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    Usa "drawn-out" in una frase

    drawn-out frasi di esempio


    1. When the meal was served, she quickly attacked her plate without missing a beat in her drawn-out business description, and continued on with the same through the dessert afterwards

    2. Then when the geno-treatment finally failed, and his mind fading to the confusion of too many memories; dying in the drawn-out way latterly so common

    3. With a screech so drawn-out, long and loud it seemed as if the wood

    4. likely for the South to consider a long and drawn-out insurgency that would offer the best chance for independence, however long

    5. This was a long and drawn-out debate, which

    6. Then there was a sudden, drawn-out, silence

    7. Eventually he gave up on the conundrum, accepted the evidence of his own eyes and gave a long drawn-out yawn

    8. mountain with one long, drawn-out wail after another

    9. A long drawn-out scream resounded over the land and then was gone, and she found herself standing on the ground with both hands stretched out from her, but in front of her, the pillar of darkness was gone

    10. But having these very vivid and drawn-out flash backs (lasting

    11. system, rather than a drawn-out legal process that also has the potential for

    12. The moral of this drawn-out and somewhat twisted tale is… “Uuuhh

    13. And now, even though Bianca is allowed to finally witness the last act of humanity’s drawn-out play, she wishes she’d instead chewed the cyanide capsule when she had the chance; anything would be better than this mocking laughter!

    14. With pause, Richard let out a roar and bit down on the Scientist’s outreached finger, letting go when the shouting changed in pitch to a long drawn-out scream

    15. But a long, drawn-out process is difficult for Sagittarians

    16. Ever since I started believing in ‗Reincarnation‘ (1) over fifty years ago, I have not feared death; but I was still afraid of dying, still resisted a long, drawn-out and painful death

    17. Mitchell could sense his reluctance, in the drawn-out pause

    18. drawn-out sniff, a connoisseur at a trough of scent

    19. “Oh, my,” she said as if overwhelmed by the task of recounting a long and drawn-out storyline

    20. Lenny sank lower and lower, and trying to stay awake and standing was a long, drawn-out hellish nightmare

    21. S; ironically, in long drawn-out ground wars, it’s this sensitivity to life that’s the Achilles’ heel of the American military might

    22. Thus, the retaliation of drawn-out custody battles, which can seldom be successfully funded by the mothers, is an effective surety for continual sexual abuse of children who so often are getting tossed right back into the fondling hands of their abusers, by the courts

    23. With a fearsome, deep throated sound it prepared itself for the frightful leap, and yet our self- assured officer bellowed in a long-drawn-out voice that sounded like the rumble of thunder: ‘Bullets!’ Miraculously, the beast became calm once again and squatted on its haunches, while our officer continued to smoke, utterly contented and totally in control of the strange situation in which he found himself

    24. “Tonight this long, drawn-out story comes to an end,” he said, smiling

    25. There was a long, drawn-out silence

    26. That was the beginning of a long drawn-out battle, with many ups and downs, the doctors all agreeing that there was no chance for a cure, though they encouraged and cheered us the best they could

    27. Since then there had been no intercourse with Glambeck, and the Baroness did not know of the satisfactory turn things had taken at the parsonage till on Christmas Eve, from her gallery in church to which she and the Baron had decided to return on the greater festivals as a mark of their awareness that Herr Dremmel desired to make amends, she beheld during the drawn-out verses of the chorale Ingeborg drop sideways on the seat in her pew below and remain motionless and bunched up, her hymn-book pushed crooked on the desk in front of her, and her attitude one of complete indifference to appearances

    28. The rain rained on the ivy with a drawn-out dull dripping

    29. She couldn't bear them while they were going on, and she couldn't bear the exhaustion of the long drawn-out making up at the end

    30. They are long, drawn-out marks, much like what one would expect when dragging their shoes through the mud

    31. After a single drawn-out convulsion, her foe’s body flopped lifelessly and remained still

    32. be a long, drawn-out torture, and the strongest of you may survive

    33. As if expecting it, she hopped over, wrapped her arms around Big Jim, and kissed him in a long, drawn-out manner, motioning to the boys at the inn and asking, “Where’s the girl?”

    34. then came up with a drawn-out aaahhh of pure pleasure

    35. They both had realized, belatedly, that their drawn-out love affair, which they had imagined to be a private drama, had been entertaining the citizens of Kingsbridge for years, and everyone wanted to celebrate its happy ending

    36. The healers were less confident about Sir Lywys Audhaimyr’s survival, and Thirsk wondered if it might not be more merciful of them to grant him Pasquale’s Grace rather than put him through the long, drawn-out suffering of recovery only to deliver him to the Inquisition

    37. ) What sort of signal does a college diploma send to a potential employer? That its holder is willing and able to complete all sorts of drawn-out, convoluted tasks—and, as a new employee, isn’t likely to bolt at the first sign of friction

    38. There was a second, more drawn-out sneeze, definitely female, followed by an unforgettable grinding of large gears and winches

    39. WE WEREN’T BACK in the car for five seconds before I was pressing my palms against Molinari’s in an exhilarated, drawn-out high five

    40. But in between America saw assassinations, violent clashes over civil rights, and the long drawn-out agony of Vietnam

    41. In 1969 and 1974, a few of these phony, drawn-out rallies lasted up to 15 weeks

    42. Meanwhile the candle end was going out, its fading light, falling straight upon Pseldonimov's profile, threw a colossal shadow of it on the wall, with a drawn-out neck, a hooked nose, and with two tufts of hair sticking out on his forehead and the back of his head

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