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    Usa "drive a car" in una frase

    drive a car frasi di esempio

    drive a car

    1. You’d have to be crazy to drive a car along here

    2. I actually find this hard to believe knowing how rotten and evil the priests at Don Bosco were but they actually let students in their senior year drive their cars to the campus and I actually got to drive a car there a few times

    3. Walk behind, don"t go out of the house without a male relative escort, don"t drive a car, don"t get an education, but always be prepared to be one of the seventy virgins supplying sex and figs to the glorious martyrs

    4. We could, after all, require that people not drive a car until it meets emission specifications, maybe even requiring that engines be replaced with newer, clean engines or scrapping the old cars

    5. drive a car, you are subjected to the laws of mechanics and

    6. able to safely drive a car by the time I’m 50

    7. Ijyu already knew how to drive a car, so he only needed some identification documents

    8. We wouldn't let our kids drive a car or cook a meal just yet, and we won't let them watch television by themselves either

    9. “Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication,” can be found on Boot’s Children Cough Medicine

    10. Brown’s house and it was still considered improper for a lady to drive a car

    11. You are probably fortunate to not have to listen to the defunct radio broadcast because had you been able to hear it, you wouldn’t have been able to drive a car for three hours afterward

    12. There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that states that each of us has a right to drive a car or SUV

    13. There were any number of things he would be able to do when he was older, so they said – like ride a two wheeled bike, use the computer thing, have a glass of wine, go swimming on his own, drive a car – things like that

    14. Marian never learned to drive a car

    15. When there are floods this lane disappears, and when the floods have subsided it is black and oozing for a long time afterwards, with clouds of tiny flies dancing about in it if the weather is at all warm, and the shoes of those who walk stick in it and come off, and those who drive, especially if they drive a car, have trouble

    16. You can drive a car without being able to build one

    17. Ca could not drive a car, so he asked if Tuong could come along, Grimes agreed and the strategy was put in place

    18. buying a manual on how to drive a car, but the section on highway laws has been left out

    19. Learn well and remember forever: only one-and-only important event happens in your Life at the moment of any of your innumerable “Deaths” — you still continue to live!, Nothing happens “personally” to you, except your current actions (whether you drive a car, read a book, sleep, watch TV) — there are no dramas, tragedies, tears, blood, maimed bodies and all other attributes observed in their rotation Cycles by those who continue to perceive themselves in the inertial dynamics of those Formo-systems of Worlds, from which you have just refocused! Every next instant of your Life is based on new Information, new Understanding, new Experience inherited from the realizational Information initially included in the previous moment, which could be accompanied by “your Death”

    20. If you are too lazy to walk to a store and would rather drive a car; then you are just as addicted to the power of your car, just as a president is addicted to his power

    21. He did not drive a car any more

    22. He could no longer drive a car

    23. You will not be allowed to drive a car or move around freely

    24. The harder it is to drive a car, the more challenging it is, the more difficult, the more dangerous and the more aware you are of that danger… the less accidents you have

    25. Consumers cannot stand to drive a car that is not as immaculately new and as expensive as possible

    26. You cannot buy, and own, and drive a car: unless you are a rich robber-baron consumer who can afford the insurance, the registration, the cost of repairs, the gas, and the exorbitant cost of the car itself

    27. That means the character can drive a car or ride a horse and shoot

    28. He could no more fly an airplane with his straps unbuckled than he could drive a car without a seat belt

    29. So how old do you have to be to become an instructor?” Eighteen seemed insanely young to Cami, but if they could drive a car at sixteen, why not, she decided

    30. “Dom, I can't even drive a car with backing it into a tree

    31. Hinckley is allowed to drive a car but not to talk to the media

    32. Every couple of years a drunk peasant would drive a cart through the rail and kill himself and his horse in the river

    33. The conversation carried on like this through our starters (smoked salmon for Lily, salad for Mrs Traynor and me), stalling and moving forward in fits and starts, like someone learning to drive a car

    34. 'There doesn't seem anyone left at home who can drive a car

    35. Because you drive a car, you haven't seen any of this stuff for years

    36. First you learned to walk, then drink from a cup with no safety top, then speak in complete sentences, then drive a car, then ditch classes, and now you’re about to buy your first shares of stock

    37. Even I know better than to drive a car near trouble, particularly Rocinante, with New York license plates

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