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    Usa "embers" in una frase

    embers frasi di esempio


    1. MacKenzie’s eyes still flickered with the decaying embers of an old fire

    2. were gone, the embers still burned until all that was left of the fortress was

    3. mirroring his eyes, stuck fast in the light of roasting embers

    4. Towards the end of summer, on a balmy Sunday afternoon with the barbecue embers glowing in a corner of the garden, the fisherman raised a glass of sparkling Chablis to his wife and said, “Darling, what a life

    5. knocked out the embers from his pipe into the stone ashtray and

    6. the dying embers of the fire

    7. He can smell damp soil, but he manages to summon-up the last flickering embers of his youthful vigour to whisper, "Kitchen

    8. “I wonder where Titania and Jameson were when this hit?” asked Hipolyta out loud, staring into the embers of the fire hoping to see an answer there as if it were a crystal ball

    9. Jim only nodded his head as he started to push the embers about in the fireplace

    10. She watched the embers of the fire and wondered if she should build it up again

    11. She kicked a few more sticks in among the embers

    12. The building crackled like the embers in a campfire, snapping and seeming

    13. The living before the dead was the maxim, so he headed across his land towards the boys now obviously frightened out of their minds until another wind gust blew more embers behind the lads, now cutting off any chance of escape, the only sound was the deafening roar of grass and trees catching alight and two boys trapped in an ever degreasing circle of fire

    14. It still was dark, but embers glowed inside the fire pit

    15. his fire die to embers

    16. That all too familiar leering voice that so often turned her stomach with fear now stoked the embers of rage inside her

    17. The cool breeze in his chest fanned the embers of his inner fire and Dane felt power surge through him, tearing at his humanity, releasing Djgarr, the Dragon Lord of the North

    18. with the embers giving off a romantic glow

    19. “Someone’s lived here and not too long ago,” Warlock said, as he stirred the still red embers in the fireplace

    20. He stirred the embers while we quietly sank onto the white sand

    21. The thought of them entering his fantasy worlds, enjoying things that were tailored specifically for him, ignited some anger from the long dimming embers of despair

    22. With the fading embers of some peculiar dream in his mind, he glanced over at the other side of the bed

    23. Standing before him was Kiri, illuminated by an ethereal glow, long red hair shining like embers

    24. Embers seared her flesh

    25. She looked again into the glowing embers

    26. He kept the fire alive by burying embers beneath the ash so that if the flames died, he could quickly restart a blaze

    27. His voice was like rattling embers

    28. At 9:24 PM, the yard floodlights faded quickly from blinding beacons to orange, then receded to dull-red embers

    29. So they lied down around the embers of the fire with hands behind their heads, comfortably peering through the canopy of the forest wherever they could, invariably seeing not a wisp of a cloud

    30. Hilderich looked at Amonas with fiery eyes that stung and looked as if embers were burning inside

    31. He began speaking and I drifted back into the music of the trees and watched small flames flick about the embers

    32. Hilderich’s voice was sharp and edgy, a mix of hatred and fear burning like embers in his voice when he retorted, his voice echoing back to him as somehow lame and feeble:

    33. On the embers of the fire were several large brown roots packed in thick, green leaves

    34. They were jutted out of the embers with sticks and under loud amusement unpacked by fast, careful fingers

    35. Thomas finished his tale and sat for a long time staring into the embers of the fire in front of him

    36. He drank from the wine Ilmal had poured for him and looked for a long time into the embers of the almost burned out fire

    37. For a long time the only sound was the crackling fire and the popping embers

    38. The embers in the stone fireplace kept the coffee hot and clued him to the fact that Nick was around

    39. This added oxygen to her imperialistic embers

    40. Chloe’s body parts were trying to reform in the suitcases; she wasn’t truly dead until all the flesh was burnt to embers

    41. In the camp of the caravan, before the embers of the great bonfire, the Major and a few of his band stood with Nicolas and Maggie

    42. She remembered it all now, all of the things she had never been able to recall: the ashes and burning embers that were all that remained of the cottage; the barking of the sheepdog as she ran to the place where all of her hopes had burned to the ground

    43. Our time away from each other hadn't extinguished the embers that glowed

    44. rush of the waterfall, the snapping embers of the fire, and from

    45. front of the dying embers of the fire

    46. Amori awoke with a start, rubbing the sleep from her eyes she looked to were the fading embers of the fire crackled

    47. The embers that she had once thought glowed with an inviting fire were now two black orbs

    48. Make a clean sweep, and then, when you have smitten them all, kick up the embers of their banked fire as a signal that you have made an end to them

    49. when you have smitten them all, kick up the embers of their banked fire as a signal that you

    50. burning embers out into the sleeping area

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