Usa "encode" in una frase
encode frasi di esempio
1. “Acolyte Tometahin has to control his thoughts so well that his nerve impulses encode my signals into Thom’s condensates
2. According to Pribram, the brain uses holographic-like code to encode incoming sensory information
3. the greater the amount of information the wave may encode The tinier the
4. Encode it and send it as fast as you can, Captain
5. Indeed, banks used the same IBM 4758 crypto-processors that were used by the military and governments across the world to encode highly sensitive information sent over their networks
6. of DNA could encode the information in over 7 billion Bibles
7. Stillwell gave Mary a message to encode that would tell Bob Riddle that they
8. texts themselves encode great wisdom that proves the truth about our Creator's nature, thereby
9. encode and encapsulate it
10. obscure the truth about ancient wisdom and the symbolism used to encode and encapsulate it
11. purposeful misrepresentations of ancient wisdom and the symbology used to encode it
12. Thereby, a seemingly literal story line could be designed to encode a hidden one,
13. precisely encode the actual structure of our 11 dimension universe
14. angels purposely encode stunning details that prove that these religions have always lied about
15. This long-hidden star-angel time-code is used to model and encode stunning evidence about the
16. wisdom, some encode purposeful proof of deception, and others are merely blatant lies with nothing
17. to hide the truth about religion, the mysteries, and the symbology used to encode pivotal spiritual
18. canon and its Egyptian-Nubian source material thereby encode hidden details within the parables and
19. were used to model and encode the structure and functionality of our reality
20. It is important to stress here that all these symbols encode an underlying spiritual-conceptual
21. And following the basic rule of symbolism, using a stars to encode
22. and duat, point within a circle, and the zodiac are used together to encode the rules for star
23. instead of grasping that the true power is found through the wisdom they model and encode
24. aware of this and went to great lengths to encode proof of the truth for a far future time
25. The true prophets were never priests and they went to great lengths to encode the truth and
26. chapters, stars are also used to encode very specific cycles of time
27. what they encode, the symbology of Egypt and Nubia, and the specialized variant of that symbology
28. Revelation and other texts encode redundant proof that Hebrew sages and prophets clearly
29. symbology used to model and encode it
30. future books and the times they verifiably encode
31. The 11 stars of Genesis encode the time period of the 11th cycle on the Hebrew calendar, when a
32. encode its time period, hence from the 11th cycle when it was authored to the beginning of the 17th
33. own texts encode great wisdom in a manner purposely designed to convict those that have long
34. modeled by the river is also another model of wisdom, where the stars encode key insights into the
35. 18-19, that encode details that occur in the early years of the 17th cycle
36. On the other hand, the five stars encode the time period of Nostradamus and others that were
37. The 17 stars also encode the time that the events in images 17 and
38. notice that the following two verses encode 11 within their numbering
39. Thereby, the seven stars are used to encode
40. Sphinx to redundantly encode key dates and time symbolism in massive architecture that would
41. again, the truth was protected and proven by the symbolism of angels and what they encode
42. angels encode cycles, but exactly which cycles and why they are mentioned at this specific point in
43. forth an advanced symbolic system to encode proof throughout the darkest of times, and then be
44. pointed star is used to encode a full age of six 360-year cycles
45. hexagram presents another proof that five-pointed stars are used to encode 360-year cycles, while the
46. been my job for millennia to encode proof using symbols and then to be here in this lifetime, at the
47. More proof that pentagrams symbolize and encode
48. Such stories were designed to encode layers of meaning both as a
49. symbolism to label, model, encapsulate, and encode wisdom about various aspects of reality
50. that is The Apocalypse can encode and model the component bodies of wisdom used to construct its
1. Since the stuff was now nothing more than encoded sensation levels, this applet probably cost less than twenty bucks
2. on the back of a credit card is encoded with specific
3. might erase the encoded information, destroying the
4. emotion is similar in that the encoded emotional
5. “No, the encoded statement was irregular
6. "The input of the sense organs the body used to have has to be encoded and input to the simulation that is the Angel
7. "And it's really not encoded that way
8. Ben sent out a telepathic beacon of energy encoded with patterns of himself, Danny, Jodie, Orb and Golf
9. He knew that because they gave him a ticket, an electronic one encoded on his ship’s license
10. I then encoded a message to the captain in the Duck Code explaining what we knew about Larath
11. There is a lot more that are private areas and encoded areas that you can’t see
12. Nanoscanners are encoded and are harder to detect over nanoeyes
13. Jaden laughs to himself at the fact that encoded telepathic messages can be sent
14. encoded, he drove manually to the corner, stopped at the ATM and
15. where transfer is the movement of information (or materially encoded
16. As an encoded blueprint
17. I thought my actions would cause alarm to my colleagues, but I learned later they had been encoded
18. Similarly, when coherent light is bounced-off the holographically encoded ‘full-void,’ the holographic film of the multiverse, universes appear
19. Is it any coincidence that information in the brain itself is now thought to be holographically encoded?
20. The full-void is holographically encoded — it is analogous to the holographic template or film
21. In this way memories are encoded in the dark matter in the
22. Most of the memories of the human species are encoded
23. memory is encoded, the associative memories are activated
24. form holographically encoded in dna? There is in fact evidence that dna
25. And every few days you get a few 1022 bits of encoded 1´105-year-old knowledge and comedy transmitted from your replica brethren, however many of them there are now
26. Therefore, Tony’s system has encoded a loving association
27. this lesson show? The answers to all these questions are encoded in the language of the
28. The message was in plain text and not encoded
29. Creatures are different – they take a path through life determined by the information encoded in their genome and its interaction with the environment
30. He had written it in Sanskrit, which was his mother tongue, and he had encoded the even lines in the private cipher of the Emperor Augustus and the odd ones in a Lacedemonian military code
31. as encoded on a boundary to the region —
32. Apart from receiving yesterday a complete situation report from Major General Lewis Brereton, the commander of our aviation in the Philippines, I also got from him a personal message, encoded for my eyes only
33. that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to
34. of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region)
35. Doctor Reginald Victor Jones� head snapped up when he heard the horrified exclamation of his superior: ULTRA was the codename for the code-breaking operation in charge of intercepting and decyphering the German high command radio traffic, encoded via Enigma machines
36. A bit disheartened, she started writing a short but concise message to be encoded and sent by radio to General Walker’s headquarters
37. We have different instincts encoded in our
38. · Looked down upon – Also relates to encoded DNA patterns
39. Noting the hour on his watch, he then encoded a two-liner message and started sending it in Morse code to the Vietminh field headquarters near Cao Bang
40. Prepare as well an encoded message and send it via a relay probe to Vice-Admiral Konovalov
41. The theory behind the system was that every bank credit and debit card would have the owner’s secret PIN number encoded into both the microchip and the magnetic strip
42. encoded a new frequency for the staff assigned to this
43. “I’ll have the scenarios encoded for viewing shortly, Mister President,” Tallon Richter said
44. involved financial numbers, it had to be encoded to accommodate the crude means
45. and uncover the truth and the hidden messages or information which lay encoded within
46. Whoever reveal to the Messiah's code of conduct will be encoded in the book of life as fully chosen
47. with designed consciousness and encoded predilections to integrate with and satisfy your needs, wants, or desires become possible? How will it effect love and its interpretations and practices, when others have also become accustomed to having an amenable, compliant and personally designed self-fulfilling relationship with a robotic lover, father, mother, sister, any other? When one has the means to create the other in our image of desired perfection, how much care for the masses of imperfect others – humans without means to create a perfect and insular utopia – will one desire, need, fear, protect themselves from?
48. answer the question: "What structure is encoded in this ancient Chinese source?"
49. the information encoded in DNA ultimately needs to have come from an
50. encoded and decoded conversations, adding that a similar device was being hooked up to
1. that the sum of the digits of 11:11 is 4, and there are four arms or points to the cross, which symbolizes Earth, Water, Air and Fire, which also encodes wisdom about the dualism at the heart of our universe
2. Here we have a verse about Peter, the so-called “rock” of Christianity that encodes the
3. It encodes that the sun disc is a
4. This also matches John 21:11 that encodes the 11th through 17th cycles and 21st century while
5. The Apocalypse and the fact that it encodes the ancient Philosophers’ Stone of Melchizedek
6. Also, Christianity has spanned from the 11th through the beginning of the 17th cycles and this is verse 11 and encodes
7. It encodes that
8. that encodes significant wisdom about the true nature of the eleven dimensions of this holographic
9. symbolism further encodes and comprehensively validates what the “cover story” only alludes
10. finally grow to understand the truth about ancient symbology and what it encodes, it becomes
11. encodes the structure of the 11-dimension universe
12. Lion symbolism throughout the Bible and related canons encodes far more profound wisdom than
13. (earth, water, air, and fire) are a symbolic grouping that models and encodes foundational wisdom
14. with that of the cross and four elements; ergo, a symbol for wisdom that encodes pivotal wisdom
15. It also encodes the
16. encodes significant wisdom about the true nature of the eleven dimensions of this dually structured
17. The pyramid thereby encodes the wisdom of the four elements in a symbol that is also a
18. the time symbolism of Revelation, which encodes details that span the 11th to 17th cycles, using the
19. encodes a number of other very profound concepts
20. It is the same with the rules for symbolism and what it encodes
21. Notice how Zechariah symbolically encodes that one of the two stones had seven
22. It is the same thing that Revelation encodes as the Creator’s
23. timeline from the 11th to the 17th 360-year cycles, the stars have a dual meaning that encodes a
24. (darken) what the symbology within Revelation and elsewhere models and encodes
25. are about the meaning of Egyptian symbolism and the wisdom it models and encodes
26. As you will see throughout this chapter and subsequent books, star and angel symbolism encodes
27. ago, which is what all of this redundant symbolism encodes
28. (pentagram) actually encodes the rules for star-time, where a star equals 360 years and 5
29. Thereby, the circular frame of this painting verifiably encodes the math of a
30. with the crown of twelve stars encodes the most ancient specific time reference in Revelation
31. the ages” encodes great changes at the beginning of this new age, the seventh star, seal, and angel
32. the seal is a pyramid, which also encodes the four elements and four cardinal directions, as covered
33. The pyramid thereby encodes the wisdom of the four elements in a symbol that is also a symbol for a
34. ability to understand ancient symbology and the wisdom it encodes
35. It encodes that the sun disc is a star, that the earth circles the sun/star and revolves on its
36. encodes the number 666 from multiple directions, as well as a series of triangles and triangular
37. this because this chapter encodes some of the more heinous recent activities of the Vatican and its
38. It purposely encodes the long-lost Philosophers’ Stone of Melchizedek, which is crafted out of
39. It also encodes verifiable information to permit my identity to be established, without
40. justice, further encodes foundational wisdom about the true nature of the universe
41. symbolizes Earth, Water, Air and Fire, which also encodes wisdom about the dualism at the heart of
42. has spanned from the 11th through the beginning of the 17th cycles and this is verse 11 and encodes
43. Consequently, this signifies that The Apocalypse encodes the covenant and the long
44. symbology that encodes many things
45. role in motivation, but probably also encodes other information about goal-directed
1. She quickly located a Chinese encoding for their audio stacks and loaded it
2. We succeeded in decoding about 3000 messages, despite the constantly changing Soviet encoding procedures
3. A deeper view would be that the holographic encoding occurs in the full-void or zero point field but these codes are inherent in the holograms that the full-void projects — which includes our brains and bodies
4. The left brain is responsible for the encoding and recall of verbal, temporal-sequential, and language related memories, whereas the right brain is dominant in regard to visual-spatial, non-verbal, and social-emotional memories
5. the encoding of memories in space
6. We inhabit this much larger brain and are encoding
7. encoding of memories when the biochemical brain itself
8. of data With holographic encoding of wave-interference patterns, all of the
9. encoding, consistent with leadbeater’s observations 20 It would be under-
10. New intelligence has also shed some suspicions on the security of our Enigma encoding machines
11. These state that we're encoding the file transfer as ascii (which is plain text) and setting its file permissions to 0755
12. Encryption The process of encoding data to prevent someone without the proper key from understanding the data, even though they may have access to it
13. All the VVU-Information of our Level of manifestation can be notionally divided into two types: one type is the Information that fully fills the whole “material” world, has an indefinite volume, doesn’t have a clear purpose and is in no way associated with encoding; the other type is the Information which can be determined only in the spheres of an obvious manifestation of Consciousness (“living self-conscious Formo-Matter”), which can be easily evaluated in terms of quantity, has a clearly practical purpose in each case and, above all, it is always “packed” in some system of encoding
14. Any Information generated by some type of Collective Intelligence is inseparable from simultaneous processes of individual encoding and decoding that are specifically carried out in the structures of Self-Consciousness that are typical of the realizational Forms of Collective Intelligences only of these kinds
15. Information of any type (not only VVU-type, but also many other types that have nothing to do with our Evolution) is not generated in Energy-Plasma from any primary Source, but is naturally potentially inherent on any Its different-qualitative Levels and has its unique wave (or some other type of) encoding
16. Whatever I wish, being in any environment, any circumstances, instantaneously becomes “reality”, because, as you already know, our “personality” Self-Consciousness is structured by the Subconscious — the main information base of the temporal ethereal constituents of the scenarios of development of the whole collective Consciousness of a given Stereo-Form, where the skrruullerrt system is the main mechanism of initial encoding of particular Information of each Stereo-Type
17. allusion to the end of the prophecies because all of the prophecies used days to denote years as part of the process of sealing (encoding) them until the ending of the times when this activity was
18. encoding proof of the truth in their narratives and hiding the keys to those codes from religious
19. In addition to encoding
20. angels with multiple stars, thereby encoding that stars are angels and both are symbols for something
21. sages assigned to the mission of encoding the truth, for a far future time, when it would do the most
22. Just as computer programs and holographic encoding sets the
23. of the process of sealing (encoding) them until the ending of the times when this activity was
24. The recommended width is the minimum format width necessary to display all possible date, datetime, or time values, because the length of the output might exceed the default width in the given format for some locale and encoding combinations
25. Again, you will need the correct character encoding installed on your system, or you will get substitutions for nonprinting characters
26. All Ethernet networks, for example, use the Manchester encoding scheme, whether they are running over twisted-pair, coaxial, or fiber-optic cable
27. Token Ring networks use a different encoding scheme called Differential Manchester, which also has a value transition at the midpoint of each cell
28. • Data/Service Field This region is scrambled and the encoding and data rates vary, along with the modulation
29. DSL works by utilizing frequencies above the standard telephone bandwidth (300 to 3,200 Hz) and by using advanced signal encoding methods to transmit data at higher rates of speed
30. • Burst error A burst error occurred when a system detected five half-bit times (that is, three transmitted bits) that lacked the clock transition in the middle of the bit called for by the Differential Manchester encoding system
31. • Line error A line error occurred when a workstation received a frame that had an error detection bit in the end delimiter field with a value of 1, either because of a CRC error in the frame check sequence or because a bit violating the Differential Manchester encoding system was detected in any fields other than the start delimiter and end delimiter
32. In the original FDDI standards, the PHY layer is responsible for the encoding and decoding of the packets constructed by the MAC layer into the signals that are transmitted over the cable
33. Even now, looking back at all I’ve given up for it, I could not tell you what the number six is supposed to mean, or how in God’s name encoding an affinity for it into the angel I will become will help anybody
34. related to episodic memory encoding, which may infer with the individual subjec-
35. Let’s assume that we are using the same encoding scheme as in Table 7-2 and we want to send the message “fade” unencrypted but signed