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    Usa "drive in" in una frase

    drive in frasi di esempio

    drive in

    1. The next batter came up, swung and missed the first two pitches, then hit a line drive into right field for a single

    2. parking shiny cars on the drive in the solid flesh of the suburban myth

    3. Travellers five and six get to drive in a ten year old car,

    4. The drive in the police car had been very comfortable

    5. ‘You can’t drive in to Riomaggiore,’ said a guard

    6. barrier said we’re not allowed to drive in to town

    7. ‘Is it allowed to drive into town?’ she asked, in

    8. okay for us to drive into town

    9. Within a few generations the drive in males to dominate had died out because it had no reproductive advantage

    10. “Three days! And when I try to drive into his head that God will

    11. He could not understand what gave her such hope, such drive in the face of so much devastation and disappointment

    12. Then she smiled at Darshi, reached for the manual calibration of the main drive interface

    13. He had been here as a young man when his father would drive into the mountains

    14. Drive in to underground parking and we’ll get you out of here

    15. Said to reduce sex drive in men and was used by medieval monks to help keep their minds on their prayers

    16. We drove for a few blocks, and I found a parking lot to drive into

    17. Forward view was restricted but adequate enough to drive in towns with even though it was never originally designed to work in towns

    18. Finally the Desktop appeared and she pushed the pen drive into the USB slot

    19. Deciding to play safe, Lyra explained about the scientist that had worked on Flat Rock Island and how she’d found the pen drive in the clothes trunk

    20. Grant slid the flash drive into a USB port on his wireless keyboard and sat back while it loaded

    21. The drive in was through a clump of huge oaks, but out back it was all fields and hills, with a little creek meandering away in the far distance

    22. A long drive in the dark to the aerodrome

    23. Lyra held her hand over the side of the boat, ready to drop the pen drive into the sea

    24. The spot he was about to drive into was next to a KFC drive-through, with a concrete dividing barrier the length of their van

    25. The gates are chained and you can’t fly or drive in without an authorised government permit" said Blair

    26. I thought perhaps we could drive in that direction, then when it appears we may have come far enough, begin to ask for my relatives

    27. He broke from the cover of the trees just as the driver of the first wagon was alighting, and Colling shouted at him to get back on his cart and drive into the forest

    28. “Yes, but a lot of those people drive in to work in Boulder, don’t they?” continued Charles, “Have the commuting patterns changed?”

    29. where we need to be! Aw baby, why didn"t you drive into the city?

    30. We stopped the simulation—the weight of the hard drive in my back pocket reminds me—but we didn’t pause to see the aftermath

    31. It was a short drive into the city

    32. Nico had been taught to drive in an electric car

    33. Drive in front of him and switch it ON

    34. “The speed limit is fifty miles an hour! I can drive in any lane I want to! Obey the speed limit assholes,” the lady in the passing left lane says while taking a bite out of her second donut

    35. To continue the power drive inherited from the sixties generation is the credo of the new Civil War generation

    36. So, what the heck, I decided to drive into town one day and take a crack at the battery of tests since I had never had any exposure to such a thing

    37. So, I drive into this place and wouldn't you know it, I have to go all the way to the roof to park my car

    38. William started to drive in the opposite direction from school

    39. He saw a newly built road leading to the historic little town and signaled to Fred to drive in that direction

    40. A healthy sex drive indicates a good

    41. In the dark and deserted highway, I drive in silence heading back home

    42. So we bought a 3 BR concrete block Hall Craft with 2 BA’s on Pebble Beach Drive in Tempe, very close to her job

    43. He even stayed overnight with us on his drive in a tiny Ford Falcon to Mexico

    44. I rented a 3 BR 1 1/2 bath split level ranch on Holly Hill Drive in Uncasville, on Norwich’s southern border off Route 32 and our stuff was moved in from Congdon’s

    45. horns and rented a 3 BR, 1 BA ranch on Holly Hill Drive in Uncasville

    46. I rented a 3 BR 1 1/2 bath split level ranch on Holly Hill Drive in Uncasville and our stuff was moved in from Congdon’s

    47. The house on Leitao Drive in the Oakdale section of Montville was another matter

    48. He had taken her for a drive in his car to the nearby hills

    49. drive into the heart

    50. school when this guy hit a line drive into the middle section of the

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