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    Usa "enate" in una frase

    enate frasi di esempio


    1. It relaxes, rejuvenates, and energizes the body and aims to bring the body and the mind into a harmonious union

    2. The whole nation was built up by a Senate, or proconsul, that had one purpose: the perpetuation of Rome

    3. We filed up the steps, surrounded a large ceremonial table and sat down like citizens of the Senate in early Athens

    4. Tip #101: Where to Find Oxygenated Water

    5. But his mother had been a Senator from the late great state of Ohio, his father an officer in the occupation in charge of keeping order in the senate chamber

    6. Certainly more like her than any of the speeches or statements her owners made her read in the senate

    7. That’s why the campaign managers had chosen her for the senate

    8. Her senate career wouldn’t have counted

    9. Just as the caterpillar devours the plant it will return as a butterfly to pollenate, the Livingsons utilized and nurtured the forest, the mountains, the meadows and the waters

    10. He was soon rejuvenated through their company and the restorative succor passively provided by the Sierras, and her crown jewel, the great Tahoe

    11. It rejuvenated her sense of life, she loved mornings, and sunrises, they represented life in its beginning to her

    12. and rejuvenated early the next morning

    13. rejuvenated with food, rest, and encouraging words, and

    14. Somewhere away down south in the great hall of the Senate a saucepan bearing a Chief Justice Ministers wig and gown, rattled impatiently on one of the large leather chairs A janitor passed by and picked it up

    15. They would have to look to each other’s self-alienated company for the duration

    16. The statesmn, who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever

    17. You may feel alienated by society

    18. To see or drink from water fountain indicates that you are feeling emotionally refreshed and rejuvenated

    19. In the other English colonies, indeed, the right of primogeniture takes place, as in the law of England: But in all the English colonies, the tenure of the lands, which are all held by free soccage, facilitates alienation ; and the grantee of an extensive tract of land generally finds it for his interest to alienate, as fast as he can, the greater part of it, reserving only a small quit-rent

    20. But, in the French colonies, if any part of an estate, held by the noble tenure of chivalry and homage, is alienated, it is, for a limited time, subject to the right of redemption, either by the heir of the superior, or by the heir of the family; and all the largest estates of the country are held by such noble tenures, which necessarily embarrass alienation

    21. Thus, a spirit needs to rest and rejuvenate upon its return

    22. In war and negotiation, the councils of Madras and Calcutta, have upon several occasions, conducted themselves with a resolution and decisive wisdom, which would have done honour to the senate of Rome in the best days of that republic

    23. That dismemberment, perhaps, never served any other real purpose than to alienate from England her natural ally the king of Spain, and to unite the two principal branches of the house of Bourbon in a much stricter and more permanent alliance than the ties of blood could ever have united them

    24. wasn't strictly necessary since the computer was already programmed to lower its now rejuvenated shield for the sixteen picoseconds required – or rather estimated – to expose Scott to the temporal eradication wave

    25. By a feudal law, the vassal could not alienate without the consent of his superior, who generally extorted a fine or composition on granting it

    26. The taste for some sort of pageantry, for splendid buildings, at least, and other public ornaments, frequently prevails as much in the apparently sober senate-house of a little republic, as in the dissipated court of the greatest king

    27. ” While in the Senate, Gwin was also credited with

    28. He also carried through the Senate a bill

    29. In spite of all the laws against bribery and corruption, the bounty of the candidates, together with the occasional distributions of coin which were ordered by the senate, were the principal funds from which, during the latter times of the Roman republic, the poorer citizens derived their subsistence

    30. Regarding the continuing debt limit negotiations between Republicans and Democrats, „Obama, who once infamously said that he"d meet with murderous tyrants such as Castro, Chavez, and Ahmadinejad “without preconditions” apparently won"t sully the office by meeting for lunch with the Republican Senate Minority Leader

    31. No so the Democrat Senate, which refuses even to consider the House budget, and has not passed a budget of their own for two years running

    32. Of course, the Kyoto Protocols that Clinton signed in the late nineties were dead in the water on their arrival at the Senate

    33. The operations of the Senate Church committee in 1975 did much, of course to gut the CIA

    34. Case in point: Patrick Leahy is a disgrace to the United States Senate

    35. Went on to buy JFK"s congressional seat in 1946, leading of course to JFK in the Senate, and then the Presidency

    36. Think about the high ranking executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack who earned (or embezzled) millions while, thanks to Chris Dodd in the senate and Barney Frank in the House, the two government-backed corporations were taking a nosedive due to the strict (Democrat) implementation of the Community Reinvestment Act, passed under the egregious Jimmy Carter, and expanded and implemented under the equally egregious Bill Clinton

    37. Lares and Penates, n

    38. Thus, Senator Leahy, in his capacity as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, saw fit to kill a bill that had been passed unanimously by the House

    39. But he was trying to replace Douglas in the Senate

    40. Pork, anyone? See the machinations of West Virginia"s Robert Byrd as he continuously brought home the bacon through his long senate career

    41. He, ex-Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have managed to shred the Constitution

    42. Almost every day we Republicans are deluged with advice by the so-called „experts" to stop referring to Obama and his cohorts in the House and Senate as socialists

    43. He found that doing God’s work here, in this land that he could only describe as Pagan, was a fulfilling task that rejuvenated his mind and soul

    44. He recently expounded on the United States Constitution, regarding the separate branches of the federal government, to wit, and here I paraphrase: There are three branches, which are the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Presidency

    45. Elementary, it would seem, but not to a president who was concerned that he could be charged with racial profiling, and thus alienate part of his base

    46. At the impeachment trial, the Senate finally came to a vote and Johnson was acquitted by one vote falling

    47. „The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be entrusted to no council and senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself to exercise it

    48. Even from such a distance, she caught his reassurance and support and instantly felt rejuvenated

    49. But then, once Walter Cronkite (America"s most trusted and respected man?) declared that the war was lost, then it was: in the more rarefied jungles of Washington, and in the deliberations of the House and Senate

    50. Admiralty had foreseen that such a move would alienate the public, and consequently the

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