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    Usa "dwell upon" in una frase

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    dwell upon

    1. the rest of the voyage, there was too much time to think, too much time to dwell upon what had

    2. Thus says The Lord to all peoples who dwell upon the earth: I have seen and I have heard!

    3. Robin explores many possibilities but she, like all I have studied, has failed to dwell upon autism

    4. You dwell upon it

    5. dwell upon the earth

    6. test those who dwell upon the earth

    7. The dark days are behind, and those who remember them prefer not to dwell upon their horrors, but to look forward to the bright prospects ahead, with ever-increasing eagerness - for the dawn has come

    8. to try them that dwell upon the earth

    9. something he wanted to dwell upon

    10. cause he knows that the mind and senses (gun) dwell upon objects of

    11. 10 And they that dwell upon the

    12. Michelle sighed again, knowing to dwell upon the past was an exercise in futility

    13. I will not follow his painful footsteps as they ranged about that dreary place, nor will I dwell upon his purchases, which resolved themselves at last, after an infinite and soul-killing amount of walking and bewilderment, into a sofa, a revolving bookstand, and two beds

    14. That is all I shall say about the murderer, except that he was never found out; and nothing shall induce me to dwell upon the murder

    15. What a celebration that would be! Wemyss, thinking of it, shut his eyes so as to dwell upon it undisturbed

    16. He set the book down and allowed his thoughts to dwell upon the various accomplishments that might be achieved if he simply employed science towards productive ends

    17. Earth, Dwell upon the Earth, New Earth, Them that dwell therein

    18. Dwell upon (the Earth)–This variation of dwell on specifically refers to those at the top of the social pyramid, hence leaders and their organizations

    19. See also: Dwell, Inhabiters of the Earth, Those that dwell upon the Earth, Grave, House

    20. They/Them/Those that dwell upon the Earth– See: Dwell Upon the Earth, Inhabiters of the Earth

    21. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth

    22. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written within the book of life

    23. those that dwell upon it

    24. symbolically used by gods and their servants to judge the earth and those that dwell upon it (strongly

    25. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written within the

    26. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one

    27. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written within the book of

    28. Dwell upon (the Earth)–This variation of dwell on specifically refers to those at the top of the

    29. The Universalist is always tempted, even when thinking of judgment to come, to dwell upon the final deliverance; while the teacher of the remediless award is armed with a 'weapon mighty through God’ to make even a Felix 'tremble

    30. The view of the Divine Government presented by the doctrine of Life in Christ alone, carries with it this advantage, that the more you dwell upon it, the more it appears to be the truth, and the more clear becomes the vision of Eternal Righteousness and Love

    31. The question is, “What is the Hell of which the New Testament speaks with such alarming persistency?” Certainly, whatever it is, it is not one which the missionaries have received any commission not to 'dwell upon

    32. Revelation 3:10: "Because YOU did keep the word of my patience, I also will keep YOU from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth"

    33. Revelation 3:10: "Because you did keep the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth

    34. Lorry's business eye read in the speaker's face that it was loss of time to dwell upon the point

    35. Dwell upon that, for she would lay her own fair head beside her husband's cheerfully

    36. Sometimes she would dwell upon the size of it, and rumour had it that Florinda's father had died from the growth of his bones which nothing could stop; just as her mother enjoyed the confidence of a Royal master, and now and again Florinda herself was a Princess, but chiefly when drunk

    37. It is unnecessary to dwell upon the evasive though polite manner with which the French general had eluded every attempt of Heyward to worm from him the purport of the communication he had proposed making, or on the decided, though still polished message, by which he now gave his enemy to understand, that, unless he chose to receive it in person, he should not receive it at all

    38. about an improvement in their condition that he had no time to dwell upon his own poverty; the money that he spent on leaflets and pamphlets to give away might have been better spent on food and clothing for himself, because most of those to whom he gave them were by no means grateful; but he never thought of that; and after all, nearly everyone spends money on some hobby or other

    39. `I do not intend to dwell upon this pout at length, but in support of what I have said I will quote as nearly as I can from memory the words of the historian Froude

    40. It was due in part to all these causes, but still more to something else, that there seemed to be no longer anything in Hester's face for Love to dwell upon; nothing in Hester's form, though majestic and statue-like, that Passion would ever dream of clasping in its embrace; nothing in Hester's bosom, to make it ever again the pillow of Affection

    41. You slur over work of the utmost finesse and delicacy in order to dwell upon sensational details which may excite, but cannot possibly instruct, the reader

    42. Her eyes could dwell upon details more clearly now, and Mr and Mrs Crick having directed their own gig to be sent for them, to leave the carriage to the young couple, she observed the build and character of that conveyance for the first time

    43. The worst that can be said of it may be, that like all other Earthly Advantages, the Advantages of the Slave Trade are temper’d with a Mixture of Good and Evil—but in that regard ’tis like all the Rest of Life! Pray Madam, write this if you write about the Slave Trade! By Jove, it hath done England more Good than all the Riches of India! Besides, as all Civiliz’d Nations engage in it—the Dutch, the Portuguese, the Spanish, e’en the damnable French—only a Person of greatly deficient Wit and Reason might be so misled by the Tenderness of his Heart that he should fail to see the Blessings of this Trade and dwell upon the Curses

    44. I have spent the winter writing down this story, I suppose because an old man loves to dwell upon the past and this i s my own form of the foible

    45. He expressed once, and but once in my hearing, a strong sense of the rugged charm of the hills, and an inborn affection for the dark roof and hoary walls he called his home; but there was more of gloom than pleasure in the tone and words in which the sentiment was manifested; and never did he seem to roam the moors for the sake of their soothing silence—never seek out or dwell upon the thousand peaceful delights they could yield

    46. I would not dwell upon them if I could

    47. You slur over work of the utmost finesse and delicacy, in order to dwell upon sensational details which may excite, but cannot possibly instruct, the reader

    48. But why should I dwell upon the incidents that followed this last overwhelming event? Mine has been a tale of horrors; I have reached their acme, and what I must now relate can but be tedious to you

    49. I will not here dwell upon the judge's denial to me of a challenge upon the jury—as great a crime as any Judge Chase was charged with

    50. It is not, however, the intention of the committee to dwell upon a proceeding, which, at all times, and among all nations, has been considered as one of the most aggravated character; and which, from the nature of our Government, depending on a virtuous union of sentiment, ought to be regarded by us with the deepest abhorrence

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