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    Usa "drugs" in una frase

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    1. · A tremendous increase in the consumption of medical drugs, with and without doctor’s advice, to treat common as well as chronic problems

    2. These are by drugs that are popular and are available over the counter

    3. Men are more likely than women to respond to stressful experiences by developing certain stress-related disorders, including hypertension, aggressive behavior, or abuse of alcohol, or hard drugs

    4. One has to highlight the rules of God about what is right and what is wrong in respect of serious problems like drugs, alcohol, pre-marital sex etc so that they can have the moral courage to refuse on their own

    5. refuse medical treatment and prescription drugs, you should be absolutely

    6. Wanted for human trafficking, prostitution, white slavery and of course, drugs

    7. drugs be considered a result?), I can only help you learn how to take

    8. This new gang specialized in making money from all the trades that even the DMS found taboo; child porn, the use of child 'warriors', organ 'donation' and of course always the latest and hardest drugs

    9. will give you some drugs that

    10. "I think he is, don't forget, he's probably taken lots of other drugs by now

    11. Knume was devastated by that, and blamed himself because of all the drugs he'd done in Zhlindu

    12. "If it's drugs it's all part of the same trip, because that's what the crew that piloted that starship from YingolNeerie are, Angels or ghosts, use whichever word you are more comfortable with

    13. He blamed himself and the drugs in Zhlindu

    14. She hated herself for the fact that Knume had blamed himself for the drugs he did while in Zhlindu

    15. They both needed to party, they both needed sex, though Luray could get by on drugs alone for some time

    16. As the drugs were starting to kick in she relaxed me with a Scientology technique to relax the nerves

    17. For the first time in a long time I had slept through the night and woke up a little tired because of the drugs

    18. They stood over me in their authoritative positions asking my parents if I wanted to press charges and asking if I was on drugs then pressing the question again in disbelief that I wasn't

    19. On top of having to deal with her son being a fucking loon now, my mother was still being bombarded by Scientologist's phone calls telling her not to let me take these drugs or those drugs

    20. Her father smiled serenely without looking up from the business pages of his newspaper, while the lovely young woman's mother made a mental note to check her daughter's bathroom for signs of illegal drugs

    21. shows to know that this was something called a drugs den and if he

    22. drugs that can relieve the symptoms of disease

    23. drugs and add to their aids and vacant-mindedness

    24. We were taking turns sitting with her although she was pretty well out of it most of the time due to the drugs they gave her to counteract the pain

    25. That made her think about drugs, money and other addictions

    26. herself down with drugs and alcohol the track played on in the

    27. She is too thin to be healthy, a sign of the times, of squats, drugs and the occasional meal

    28. I have skills and I sold them, making simple drugs for the other prisoners

    29. They gave me a proper lab, good ingredients, and told me to make fine drugs for the tourists in Croatia, Italy, you know

    30. I had to make drugs or I die, but one day I chose another way

    31. I have keys and I have drugs

    32. On a day-to-day basis the brothers McCoist run errands, supply wholesale drugs, ensure that local coppers turn a blind eye and deal with any unexpected situations

    33. Jim does the same and says, "Look, sorry about this, but we can't afford to buy drinks and drugs

    34. The police are there to keep the local population from looting the onboard drugs cabinet

    35. Kids and booze and drugs

    36. She had been very conscious of her health and very reluctant to take drugs when he knew her

    37. In drugs related cases, where depression of the central nervous system is caused by external factors, there will be a battery of tests to complete before she can be classified

    38. A call is then made to the Community Drugs and Alcohol Team

    39. Sheila was heavy-eyed and heavy of movement - goodness knows what she had been doing with the day; Chrissie gave thought to the concept that the other woman used drugs … she’d seen enough addicts over the years not to be surprised or even shocked at the thought

    40. How could he possibly know about Bex and her use of drugs? They have his contact details

    41. Your daughter has ingested a combination of drugs

    42. A cocktail of drugs and alcohol

    43. "Although there has been no official announcement, early indications from hospital staff suggest that the girls had taken a cocktail of Ecstasy and other drugs together with substantial amounts of alcohol

    44. I don't want a cut or protection or drugs

    45. The television said it was a cocktail of drugs and booze

    46. There’s a story in the news this morning, two girls taking drugs in a club in Bideford, called The Basement

    47. Once upon a time he was into drugs, girls, protection, you name it

    48. In my own country I found out who made the drugs and tracked him down, but he got away

    49. Thoughts spin around inside his head; is Bex going to get better? Will she be a vegetable? Will she ever wake up? Of course he knew there was a drugs scene in the clubs, there had always been a drugs scene in the clubs, but he never believed that Bex would get involved

    50. Bex and drugs and wild stories in a car park, but last night’s urge to hurt, to exact vengeance in blood, has been replaced by a desperate urge to pee

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