maintaining a quantity of labour equal to that which had been employed about them

    17. She searched through drawers,

    18. Pulls out drawers and throws the contents around

    19. As soon as he heard his uncle walking away from the door, he opened one of the drawers in his closet

    20. Each case must have had several thousand tiny drawers

    21. Sebastian threw Russell’s towel into his face before running back into the bedroom, grabbing clothing out of the drawers and tossing them on the bed

    22. He yanked open the doors and drawers and started tossing things out of them

    23. Drawers were emptied, cushions slashed open

    24. I started at the nearest desk and went quickly through the drawers

    25. The rest of the drawers were filled with extra paper, erasers, pencils and mailing items

    26. Entering the hot atmosphere of the server room, she crossed to the nearest terminal, where she sat down and pulled out the paper-clip tray above the nested drawers to the right of her knees

    27. She grabbed it, then rummaged through the drawers

    28. They have no more rights under labour law than you or me and being salary drawers their job security is non-extent and they are also enslaved in company loans etc

    29. Although I agree that gun licenses should not be issued arbitrarily and only under extraordinary circumstances, isn‘t reasonable to assume that the vast majority of individuals willing to surrender their ―weapons‖, that are (otherwise) gathering dust inside clothes closets, dresser drawers and kitchen cupboards, or stuffed inside a sock, for that matter, represent a small minority of law-abiding citizens who, in any event, would be unlikely to use them, unless pressed, unlike hardened criminal elements in the community who wouldn‘t give a second thought to surrendering the tools of their trade unless they were compelled to do so? A fifty-dollar gift certificate from Macys is insufficient compensation for the criminally-minded

    30. Searching the kitchen drawers they found two rolls of cling-film and returned to the study

    31. “Sicarius?” Amaranthe asked as she poked through desk drawers in the bettors’ cage

    32. Holstering his weapon, he began a thorough search of Booker’s study, pulling books from the shelves and emptying drawers onto the floor, adding to the mess that Booker had made when he’d left

    33. They have no more rights under labour law than you or me and being salary drawers their job security is non-existent and they are also enslaved in company loans etc

    34. After rinsing his mouth he made his way back to the bedroom and sat at the desk, rummaging around in the drawers until he found some paper and a pencil

    35. One by one, she went through the drawers, leaving them open or spilled, until finally she was successful

    36. I was up in the bedroom, sorting out my undies drawers - something I’d been meaning to do for a long time - when I heard Terry shout

    37. Ferguson searched through the drawers of his desk for some time before he pulled out some well-worn envelopes that had been clipped together

    38. Elsewhere, drawers and closets had been emptied and his remaining personal effects folded and packed into boxes

    39. Then he grinned bigger as he understood that I had practically just crapped my drawers

    40. Old boy straight up had his drawers questionably low to his knees, with red and black boxers rockin’, which I wished I didn’t know about

    41. I didn’t need to see another dudes drawers – is all I’m saying

    42. Later, when I return to the dormitory, Edward’s bunk is stripped clean and his drawers are open, empty

    43. ” He moves with me, toward the dresser, but I carefully shift so that I stand between him and the drawers

    44. Her hand hovers over one of the low drawers

    45. He went to the kitchen and searched the drawers

    46. He stared down at the empty desktop and tried the drawers

    47. The first had to be for company because it had nothing in any of the drawers

    48. Joey started pulling pictures off the walls and opening drawers

    49. She opened a few of the drawers

    50. Neida, unwilling as a robot or a zombie, addressed the small drawers

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