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    Usa "egress" in una frase

    egress frasi di esempio


    1. Alcock was simply watching impassively the scene before them, puffing his pipe and keeping an eye on the conductor as he monitored the ingress and egress of passengers and luggage on and off his train

    2. Entrance and egress from this quarter was impossible

    3. The function of a door is to provide security, ingress and egress

    4. The deep snow made the two sidewalks the only means of ingress/ egress (how’s that Sheldon?)

    5. He checked all the connections and had Shawn repeat the ejection and ground egress procedures one more time

    6. Besides, why should someone intent on such an horrendous and risky crime simply wait around for hours and watch a tide roll in that would prevent his speedy egress from the island, when his first instinct would have been to get the grisly work over and done with and escape without detection? This is a small, compact little island

    7. Seeing no other means of egress, he climbed up the ladder and was greeted by a cool breeze on his face

    8. The Gorn created a semi circle, fourteen strong blocking all egress except towards the cliff

    9. egress gave them all a sense of the volume which was full of base, driven by a strong

    10. Tammas tore across the hangar deck, and pushed the button to open the door that allowed him egress from the hangar deck to the rest of the Potemkin

    11. suspension of egress and ingress of thoughts, it means the suspension of the vocation of mind, it

    12. ” Faith swiped at her AS, trying to expedite her egress from the no exit system

    13. with, for there certainly was no egress from the lavatory,

    14. The data librarian, faced with a constant influx and egress of tape reels and magnetic disk packs for Production staff, was content to have him complete the log himself as usual

    15. Looking about him while in this state of suspense, Charles Darnay observed that the gate was held by a mixed guard of soldiers and patriots, the latter far outnumbering the former; and that while ingress into the city for peasants' carts bringing in supplies, and for similar traffic and traffickers, was easy enough, egress, even for the homeliest people, was very difficult

    16. But as soon as you sleep and renew yourself in sweet clothes, I kiss you with a good-by kiss and open the gate for your egress hence

    17. A small door, close to the lodge of the concierge, gave ingress and egress to the servants and masters when they were on foot

    18. A small, low door gave egress from the walled space we have been describing into the projected street, the ground having been abandoned as unproductive by its various renters, and had now fallen so completely in general estimation as to return not even the one-half per cent it had originally paid

    19. The gates of the drive opened wide to give egress to the viceregal cavalcade

    20. Not only was the first gendarme still there, but the young man now perceived a second yellow, blue, and white uniform at the foot of the staircase, the only one by which he could descend, while a third, on horseback, holding a musket in his fist, was posted as a sentinel at the great street door which alone afforded the means of egress

    21. For what creature was the door of egress a door of ingress?

    22. Besides, it didn’t have to be pretty, just a large enough hole for them to slip through, the slipping made easier by the thick pieces of rubber they’ve tied over the jagged edges of fence to avoid cuts and scratches during ingress and egress

    23. When I’m driving, I’ll keep the bedroom folded up near the airlock, ready for emergency egress

    24. Then I stow the bedroom and go back to the airlock for a normal egress to Mars

    25. Alarmed at this terrible outburst between the two principal and responsible owners of the ship, and feeling half a mind to give up all idea of sailing in a vessel so questionably owned and temporarily commanded, I stepped aside from the door to give egress to Bildad, who, I made no doubt, was all eagerness to vanish from before the awakened wrath of Peleg

    26. His spout was short, slow, and laborious; coming forth with a choking sort of gush, and spending itself in torn shreds, followed by strange subterranean commotions in him, which seemed to have egress at his other buried extremity, causing the waters behind him to upbubble

    27. In return she gave them cards, without which egress would have been impossible, for other disillusioned persons guarded the doors, and only the surrender of the oily piece of pasteboard enabled one to escape

    28. Let our ports be sealed; let there be neither egress nor ingress; let us neither buy nor sell, and let us prepare to bear the positive burdens of active war

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    Sinonimi per "egress"

    egress egression emergence issue emersion come forth come out emerge go forth