you have, even though you never ask about them out
example of this; even though God’s full promise to him
Even though he died without see all the families of the
What a very strange man he was, apparently he insists on wearing hats indoors and would only answer to the name “Famous Author” even though nobody I have met has ever heard of him!
I can't image being raised to follow Tdeshi even though she was hot
He called the packers for Raw Sex Object, even though it wasn’t due to leave the gallery for a week or two, and contentedly surveyed the gallery
Therefore, even though when we were evil,
was able to deal with this woman’s sins even though
even though she broke the law of Moses and her accusers
Sarah smiles back, even though she’s still panting from the exertion of creating life
Even though he knew that I did what I had to, he said he couldn’t forgive me either
This kooky old man reminded her a little of her Pap Pap, even though he was a little uncouth
Even though the flesh she currently inhabited was born on this world, and she had lived here in this flesh a complete mortal lifetime, her mind was still not used to one sleep period of every week being brilliant daylight
by your faith even though nothing came out of it, He
As he spoke, the large image on the wall of the elevator continued to broadcast his image even though he was standing right in front of them
I wouldn't put it past Venna to completely deny that she has ever laid eyes on me before even though she was the most tempestuous four Earth years my bed has ever experienced
"I get your point," she tried not to hiss even though she should have expected it, "but I can't go up North again
He was always nervous when he was using computers, even though he was one of the best hackers and security protection experts in the world
He had informed her, numerous times, that even though her body was local, her mind was of Earth and he would have registered their children as pureblood terrestrial
Then she had another gruesome thought, even though this was nearly desert, there could very well be carnivores out here, and she didn't even have a dinner knife on her for self defense
Even though it would make his ma right upset, Peter didn't actually want to be a panhandler
But the good news is, even though the Heavenly Mother is coming thru at almost exactly the same time, we have a solution that allows them to miss the asteroid and the planet and the debris that will be knocked up by the impact
Even though they were not travelers over water, they traded with those
Please realize that even though an item is organic and found in nature it can still be dangerous
We can age gracefully even though aging cannot be prevented
satin; Even though she wakes you
Lopez professes to be the only ‘Absolutely Organic’ spraying/pest specialist in the United States (at this time, even though he expects more to come out), pointing out that
Adrian and I are worried sick that mum will move back to Bridgwater, even though I have made her promise she won’t
Even though the place certainly wouldn't boast of city services, it would probably be a better place to spend the dark than dry sand
As it happened Will was a very good looking young man and even though he didn't realize it yet, half the girls in his school were in love with him
cleaned even though it relied entirely on solid fuel
Glenelle had to admit that even though Ava did her best to make the war back at Sol sound exciting, it seemed long ago and far away compared to the adjustments she had to face, being a clone and her whole time had been turned into a fantasy realm
"He's the one who's not at the Kassikan?" There was such a large cast on the ground that it was hard to keep them straight, even though Ava was trying to keep it as simple as possible
and Smith, even though he heard none of the individual songs sung by the flora and
Even though the doctors said there was unlikely to be any change for at least twenty four hours
Keogh wouldn’t have even thought about it
Full of contempt - Even though this was initially directed toward God it led him to act contemptuously toward all others
As a mortal he had known the truth about Angels even though he was not a technician
Even as the thought skittered through my feeble mind, even though I instinctively understood that having fresh clothes meant investment in my life as a hostage by my captors, still I relished the simple aromas of washed cotton
Even though some women had the gift of prophecy (Acts
Bahkmar was suddenly very uncomfortable in this bot with him, even though he knew they were no more in it than any other soul of the Al-Harron
Even though I searched for her, it was always in vain
He cursed the fact that he lived, even though he should have been dead on impact
I even though about marriage …
Even though she was not quite as pretty as average for a Highland Elf
He was a little queasy about these computer programs claiming to be people for they had not existed outside Asia till he arrived at 61 Cygni, even though they were of Earth
We were astounded, even though their Portuguese was very fractured, we were able to understand with the diagrams
"Even though it's down over seventeen hundred feet since the break-out, and most of it's grown over by wildhull swamp since then, there's a thousand miles of open water around Darceen and that's a mile or two deep
She believed he had left it in the woods to be devoured and could not forgive him for that, even though it could never have survived
The king was afraid of Son even though he did not know Son was the
It was bad enough that she had to go along with his starship story even though she was pretty convinced that all he had wrong with him was a bad trip on RNAcid and that eldritch device someone had found
Even though they were loved by most, there were still those who wished
Without the instructions provided by the ever efficient Wiesse, Kara would never have found it even though she’d been there before
The song was Good and Smith, even though he heard none of the individual songs sung by the flora and fauna of this long forgotten refrain at the edge of all things, found contentment in the straightforward knowledge that the song continued, a fulfilment sufficient for Him to think the work of creation a noble thing
That nation will be a blessing – even though they are currently bringing strife and chafing
These things are true, even though they are completely invisible to the thoughts and understandings of the nations and the inhabitants of those nations
Even though she intended to find her courage, she could think of no better story than the one Alan had shouted as he reached the shore
He would get no more willing cooperation from these natives, why make the situation worse? Even though they were primitive, he respected some things about these people and hoped some day there would be contact with them, more successful contact than this had been
Even though she wasn't supposed to be here, the time she spent on the avatar had taken away from time she could have spent automating this environment, so she had to maintain it now, as well as get some of that automation in place
Even though he had every right, and even though the Lord had brought Saul into his hand (1 Samuel 24:4)
Somehow they had sublime confidence in the sovereignty of God – even though it flies in the face of every natural and religious category
This verse, even though it is controversial, is a true statement
doing, even though it was all they ever talked about when they
Come to think of it, the archwood trees looked a little like giant ferns also, even though the fronds did branch extensively, giving them a look that was also something like a willow
' In fact I would probably be screaming that at you about the way I screamed at Valla at the logging party, even though we have nothing to drink but the stream
It seemed like the fact that he had lain with Luray had put something between him and Desa, even though she had asked him to do it
"The math would have to be the same on both planets," Luray said, "Even though I wouldn't presume to recognize an equation that could describe a stargate, I know the same ones have to hold true at each star, except for the local constants
Despite anticipating that the sound of the water flowing past my head as I sleep in the cabin bed allotted to me would awaken memories that would prevent me sleeping, I do manage to drop off and woke to find myself in a different world; the flat lowlands have been replaced by rolling hills which, even though the plants and animals show the ubiquitous signs of malaise I have seen elsewhere, is lovely to behold
Our character and conduct need to be governed from that reality, even though we have not yet attained unto it
Even though we shall be sailing in the Mediterranean, it is late in the year and if we hit bad weather, I shall need these
delicately poised, even though they prevent me
even though you’ve lived here since you were juvenile,
The woman was also tall, cool, and her hair still carried a touch of gold even though she was obviously also a helmet user
They had been interested in those even though they kept the Kassikan out of the debates swirling around them, in spite of many efforts in the scientific media to get them involved
I'd secured the cottage and left food and water for Ebby but there was no sign of him anywhere and I would have loved to say goodbye even though I knew he was in good hands with Demelza
Still she stuck to the limit, even though she went for the darkest green she could find during the last two dinners they stopped for
My aunt and uncle began chatting about the crazy obsession the surfers share for beach life and I knew it wouldn't be long before he'd start hinting that it was about time I learned to swim, even though we had long ago agreed that I would only go with them to a beach as long as I didn't have to go in the sea, which I never did because I hated the water, the salt and the cold, and also I hated being so thin
and even though we’ve come this far, through seasons
"The lower river has the look of home, even though I think Trenst is way over a mile lower in elevation than Zhlindu," he told her
This is not time wasted but time well spent even though it might take you some time to train yourself not to keep glancing up at the clock and listing in your mind all the chores you have to do while you are ‘relaxing’ on the floor
He screamed at all the doctors and nurses, even though he knew it wasn't their fault
Conifers crowd in, making the lane very dark, even though it is broad daylight
"Even though she has to know I care much more for you," he told Desa, "and you too," he told Luray
For weeks they had me on anything short of horse tranquilizers even though the dosages would have killed a couple by now
With the sun directly overhead there were few shadows and the heat was draining any theoretical stamina even though I'd prepared for this by nibbling, and sipping lots of liquids in advance
The medication was still making me drool a little, even though I tried to be serious with her
I had forgotten what it was like to interact with people especially romantically even though I was still unusually doped up
I looked down at my sandals, avoiding confrontation even though they were taking advantage of their number and her sex
Scientologists will tell that you I went crazy because of a few anti-depressants or because I am a lost cause, even though I have been taking medication ever since and I am fine now
He noticed her cup was full again also, then saw that his was too, even though it had been only halfway to the bottom
Reassured by his aides and aware that the world’s press was waiting with baited breath, the great politician himself now wanted to read the document, even though there were still some relevant facts to include and a few final conclusions to draw
Even though he was supposed to have no magic, any senior officer could use magic on him and page him even in his own universe
Even though loving someone is a choice of self sacrifice, there are always the times where
Even though a lack of
even though the other person is asking you questions, you feel as if he is only listening to you in order to form his next response
Terry continued to dazzle on the playing field and without quite remembering why, he stood firmly by his old and battered shin pads, even though he was offered bright shiny new ones nearly every week
Even though I was
be specialised, even though he may not have thought about it
Even though he never activated an alimentary canal in his personification, his brain definitely sent the upchuck command to his stomach and he would have done so if that part of his personification was rendered
Even though a dupatta covered most of her face, I