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    Usa "every person" in una frase

    every person frasi di esempio

    every person

    1. Every person has made their choice

    2. Every person that has known her sees this light within

    3. In the heart of every person there are desired things never asked

    4. Every person touching anything in the place where it is sold has to be licensed, pass a test and have a certificate from the government allowing them to be involved in food production or handling

    5. Every person involved in delivering supplies is licensed and subjected to ongoing personal testing

    6. So is every person involved in carrying away the trash

    7. She thought she was giving him more than the tourist's look at Wescarp, what life was like in a town where you knew every person and every yaag cup

    8. In this way, every person should pay according with

    9. Every person that knew Adrianus - the strong and DRAFT

    10. [217] In the Gita, 15:7-10, Krishna (God) says that he sends part of himself into every person, and that part becomes the Self of that person

    11. It may be noted that each and every person is different from the other

    12. The first of those remedies is the study of science and philosophy, which the state might render almost universal among all people of middling or more than middling rank and fortune ; not by giving salaries to teachers in order to make them negligent and idle, but by instituting some sort of probation, even in the higher and more difficult sciences, to be undergone by every person before he was permitted to exercise any liberal profession, or before he could be received as a candidate for any honourable office, of trust or profit

    13. The only logical way in which one would be able to accomplish something as elaborate as this, would be to enjoy total freedom from our dimensionality - to exist outside of time altogether and be able to influence every person in such a way that they would be swayed to carry out the requirements for the design

    14. Where it is otherwise, every person subject to the tax is put more or less in the power of the tax-gatherer, who can either aggravate the tax upon any obnoxious contributor, or extort, by the terror of such aggravation, some present or perquisite to himself

    15. She gathered up her things and they walked to Cabañas Arrecifes, Herminia’s bandages drawing curious stares from every person they passed and once there, she discovered Truman’s car to be missing and his apartment door locked

    16. Once inside the hotel, they carefully examine and search from head to toe every person that desires to enter

    17. You can"t have a different story for every person that approaches

    18. The MC continued, “… It’s going to be a straight up funk fest, the funky festival is onnn! Rappers, housers, disco ducks, do it to it,” MC Shadows said in a slow, deep and crystal clear MC voice, as he pointed his finger at each and every person in the crowd

    19. Every person will have the dignity of living very well in society, without needing to be cloistered at its houses with fear of the insecurity, without the drama of the unemployment or lack of income

    20. every person that clicks on the link and the click rate of the link

    21. Almost every person I encountered there is wealthy, sophisticated or in a position of influence, although the club also has the curious rule that members are allowed to grant membership to one person and this may be to whomever they please, regardless of their income or standing

    22. A spell seemed to have settled over the room, enclosing every person in his own private cares and thoughts

    23. A wave of panic entered the room as every person inside knew that Crya’s rocks were poisonous and would render some titans immobile or even dead

    24. Is not every person a

    25. But if the Fourier complex were to inflict every person, then what would stop such inflicted persons from meting out the same 'solution' to our attackers, as they are meting out to us? Such a cycle of envy, resentment, and levelling will never end, until all has been levelled—until everything has been annihilated

    26. She thought about the conversation she had with Gabriel—every person dies

    27. ” Appearing to relax, he turned to the camera to say, “God loves every person and His spirit continues to strive with humanity during these last days

    28. Every person is fearful at times

    29. At any rate, all dragons have several inherent magical abilities, and while not all have the same ones, all have Flight, the ability to detect every person and animal within five kilometers or so, and one of the four types of breath weapons

    30. There are opportunities that come along during every person’s lifetime, and this may have been a big one

    31. “There was a danger that almost every person from every race on every continent in The Just Alliance would send you birthday presents

    32. His screams could literally be heard by every person and creature on Kellaran, and we were all tortured with it for a period of eight minutes and eleven seconds that seemed to last an eternity

    33. Thanks to the gods, every person who lives at this moment is well

    34. At any rate, all dragons have several inherent magical abilities, and while not all have the same ones, all have Flight, the ability to detect every person and animal within a league or so, and one of the four types of breath weapons

    35. The only exception to the strict terms of her excommunication shall be Bishop Higbold's annual inspection; when, according to the ancient custom here, he insists on interviewing each and every person at the convent

    36. (Since God is the source of all infiniteness He has infinite thoughts just about you, let alone every person and all things, including the knowledge of Himself

    37. (As a reminder I am not declaring that every person who goes to Hades now will be saved, or even have a chance at being saved, I am simply proposing questions for you to consider in your own relationship with God

    38. Every person in the group is the projection of a part of ourselves or of an

    39. By now I hope that every person has received a greater revelation, impartation, and experiential manifestation of the love of God! This has been quite a journey, and I’m so grateful to have shared it with you! Realistically though, this is just a small beginning

    40. The modern view, in the light of what has been revealed by quantum physics, may be to say that every thing and every person both exist and does not exist

    41. Every person on the ship had heard the Major's announcement and, like she’d expected, many were in shock

    42. In this space, every person has the possibility to have an existential

    43. or every person would see a different thing in ten cycles

    44. but that we could do it! Every person that has ever existed is a model for you

    45. Other people collected ‘friends’, cramming address books with the names and addresses of every person they met, sending Christmas cards and landing on their doorsteps to stay if in the vicinity

    46. It is my belief that every person is in control of their existence after they reach adulthood

    47. Every person is called to arms—every man, woman, and child who can run

    48. every person has a default pitch in which he speaks

    49. In another few 106 years or so the transcendence will begin; each and every person is a chrysalis of untapped, unimaginable power… Unimagined, that is, by all but you

    50. It is not the purpose of the listing to imply that every person with some of these attributes is a batterer or potential batterer

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