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    Usa "envy" in una frase

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    1. He envied her for the length of a moment, knowing she would always have his mother's counsel and ear

    2. Being only a one year crash course, the pressure was on from the word go and, when we had the energy, we envied our fellow students on the Private Secretary’s course who not only did not have to contend with the extra complication of a second language, but also had two years to learn what we were taking one to do

    3. She’d so envied them, in that

    4. muddy streets of the town, he silently envied the

    5. Nerissa envied the woman this

    6. Deep down she actually envied Helez

    7. In Torbin’s mind that only underlined the fact that the man was not to be trusted, that somehow he had used his devious charm to manipulate them (though privately he envied the man, especially when he told tales of his exploits with women)

    8. A much more sober and judicious writer, Mr Anderson, author of the Historical and Chronological Deduction of Commerce, very justly observes, that upon examining the accounts which Mr Dobbs himself has given for several years together, of their exports and imports, and upon making proper allowances for their extraordinary risk and expense, it does not appear that their profits deserve to be envied, or that they can much, if at all, exceed the ordinary profits of trade

    9. Shelagh, too, was more robust but she expressed a healthy youthfulness that many a younger woman would have envied

    10. During the barbarous times of feudal anarchy, merchants, like all the other inhabitants of burghs, were considered as little better than emancipated bondmen, whose persons were despised, and whose gains were envied

    11. Jean often envied their secret lessons with that Hero of Legend

    12. How he envied those sheep with their simple lives, animals that no longer knew of suffering, of fear

    13. He envied them that, for he could find no solace in prayer, or in communion with deities

    14. At midday clothes might go; the natives were to be envied; and the noblesse oblige of civilisation, in dress at least, was to be lamented

    15. One could even say I envied him for being so care-free, seeing as the midgets put on his hat and rubbed his belly with cotton seed oil, but that would be a very wrong assumption

    16. His own aptitude with written Polish was limited, and he envied her access to the contents of the estate’s collection of books, none of which seemed to be in English

    17. He went in pursuit of the spirit of the envied animals

    18. The life that many have envied in your dad was really a tough game for him to keep up

    19. I could see she envied me

    20. and the stars, they envied me

    21. 16 They envied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the saint of the Lord

    22. Coatleztli shook his head, and said the Tlatelolca were envied for their wealth and the Tenocha despised for their arrogance

    23. 4 Again, I considered all travail, and every right work, that for this a man is envied of his neighbour

    24. envied by his coworkers, especially Mr

    25. trees of Eden, which were in the garden of God, envied him

    26. 1 As for our father Adam, at the end of seven years from the day he had been severed from his wife Eve, Satan envied him, when he saw him so separated from her; and strove to make him live with her again

    27. As Jared was standing like a lion before the bodies of his fathers, praying and warning his people, Satan envied him, and wrought a beautiful apparition, because Jared would not let his children do aught without his counsel

    28. 16 And at that time Rachel was barren, and she had no offspring, and Rachel envied her sister Leah, and when Rachel saw that she bore no children to Jacob, she took her handmaid Bilhah, and she bore Jacob two sons, Dan and Naphtali

    29. 34 And Jacob obtained riches and honor and possessions by means of these transactions with the sons of men, and the children of Laban envied him of this honor

    30. Envied for the purity of heart

    31. They have always envied and resented us—partly thanks to the State, which is constantly whipping them up into a murderous rage against us

    32. 14 For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him

    33. 11 And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying

    34. 1 As for our father Adam at the end of seven years from the day he had been severed from his wife Eve Satan envied him when he saw him so separated from her; and strove to make him live with her again

    35. As Jared was standing like a lion before the bodies of his fathers praying and warning his people Satan envied him and wrought a beautiful apparition because Jared would not let his children do aught without his counsel

    36. of servants: and the Philistines envied him

    37. 1 And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her

    38. 16 And at that time Rachel was barren and she had no offspring and Rachel envied her sister Leah and when Rachel saw that she bore no children to Jacob she took her handmaid Bilhah and she bore Jacob two sons Dan and Naphtali

    39. 34 And Jacob obtained riches and honor and possessions by means of these transactions with the sons of men and the children of Laban envied him of this honor

    40. In fact, his creative ability combined with his business knowledge was a great combination, one that I envied and still do to this day

    41. A conspiracy among those who envied my position forced me to flee for

    42. How Simon envied him that

    43. The attribute the boy possessed beyond all measure and which Simon envied him for

    44. 36 And when Jesus had finished all these parables he moved from there and came to his city; and he taught them in their synagogues so that they were perplexed; And when the Sabbath came Jesus began to teach in the synagogue; and many of those who heard marvelled and said How came these things to this mane And many envied him and gave no heed to him but said What is this wisdom that is given to this man that there should happen at his hands such as these mighty workse Is not this a carpenter son of a carpentere and is not his mother called Marye and his brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judase And his sisters all of them note are they not all with use How has this man all these thingse And they were in doubt concerning him; And Jesus knew their opinion and said to them Will you haply" say to me this proverb Physician heal first yourself and all that we have heard that you did in Capernaum do here also in your own city? And he said Truely I say to you A prophet is not received in his own city nor among his brothers for a prophet is not despised save in his own city and among his own kin and in his own house

    45. How the scribe envied him that

    46. I admired and envied Malik for being able to say what was on his mind regardless of the circumstances—to be able to express himself with such emotion at the game seven press conference

    47. Frankie envied her mother's freedom and competence, and was certain she could do more than Charly allowed

    48. But I envied them only because

    49. excitement and had always envied the Lilliputians

    50. Eva envied such a blissful existence

    1. 6 There is none worse than he who envies himself; and this is a recompense of his wickedness

    2. 10 A wicked eye envies his bread, and he is niggardly at his table

    3. 49 Like as a whore envies a right honest and virtuous woman: 50 So shall righteousness hate iniquity when she decks herself and shall accuse her to her face when someone comes who shall defend him who diligently searches out every sin on Earth

    4. He does not know how it has happened, but he envies it

    5. to acquire what he envies; hence, it prevents the development of initiative to

    6. Family quarrels, and envies, and jealousies break up the peace of many a household, and are a worm at the root of many a rich man's happiness

    7. The Almighty says in Al-Falaq fortress: “Say: ‘I seek refuge in the Provider of all that is brought into being, from the evil of what He has created, from the evil of the dark one (the devil) when he enters the chest, from the evil of those who spit over knots, and from the evil of an envier when he envies

    8. The following explains the section: “From the evil of an envier when he envies

    9. Learn this; anyone who attacks or hates or fears or envies happiness and health: are the mortal enemies of all Life

    10. And from the evil of an envious when he envies

    11. "I do not know; but, though unwilling to introduce money matters into our present conversation, I will just say this much—that her extreme dislike to me has its origin there; and I much fear she envies me the fortune I enjoy in right of my mother, and which will be more than doubled at the death of M

    12. This convict, formerly a non-commissioned officer, envies in secret the elegance of his neighbour, and endeavours to make up for his material grossness by refined conversation

    13. To make yourself conspicuous is fatal unless your companions are those whom the world envies

    1. The golden girl, so talented, good looking, the envy of all her friends in looks, talent and career

    2. Now that is a job I don’t envy him

    3. “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up” (1 Corinthians 13:4) NKJV

    4. A circumstance for which I envy them heartily … I am trying to be positive but although logic tells me that the likelihood of me being in that state is remote, my record for bad luck so far is not comforting

    5. Vaccine: If you dream of being vaccinated, it means that you have protection against those who envy and despise you

    6. ’ The woman said, envy tinging her voice, as she drew near to the table, reaching out a finger to touch the blue stones

    7. In every facet and viewed from every aspect old Jimmy’s business life, his family life and his charitable works, underpinned as they were by an income that was the envy of many developing nations, were beyond reproach

    8. that was the envy of many developing nations, were beyond

    9. phone that would be the envy of everyone at college

    10. and envy lead to both esteem and spite

    11. 4 Then I saw all the labor and achievement that is the envy of a man’s

    12. envy has perished long ago; neither have they any more a portion forever in anything

    13. She watched as one launched itself into the air from the surface of the water and soared off into the air, squawking raucously as it did so … she felt a pang of envy

    14. In contrast, his wife was never seen in the same outfit twice and was the envy of some of the other ladies in the village for her versatility in the creation of her ensembles

    15. I can’t help but envy her

    16. There wasn't the jealousy nor envy which actually might otherwise have been expected

    17. Aren't they?? Oh, I envy you

    18. I envy you living in a warm, tropical place

    19. You know what?? I envy her because they'll be together soon and they are getting married

    20. She couldn't help but envy the kids, when they snuck away to Beth’s for a real meal

    21. looked on with sullen faces of envy as they waited to shake our hands

    22. Britain need envy neither the vineyards of France, nor the olive plantations of Italy

    23. with a prosperity that has earned the envy (and

    24. be the envy of all the Pyrenean Sees!’

    25. Then, in satisfaction of their envy to expand, they attract more and more particles

    26. beaming grin, and a body so well built, it must have made Ares seethe with envy, Vorous was the darling of every girl on Scheria

    27. elsewhere – to the col eagues’ envy and

    28. an explanation based on their envy face to England

    29. I did not envy her

    30. In this case, I said, do not envy him

    31. consequent them and not envy the others

    32. The wealth of the burghers never failed to provoke their envy and indignation, and they plundered them upon every occasion without mercy or remorse

    33. As a final super impressive aspect of Bob the Buho, he’s equipped with an extraordinary pair of two feet and a mouth that would make those mixed martial arts fighter types green with envy

    34. asleep, she’d demonstrate why the only envy he should feel was that directed at him by all the other men

    35. envy of all parents, the lad who makes the girls swoon all over

    36. an “A” for appearance: you’re the envy of your friends, the campus

    37. The exclusive privileges of those East India companies, their great riches, the great favour and protection which these have procured them from their respective governments, have excited much envy against them

    38. This envy has frequently represented their trade as altogether pernicious, on account of the great quantities of silver which it every year exports from the countries from which it is carried on

    39. His delicately shaped lips and long eye lashes would be the envy of most women

    40. It also refers to envy

    41. The primary qualities of the self-centered self are fear of harm, fear of loss, fear of death, want, envy, jealousy, and frustration

    42. The self-centered self flares conspicuously when aroused by one of its signature experiences: fear of harm, fear of loss, want, envy, jealousy, and frustration

    43. I envy you your bachelorhood

    44. And what has such a man to envy in me? These dusty and dismal rooms? Mrs Pilfer, perhaps? Sir, say the word and you may have her

    45. "It is I who should envy you

    46. It is the source of all negative human traits that we suffer: fear, anger, envy, overwhelming desires of every sort, and greed

    47. Envy, malice, or resentment, are the only passions which can prompt one man to injure another in his person or reputation

    48. The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy to invade his possessions

    49. After the lads sailed for England time began to drag at the hospital and I would watch the people who had been cured heading back to their units with envy

    50. ” She was gushing with admiration and envy

    1. as enmity against a brother; envying another's

    2. had been envying, he began to understand that he was not too badly off, and

    3. He had always been envying

    4. Conan watched in an almost impersonal fascination, envying the monster his inhuman strength

    5. Regaining his composure, Samson eased toward the dog with every sense and muscle on red alert, envying the dog‘s ability

    6. Envying their peace of mind, Gertrude adjusted her heading and made sure that all her planes were forming up around her for the flight towards Poland

    7. By the same token, the karmic theory guarded man from the debilitating affects of envying the better-off, and that helped one and all build a society of happy souls striving to better themselves in word an deed, never mind their economic lot, well, till the mid 20th Century or so before the ‘why not me’ phenomenon began to boot out the age-old Hindu wisdom from its karmabhoomi

    8. Libby watched the woman’s progress, envying the

    9. Emulation: Having jealousy in envying someone; an attempt to equal or excel others in that which is praise-worthy, without the desire of depressing others

    10. "rings and things," but without envying others

    11. Because if other people knew just how rotten these rich people actually are: they would despise them instead of admiring them and envying them

    12. Why is this lying ridiculous term used so much? Just so rich people will not be threatened by the possibility of poor people envying them and hating them for their wealth

    13. With all of the people who cannot vote: hating and envying those who can

    14. But in what context? In the context of a billionaire pop idol envying the consumer rednecks who buy his records making him filthy rich? Praise all idiots who buy my hypocritical shit records! Is there any pop idol who does not praise and glorify their fans who make them rich? Denver is only one example of the consumer music industry: and how civilization affects both the idols and the masses who worship them

    15. do you think the original acts of cave-spitting by our ancestors signified anything? Do you think the act of spitting on the walls of caves might be connected to the spitting you must do; in order to eat from a fruit of knowledge, or a pomegranate? Are these facts symbolically connected? Are these facts trying to tell us something we would rather not hear or see? Where does the word spite come from? From envying something

    16. From envying the Earth, and all living things that have useful meaningful lives

    17. In an instant I found myself envying the blissful ignorance of the baby

    18. Whence, envying existence to none, from non-existence He produced all things by His own Word, our Lord Jesus Christ

    19. I am resolved with your worship's leave, lady of my soul, to make the most of this fair day, and go to Court to stretch myself at ease in a coach, and make all those I have envying me already burst their eyes out; so I beg your excellence to order my husband to send me a small trifle of money, and to let it be something to speak of, because one's expenses are heavy at the Court; for a loaf costs a real, and meat thirty maravedis a pound, which is beyond everything; and if he does not want me to go let him tell me in time, for my feet are on the fidgets to be off; and my friends and neighbours tell me that if my daughter and I make a figure and a brave show at Court, my husband will come to be known far more by me than I by him, for of course plenty of people will ask, "Who are those ladies in that coach?" and some servant of mine will answer,

    20. On many a night I have hauled at the braces under the shadow of that coast, envying, as sailors will, the people on shore sleeping quietly in their beds within sound of the sea

    21. I escaped to the shore, and I was a hiding among the graves there, envying them as was in 'em and all over, when I first see my boy!"

    22. Though Maria chided herself for it as she started in the direction of her car, she found herself envying the ease with which her younger sister seemed to navigate every facet of her life

    23. He’d spent the previous summer pedaling through villages on a bicycle fitted with a cooler, selling ice cream, envying the children who played around him

    24. Altogether it was an interesting and a novel experience to have objects of such rarity explained by so great an expert; and when, finally, Professor Andreas finished our inspection by formally handing over the precious collection to the care of my friend, I could not help pitying him and envying his successor whose life was to pass in so pleasant a duty

    25. Around him, other passengers slept peacefully, and he couldn’t help envying them

    26. Old Hundred swelled up with a triumphant burst, and while it shook the rafters Tom Sawyer the Pirate looked around upon the envying juveniles about him and confessed in his heart that this was the proudest moment of his life

    27. I remember the lean grace of his movements in a track suit and I remember envying his smooth and perfect timing

    28. Grant was of consequence: her good-nature had honourable mention; her taste and her time were considered; her presence was wanted; she was sought for, and attended, and praised; and Fanny was at first in some danger of envying her the character she had accepted

    29. Every one will think his share too small and they will be always envying, complaining and attacking one another

    30. ” And I felt like laughing aloud, such a joke was it that I should be envying a policeman his potato patch and his fat wife and his four brats, and that he should be in a position to pity me

    31. ” We might have been pardoned for envying it

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    Sinonimi per "envy"

    envy invidia enviousness begrudge grudge lust after covet crave jealousy covetousness ill will spite rivalry