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    Usa "erasing" in una frase

    erasing frasi di esempio


    1. “No one could,” Yorthops said, “because he would know he was erasing a life

    2. Tapes of remembrance Erasing the tapes Then the Lord said, “Go and stand on the mountain in the

    3. It is also possible to go much deeper, pop up in a new reality, erasing the past without a trace of memory

    4. The Party card was worn from being carried in Cousin Jerry’s wallet, so that Colling’s efforts at erasing the four digits of the year were noticeable only by very close examination

    5. Resetting Marcus would mean erasing the man I hate and fear from the world

    6. The furnace had been designed as a means of erasing the harmful

    7. Worst of all if the CIA went through with erasing my memory, I would’ve never known the great love and affection we both shared

    8. “Then it's settled,” the old man answered, a renewed smile erasing the look of concern

    9. On the other hand, erasing information about the path of a photon restores wavelike behavior, as confirmed in an experiment done at the University of California at Berkeley by Raymond Chiao — suggesting that a collapsed wave function can be restored by erasing (historical) information

    10. This lets you rearrange the diagram without erasing and redrawing

    11. A saving grace was that if he thought for too long, Sophia’s face would occasionally pop into his mind, creating a smile and erasing all other thoughts

    12. He thrust the door, abruptly erasing the stranger’s shadow on the ground

    13. flows into poetry, erasing the musical qualities of metered poetry,

    14. The elected officials of the new political parties saw great benefit in erasing the world's undefended border and began plans to institute free trade

    15. They even used their energy to pull their spilt blood into a ball and consume it, erasing every shred of the harpies’ existence from this planet

    16. “Trust me Rakai, what has happened to her you cannot think of erasing from her memories

    17. I tried to explain to him that such actions, apart of being heinous by themselves, risked disturbing gravely the fabric of the timeline, possibly resulting in either erasing part of it or splitting it

    18. It also shows how easily Doctor Tolkonen could manipulate history back in the past and change it, erasing you, me and the whole Imperium in the process if she wanted to

    19. Erasing the Imperium will necessitate that the British Empire fades in history, as it did in the original timeline

    20. completely erasing the Zorbantans from history

    21. Part of the pain of growing up is the difficulty of erasing all that knowledge in order to learn it all again

    22. It does not appear that we can move away from eventual erasing of the middle class unless these leeches are destroyed or at least regulated so that America can progress to a more just society

    23. In it, he orders all the SS units in and near German concentration camps to start erasing as rapidly as possible all the traces of the camps and to eliminate all witnesses

    24. Officially, to tackle this task apprentices employed three disciplines, Erasing Personal History, using Death as an Adviser, and Assuming Responsibility

    25. The first of these, Erasing Personal History, was what appealed greatly to me, now, because I had once experienced its positive affects: In what became my last year as a staffer at the CBC, I had been severely embarrassed by my fiancé leaving me, my own inexplicable (to me) penchant for unremitting profanity, and utter hubris in thinking that I was a shoe-in for a job I was not qualified for

    26. Maybe the ramifications of erasing my history are stark

    27. “Meaning the ramifications of erasing my history are stark

    28. He was erasing any illusions from anyone’s mind about what was involved in making it up Mitchell’s

    29. 62 – Erasing the tracks

    30. She had no problem erasing the disc and then giving it to him to do with as he pleased

    31. Believe me when I say that erasing the Imperium ‘B’ was an act we did not relish

    32. Consequently, erasing a computer program would be problematic, because it would surely have built in safe guards to guarantee that it would still run even if brain damage occurred

    33. They were erasing all the evidence, to guard against it being captured

    34. “It would be an honor to escort you home,” Garcia said, erasing the information

    35. to see that the process of sleep was erasing the lines of stress from his face

    36. He commanded them to wipe it down erasing all fingerprints, also telling them to fix the front bumper and grill

    37. The fallout from either was more than capable of erasing all life from the planet and the planet itself was in shit shape, as all well knew

    38. It meant he didn’t have to mess with her memory to the extent of erasing, just rearrange for it where their liaison had happened, dreams were safe, you can dream without consequence

    39. Resurrections, thus the chance for re-creation, occur by not only forgiving the imperfect record, but also gracing us by erasing it

    40. erasing Anne’s tears with the back of her hand

    41. Anouk was right, there were those who disappeared without a word or explanation, too focused on running, on erasing the regrets or fulfilling the dreams they have

    42. After erasing her memory, he used the power of the three lesser illusion amulets to convince the king she was dead

    43. Cruce stole a cup from the Cauldron of Forgetting and tricked the concubine/Aoibheal into drinking it, thereby erasing all memory of the king and her life before the moment the cup touched her lips

    44. The polluted air, the noise, the solitude of hour upon hour spent in a cell no bigger than a normal person’s closet—in the seventy-three days that Noah has spent here, they have had the effect of deadening him, killing his hope, erasing his dreams, leaving him numb

    45. He waves his hand, like he’s erasing something

    46. The first was that software could be booby-trapped so that opening an internet history was the same thing as erasing an internet history

    47. It is easy to become sidetracked and spend much time drawing, erasing, and redrawing trend lines, when they should be focusing on the bigger-picture trend structure as it develops

    48. With an angry swat, she knocks over the toy, erasing the impression of her face

    49. Dizzy with relief, I start erasing the enormous backlog of error messages

    50. Sigma is reaching into her mind and erasing its structure, removing all the folders that organized her thoughts

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