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    Usa "endurable" in una frase

    endurable frasi di esempio


    1. He had left Windhelm with a bag full of rations and a freshly fed and rested horse, and that made his trip all the more endurable

    2. For the others, it became the broad way of release, if only temporary, from the once secret pain, no longer endurable in the silence of their former submission

    3. The kind that is strong enough to exist unexpressed— As endurable and lasting as the light and diamonds of the universe, And the winds through the willows of earth

    4. "Significant when I'm careless—but endurable

    5. Her life had been made much more endurable through this machine

    6. It makes the loss of her parents so much more endurable

    7. Life however is barely endurable

    8. Did she not know that people rarely change and that relationships climb to an apex and dip to an endurable habit or an unendurable hell? Let me warn you right now, I shall probably be throwing much, if not most, of the blame on Angela but, I am sure, a psychoanalyst of the caliber of Dr Fatthi will form his own equitable estimation; his own point of view

    9. He simply tried to make their suffering more endurable

    10. Feeling this, Jo's burden seemed easier to bear, duty grew sweeter, and life looked more endurable, seen from the safe shelter of her mother's arms

    11. We know that, when the bodily constitution is gone, life is no longer endurable, though pampered with all kinds of meats and drinks, and having all wealth and all power; and shall we be told that when the very essence of the vital principle is undermined and corrupted, life is still worth having to a man, if only he be allowed to do whatever he likes with the single exception that he is not to acquire justice and virtue, or to escape from injustice and vice; assuming them both to be such as we have described?

    12. Both doors and lattices were open; and yet, as is usually the case in a coal district, a fine, red fire illumined the chimney: the comfort which the eyes derives from it renders the extra heat endurable

    13. "Oh, no, no, count," cried Maximilian, seizing the count's hands, "pray laugh; be happy, and prove to me, by your indifference, that life is endurable to sufferers

    14. She had never stood starry eyed when the Stars and Bars ran up a pole or felt sickening duties of nursing, the fears of the siege and the hunger of the last few months by the fanatic glow which made all these things endurable to others, if only the Cause prospered

    15. But this knowledge that made life endurable, this knowledge that Ashley, bound by honor, they did not seem so beautiful when dragged to the light by Rhett, especially in that deceptively smooth voice that covered sarcasm

    16. To what extent, at this time, was she really a victim? Whose prisoner was she? Into what whirlpool had she been dragged? He asked himself these questions with a cruel anguish; but even this pain seemed endurable beside the frenzy into which he was thrown at the thought of a lying and deceitful Christine

    17. This did not quite take away his corpse-like air, but it made him almost, I say almost, endurable to look at

    18. Garth felt a severe twinge at this mention of her husband, the fear that Caleb might think her in the wrong not being easily endurable

    19. Both doors and lattices were open; and yet, as is usually the case in a coal-district, a fine red fire illumined the chimney: the comfort which the eye derives from it renders the extra heat endurable

    20. This became repulsive, and the only thing that made it endurable was my abhorrence of their boot leather souls

    21. The rudimentary precautions to keep our imprisonment endurable he would not observe

    22. But while that voice sounded the solitude, the desolation, had been endurable; by virtue of it London had still seemed alive, and the sense of life about me had upheld me

    23. Even the worst would be more endurable than this hideous suspense

    24. How can all men, I do not say Christians, Christian pastors, but all philanthropists, moralists, all those men who value their lives, their security, their well-being, quietly look on? This organization will certainly act in the same way, no matter in whose hands it may be: to-day, let us say, this power is in the hands of an endurable ruler; to-morrow a Biron, an Elizabeth, a Catherine, a Pugachév, a Napoleon the First, a Napoleon the Third may usurp it

    25. And again, the man in whose hands is the power, and who to-day may be endurable, may to-morrow turn into a beast, or his place may be taken by an insane or half-witted heir of his, as was the case with the King of Bavaria and Paul

    26. Then, in the progress of his dream, his state of mind becoming less and less endurable, he begins to doubt the reality of what has seemed so real, and makes a conscious effort to break the spell that holds him

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    bearable endurable sufferable supportable tolerable sustainable