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    Usa "erratically" in una frase

    erratically frasi di esempio


    1. But her gait was driven erratically by constantly glancing stiffly over one shoulder, then over the other at the aliens behind her

    2. It was a thick substance that constantly shifted erratically

    3. Sensation after sensation passed through him, causing him to breathe erratically, making him perspire profusely, even causing strange chills to run through his being

    4. Halfway up Shelley accidentally dropped her torch, watching sadly as it bounced off the rungs of the ladder and then tumbled to the floor, its beam erratically illuminating the sides of the shaft as it fell

    5. “I said erratically, not erotically

    6. We’d have to wing it, and my spider-sense tingled erratically whenever I had to wing things, which had been a lot in the past few hours

    7. Everyone was transfixed; the brave, diminutive Fairy flew erratically across the pond

    8. The machine seemed to be encountering some difficulty, bobbing up and down erratically, frantically rotating and skewing its body as if it was trying to free itself of invisible leashes, it’s voice crackling with a slow and heavy stutter as if it had been somehow damaged:

    9. resonated from the rays, buzzing erratically in the silent air like a

    10. My chest rising erratically, I stare back at his eyes

    11. Prince Mark and Princess Talia also manifest while flying very quickly and erratically in close formation as they appear within the very midst of this flight of twelve enemy Kleti

    12. They circled erratically halfway around the mountain, dodging destructions and accelerating as they went, and drawing almost a quarter of the enemy’s force in their wake before they headed away from the mountain and north

    13. Shields that had been placed protectively over their heads waved erratically and spears held at the ready thumped on the ground in a chorus of unsteady ascent

    14. erratically and spears held at the ready thumped on the ground in a chorus of unsteady ascent

    15. erratically, as if he were trying to shake a number of unseen

    16. “Earlier today it was reported that cell phone footage of rising star Dandy surfaced online, driving erratically through the streets, seeming to have no regard for anyone else’s wellbeing

    17. The creature spun through the air erratically, disoriented by the hefty troll’s blow

    18. The rest of the battered gorgons spun in the air erratically and retreated through their tunnels

    19. The crushed body of the creature wailed as it spun erratically into the depths of the fortress

    20. Three of the goblins were knocked unconscious from their saddles and two more guided their steeds erratically as their entire bodies became awash in a pattern of electric sparks

    21. I fell on my side in the moist sand, winded, while the dozer, headlights reflecting palely off the rocks, revved erratically and the sky came tumbling down

    22. ” The red dot danced around the screen erratically

    23. He was shaking and driving slightly erratically but had the car under control

    24. The bushes were shaken violently, and simultaneously with the sound, an arrow arched erratically from among them and vanished among the trees along the trail

    25. moving erratically towards the hive

    26. erratically, but the mind is not affected, just restricted

    27. erratically towards the hive

    28. My heart thumped erratically in my chest, and I was sure my mouth had to be hanging open

    29. Fishmael would change tack erratically, “following my nose,” so he said

    30. behave erratically at times

    31. Immediately, he stuck the handling stick's hook onto the back of its head, watched it squirm erratically, and then cautiously displaced his hand to where the hook was

    32. Mitchell was silent, breathing erratically to act as if he was now coping with emotional distress

    33. It sped ahead erratically for a while before veering off to one side and shot off into the distance

    34. because capital flows into them so erratically, pumping up prices when a sector is favored,

    35. It swerved erratically trying to kick at the pigs, which when the swinging caddy connected,

    36. She couldn’t stop her heart from beating erratically, or prevent her hands from trembling

    37. She breathed erratically and bit down hard as she strained to not scream in agony

    38. Blood blossomed a startling red from her chest and she could be seen to be gasping erratically from pain and shock

    39. It shifted places erratically, disappearing and reappearing all over; Sorren could not pinpoint which direction it was coming from

    40. Cal and Paul were behaving very erratically

    41. The candles flickered erratically, threatening to be extinguished

    42. After adjusting the fixture and canvas, he dipped his paintbrush into the various colors, painting erratically in an attempt to release the tension and frustration he felt through abstract images, seeing Sage’s face, his parents’ faces, and the coven’s faces

    43. Heart thumping erratically, she became completely caught up in the sensations Joel’s kiss was creating

    44. He seemed to have learnt nothing from the mishap and drove as erratically as before

    45. She could feel the heat emanating from the oil lamps and shadows danced erratically

    46. the old man erratically tore through the greens, waving golfers out of his way as he drove to

    47. “Well, if that partner of yours, that guy you fell in love with, represents the herd for you, your emotions will be pulled this and that way quite erratically, because a single person is something much quicker and much more erratic than a big, slow herd

    48. The controller replayed the recording on another monitor and saw an image for a few moments that seemed to be moving erratically on all fours in and out of view, and then disappeared towards a small river

    49. The mercenaries appeared to be firing erratically in all directions

    50. Spock looked at his friend who had a vacant expression and no awareness of the situation as he drove erratically and uncaring

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