Usa "due south" in una frase
due south frasi di esempio
due south
1. There was a dot on the horizon moving their way from due south of them
2. Driving due south from Windhoek, I later headed southwest towards the desert and the sea
3. We spent the night on shore near its tip, then set out at first light due south into the open ocean
4. We quickly got ourselves together and set out toward a bit south of west for most of the day before turning due south along a river
5. She continued to work in Mesa, and I drove one mile due south to Semiconductor Products Division
6. Due south, by short sea voyage, lie the fertile coasts of northern Africa
7. Finally, almost due south of the City’s center, as marked by the obelisk, still shining, although less radiantly, in the early morning sun, they came upon a path that led down from the road
8. Finally, almost due south of the City's center, as marked by the obelisk, still
9. His intended course was virtually due south where he hoped to find the Balearic Islands within one hundred and twenty miles
10. Although the nearest African landing would have been due south, the steady south-westerly breeze would carry him the greater distance with less effort and in much the same time
11. gallop down the street heading due south
12. gazed due south and pointed in that direction with her foreleg
13. My plan was to drive due south, then park the Ferrari 458 in a
14. car but it was several miles away and heading due south
15. See that large window over there, due south of us
16. 'We’re 23 miles due south the harbour
17. I ran due south, and shortly thereafter I noticed a small
18. the area due south was a place to sit in, and public restrooms
19. Furthermore, the B-24s were apparently trying to stay away from his ships, heading due South instead
20. So none of us really knows whether or not South Africa had the bomb, which, it was rumoured, had been successfully tested in Antarctic waters due south of Capetown
21. When I hold the Moqui marble in my hand and concentrate on it, the arrow keeps pointing due south, right where I think the cave is
22. “Commander, we have indications that your niece has started out on foot, heading due south from where she had been
23. the road going due south for about 110 miles to Damascus
24. up the road heading due south into Samaria (watchtower)
25. He stayed to the east of Mikkeli and headed due south
26. Jacob pointed due south at what used to be the open desert and they marveled at the transformation
27. It was an unusually fine day for the time of year, and as they passed along the Grand Parade - which faced due south - they felt quite warm
28. I found the RTG right where it was supposed to be, four kilometers due south of the Hab
29. I went 540 kilometers due south while avoiding that storm
30. Technically, they’re his reserve for his forward positions down around Saiknyr—” the cursor swooped four hundred miles due south to Wyvern Lake in the Sylmahn Gap “—but he could also send them up to Rankylyr to deny Kynt the use of the high road while he either retreats, reorients his forces, or is reinforced by the Mighty Host of God and the Archangels
31. The shaded lights from Destiny’s stern—two yellow over a single blue—meant the flagship had sighted the enemy bearing almost due southeast
32. A second helicopter, another Bell, joined in from due south
33. Your chamber faces due South
34. In the Northern Hemisphere, when at its highest point in the sky, the sun will be due south; in the Southern Hemisphere this noonday point will mark due north
35. We can thus also understand the fact that the Alpine plants of each mountain-range are more especially related to the arctic forms living due north or nearly due north of them: for the first migration when the cold came on, and the re-migration on the returning warmth, would generally have been due south and north
36. ; of the ground within the enclosure of the Military Hospital due south from the theatre, 75 m