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    Usa "each one" in una frase

    each one frasi di esempio

    each one

    1. Isa: 6:2: Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he

    2. It was hard to tell when each one of them was already as big as a house

    3. collection of shrunken Jivaroan heads, each one bobbling with every bump and twist

    4. Alexander has been pressing us importunately so that each one of us reveals their innermost secret before everybody

    5. Each of them lasted a ten-thousandth of a second, but each one burned itself on his retina so that in only a few moments of looking up at that dazzling display, his vision was a network of slowly fading veins of blindness

    6. When we reach one another, Sabrina initiates the conversation, "Apollo has something to tell you, but hear him out before you say anything, okay?"

    7. “Where do you find each one of them?” my mother wonders, as soon as I tell her the particulars of the story

    8. Each one of us has to sit and think about what we would like in another person

    9. They were placed on a desert planet, each one alone and three thousand miles from one another

    10. Each one has his or her own distinction from all others, but no one is greater than any other

    11. "Why would they be afraid of us? Each one of them is as big as all of us

    12. The men then climbed aboard Jake, each one finding a seat and a ridge to hold onto

    13. Each one is a dose of Alice,

    14. They all stood there silently, and each one tried to hear a call

    15. I noticed that each one was intently studying John’s reactions to Diana

    16. Am I right so far?” He asked as he starred at each one of them

    17. He repeated the words in slow whispers, one after the other, until he grasped the full weight and meaning of each one, then his mouth fell open

    18. Ken worked like a Trojan all day long, driven on by the ingratitude of all those he loved, each one of whom left him when it suited them, all that is except the second Mrs

    19. Each one of these vanquished kings, queens

    20. I promise each one of you here, that I shall do my best to ensure that she never regrets that promise

    21. She said, “It’s not hard, because in each one I see the face

    22. of all those he loved, each one of whom left him when it suited

    23. She’s listed the pros and cons for each one … a note saying that Bristol Council were not helpful

    24. He was that type of person, he had a strong need to teach one on one and a strong need to learn

    25. Each one laminated and stuck to the wall somehow, covering every inch

    26. They're all the same, each one as cold and heartless as the last

    27. goes through each one in a couple of hours and then on to the next

    28. The doors were knobless, each one with an individual iris

    29. They then turned around and saw several men standing there, each one armed with

    30. He looked down at the new groupings and said with a touch of surprise, “There are six large chunks here and each one has three notes from Scale 1 as larger representatives of the group

    31. temples, each one fell on the corners

    32. You might send one atom thru, but each one is a separate case and the probability of all atoms going thru at once is so small

    33. Each one was large enough to cause quite a crater when it hit and he published this as a plea that it be watched so that when it did move people could be warned

    34. He looked at the six tablet devices still in their packaging and took three, got a knife from the kitchen to cut through the shrink-wrap, then laid them on the table in a row and started each one

    35. hamlets – each one more decrepit than the last

    36. they now numbered about a dozen, and each one of them

    37. The manager produced two cards and Flitter was asked to sign each one

    38. Seated on the front of each one, reins in hand, was an armed man

    39. In the distance the tar ladling lorries with their battery of rollers chugged, idling back and forth as a black steaming liquid gushed behind each one

    40. They were all sitting at the table with steaming cups of soup in front of each one

    41. It can be assumed that each one is a deeper pit of sex and drug crazed orgies than the last

    42. She missed each one of them with pain so fierce, it felt as if a knife edge cut her from inside

    43. Ten more daggers followed, each one coming to rest in one of the woman’s vitals

    44. every time the limits of each one of them, without

    45. To each one the other side is evil because its objective, purpose and mission are in full and perfect opposition to the other

    46. There were many other familiar beings within the pods, the thought of each one strengthened his grin

    47. After they threw each one a piercing glance,

    48. Each one more terrifying than the last

    49. Although the resources are shared, each one is dedicated to one person

    50. Each one at his time!

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