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    Usa "ephemeron" in una frase

    ephemeron frasi di esempio


    1. And if Abraham's resurrection after his death was so certain from the relationship of a God borne to him by His Heavenly Guardian, it is unquestionable that during his lifetime it must have seemed equally certain to himself; since the Eternal Being who appeared to him by night, and said, 'I am thy Shield, and exceeding great shall he thy reward, ’ would not have mocked him, if an ephemeron, with the pretence of His 'friendship,’ but must have taught him to confide in His endless Love

    2. Surely it is something more than a hopeful speculation that when a brighter representation of the living God of Christianity dawns, like a gladdening sunrise, on the scientific world; when it is understood that Redemption, which so many centuries have celebrated, has in truth been nothing less than a movement of the Being who is Eternal to bless with Immortality in His own image the ephemeron 'who is of a few days and full of trouble;’ a new spirit may enter into many of the minds which devote themselves to the investigation of nature

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    ephemeral ephemeron