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    Usa "enormously" in una frase

    enormously frasi di esempio


    1. Alastair’s invisible hand-holding is still working and helps enormously

    2. This recording wil help you enormously to

    3. a drink that Tom had tried before, but he found it enormously

    4. Her hips were enormously wide and her hair covered most of her body so that Ava couldn’t tell if she was wearing any clothing or not

    5. The pack had grown enormously in weight during the ‘night’, no, ‘Vistee’-‘Noonsleep’ as the natives would call it

    6. This house was completely grown out of trained trees, not the straight kind with horizontal branches, but a supple, arching kind that could be trained to grow enormously fat and then hollowed out

    7. hostess was enormously friendly and helpful; the

    8. area of the coastline has developed enormously

    9. As for the sons, one hears little from them, but it would appear that they soon learn to adjust to this labor - in fact, there is some evidence that most of the boys grow to enjoy the situation enormously

    10. “But there was me Helen and Mabel and we used to enjoy each others company enormously but when Helen took up nursing and then moved to Manchester it all changed

    11. This however could vary enormously depending on what units could be used for relief and how the situation at any given time was going sometimes relief units were rushed to other places to hold the line

    12. Wonderful eleventh century Churchman that he was, he erred enormously in his ontological proof of the existence of God

    13. The time had come and he felt enormously proud for Abigail

    14. After the city had fallen, our sick list increased enormously

    15. Marco and Josie drove through the enormously large entrance gates of Rio Adventures, the company hosting our camp

    16. The Soviet system was enormously evil, but its leaders were not suicidal

    17. It was an enormously deft and subtle manipulation, designed to appeal to both war hawks and doves

    18. Such an easy victory over a slight enemy gave him an enormously distorted view of war, one he carried until the end of his life

    19. Today, of course, the US has just been through two very costly, enormously destructive, and almost useless wars

    20. In all cases, the list of targets was enormously wide, made up mostly of peaceful dissidents and groups a dictatorship just did not like

    21. Jefferson and his embargo became enormously unpopular

    22. He was enormously charismatic and adept at using the media

    23. That is enormously praiseworthy by any measure

    24. As Costa Rica gave way to the political arm-twisting, so did other countries lying in cocaine’s northbound path as the field of players on both sides of the law expanded enormously

    25. Stevenson began as a moderate, an anti Communist but a thoughtful one, an enormously smart intellectual who learned and moved his positions to the left over time

    26. He even defended Alger Hiss, a diplomat smeared as a Soviet spy by Nixon, an enormously brave act in the middle of McCarthyism

    27. After the war he presided over an enormously benevolent occupation of Japan, transforming a fascist state into an officially pacifist liberal democracy, one with an enviable progressive record of environmentalism, feminism, labor rights, and economic prosperity and technological development

    28. But whatever the merits of these proposals he would have been enormously handicapped with no party in Congress to back him, a hostile and undiplomatic temper, and a tendency to imagine dark plots

    29. Keep in mind that the presidency is an enormously stressful job

    30. He was and remains an enormously polarizing figure, despised by many in his own party, especially libertarian minded conservatives, almost as much as those on the political left and center

    31. Camels were not enormously fast in a dive, but neither was the Fokker

    32. employees, said that they are "enormously concerned that the high costs" of the Boiler MACT "will leave companies no recourse but to shut down the entire facility, not just the boiler

    33. Although, I have to think that we have been an enormously heavy burden for her to deal with

    34. We trust and love each other enormously, and we try to spend all of our available time together

    35. He certainly loved you enormously; he proved it to you when you were in a state of emergency, but his focus of attention was mostly on his personal needs—the needs of creating and holding up a very expensive identity in terms of time and resources

    36. that’s all I will ever be!” He sobbed enormously, body quivering, chest heaving

    37. It was the good fortune of the Civil War rebels that in their anti-religious passion they found in the United States Supreme Court a surprising and enormously effective ally

    38. Such products of the human brain, enormously complex though it is, could not have been conceived or fabricated according to this cult of neuroscience

    39. ” In a fascist society where evil is institutionalized in the state the scope of available evil is enormously enlarged

    40. "enormously concerned that the high costs" of the Boiler MACT "will leave companies no recourse but to shut down the entire facility, not just the boiler

    41. Just as she was with her co-workers in AZ and the Jackson County Homemakers in Mississippi, once she got sober, Dixie was enormously popular with both women and men alike

    42. Mark carries enormously more of that, plus power he drew directly from every elf at our wedding, plus the power of sixteen hundred and eighty one elven Compulsion spells

    43. “That situation has changed enormously

    44. enormously swollen stumps at the end of thin arms, his feet

    45. So little flesh remained under the skin, the joints seems enormously enlarged and stuck out at odd angles

    46. and the importance of all other activities have been enormously reduced,

    47. A military starship was meant to be an efficient machine, and in the Navy such casual, inappropriate behavior was enormously unacceptable

    48. In Christianity, this sublimation has been carried out in an enormously

    49. In effect, I have pointed you in the right direction so your chances of succeeding have enormously increased

    50. enormously greater than when compared to a human being 7 extrapolated

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    Sinonimi per "enormously"

    enormously hugely staggeringly tremendously