Usa "dullard" in una frase
dullard frasi di esempio
1. But he was not a dullard either
2. She shook her head, suddenly perturbed by the fact that June was so frail and such a dullard
3. But apparently the common dullard cannot
4. chosen such a dull subject she answered that, perhaps, it was because she was a dullard
5. Even her dullard of a husband grew sick of him
6. I thought even a dullard
7. Thou, who, to my thinking, art beyond all doubt a dullard, without early rising or night watching or taking any trouble, with the mere breath of knight-errantry that has breathed upon thee, seest thyself without more ado governor of an island, as though it were a mere matter of course
8. "Nothing is more amusing sometimes than a surly dullard