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    Usa "embezzle" in una frase

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    1. There is not as to utilize this money out of its production or to embezzle for fraudulent ends

    2. "Meaning you think I helped Gary embezzle the money?

    3. The former City Planner did, indeed, embezzle $124,000 from city accounts over a period of several years

    4. Sit with them and decide did he attempt to kill his boss? Did he really embezzle the company’s money? Could there be a larger conspiracy taking place? Sit on the jury in this true-crime mystery and decide for yourself!

    1. clear that it was embezzled later by politicians

    2. Think about the high ranking executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack who earned (or embezzled) millions while, thanks to Chris Dodd in the senate and Barney Frank in the House, the two government-backed corporations were taking a nosedive due to the strict (Democrat) implementation of the Community Reinvestment Act, passed under the egregious Jimmy Carter, and expanded and implemented under the equally egregious Bill Clinton

    3. Corrupt Haitian officials embezzled almost all of the reparations paid

    4. doesn’t let the credited income to be utilized for other ends or being embezzled

    5. It sort of replaced the inheritance her grandfather had left her which had been gambled and embezzled by her father

    6. Alta Sha said that funds embezzled from one of our bank accounts would be released, making it a financial possibility

    7. Their investigation revealed the PAX accountant had embezzled nearly two hundred thousand dollars

    8. All was not lost however, he would be allowed to keep his share of the money that he and Hu Lyang had embezzled from the Chinese Republic and he would still be helped to hopefully become, the next President of the Republic of South Africa – but he would follow the instructions issued to him by Kim, whom he would appoint as his Personal Assistant (with the permission of the Chinese Embassy) when he became President

    9. stole, pimped, embezzled, lied, consumed all sorts of illicit

    10. Maybe he embezzled it and killed her because it was coming due this summer

    11. Still, it's the only way I'm going to find out where he was when she was murdered and whether he embezzled her trust fund

    12. Still, if he embezzled the money and then killed her because of it, it will come out fairly soon, when he has to make an accounting

    13. “They think that I’ve embezzled money from my employer

    14. Why doubt that? Well, for the theft of a thousand, the law is smart to catch up with the poor to put them behind the bars but when it comes to the embezzled millions under the white collars, it is slothful in sniffing at the scent

    15. Our forensic accountant is still going through it to determine the total amount, but at first pass, it looks like, in addition to getting all cozy with GrandGoods, you’ve embezzled over a hundred thousand dollars from the city

    16. He claimed – and indeed had paper records – to have had a good portion of money embezzled by Frank and so now was demanding his share

    17. Why, he is the man whom you helped to ruin at cards, who embezzled his employers' money, and whom you begged off

    18. The addiction to corporation mergers, monopolizing industries and businesses, the addiction to stock swindles, the addiction to instant profit, to lotteries, gambling, corporate takeovers, the insider trading of embezzled stock tips… the addiction to worshipping the greediest and most powerful as heroes… the addiction to belief systems, religions, dogmas, cults, cultures

    19. Claire realized that Helen thought this was about the embezzled money

    20. I happen to know that he’s embezzled parts of his father-in-law’s and his wife’s fortune

    21. The second rule is that the purpose of accounts is to demonstrate that the business is being run honestly and the investors’ cash is not being embezzled

    22. 22 A group of employees, two stockholders and the president's son among them, embezzled bank funds as a group to speculate on the market in the late 1920s

    1. embezzles the donations intended for the Tibetan guerril a

    2. We all know that murder and attempted murder or crimes with guns are serious, but how do you prioritize the rest of it? Is a guy who steals a car worse than a guy who broke into someone’s house and stole jewelry? And how do either of those compare to a secretary who embezzles from her company? But there’s only so much room on the court docket; there’s only so much space available in prison

    1. It might be more agreeable to the company, that their own servants and dependants should have either the pleasure of wasting, or the profit of embezzling, whatever surplus might remain, after paying the proposed dividend of eight per cent

    2. Saddam Hussein's regime was embezzling the money from oil

    3. In the course of just one year, the career she’d studied and worked so hard for was destroyed, she’d been accused of embezzling the US government and then, when she’d thought she had left all of that behind and made a new beginning for herself in Costa Rica, it started all over

    4. The embezzling accountant, Emma Jones, was apprehended by the FBI

    5. He’s been convicted of embezzling two billion dollars from his employer

    6. He was charged of embezzling $200 million and was also ordered by a French court to pay $57 million in connection with the collapse of a French bank

    7. Russian New-age gangster’s becoming New-age warlords by embezzling the World Bank loans, and sticking the money into their private offshore accounts in the Caribbean

    8. They beat themselves up with their Jewish guilt; while at the same time: practicing every embezzling underhanded sneaky way of cheating others, and getting filthy rich and worshipping money instead of their god

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