Usa "exactness" in una frase
exactness frasi di esempio
1. I have no great faith in political arithmetic, and I mean not to warrant the exactness of either of these computations
2. The quantity will always be suited, with more or less exactness, to the consumption of those who can afford to pay for it; and the price which they will pay will always be in proportion to the eagerness of their competition
3. In order to acquire this fortune, or even to get this subsistence, they must, in the course of a year, execute a certain quantity of work of a known value; and, where the competition is free, the rivalship of competitors, who are all endeavouring to justle one another out of employment, obliges every man to endeavour to execute his work with a certain degree of exactness
4. The contrivers of the several taxes which in England have, at different times, been imposed upon houses, seem to have imagined that there was some great difficulty in ascertaining, with tolerable exactness, what was the real rent of every house
5. First, the quantity and value of the land which any man possesses, can never be a secret, and can always be ascertained with great exactness
6. But the whole amount of the capital stock which he possesses is almost always a secret, and can scarce ever be ascertained with tolerable exactness
7. It would have been impossible to proportion, with tolerable exactness, the tax upon a shop to the extent of the trade carried on in it, without such an inquisition as would have been altogether insupportable in a free country
8. It seems impossible, that the council, with the best intentions, can ever proportion, with tolerable exactness, either of these two assessments to the real abilities of the province or district upon which they are respectively laid
9. Taxes upon the revenue arising from stock in all employments, where the government attempts to levy them with any degree of exactness, will, in many cases, fall upon the interest of money
10. So far as it affects stock, it is assessed, though not with great rigour, yet with much more exactness than that part of the land tax in England which is imposed upon the same fund
11. And the leaders of the heads of the thousands, who are placed over the whole creation and over all the stars, have also to do with the four intercalary days, being inseparable from their office, according to the reckoning of the year, and these render service on the four days which are not reckoned in the reckoning of the year; And owing to them men go wrong in it, for those luminaries truly render service on the world-stations, one in the first portal, one in the third portal of the Heaven, one in the fourth portal, and one in the sixth portal, and the exactness of the year is accomplished through its separate three hundred and sixty-four stations
12. With equal but reverse exactness pure
13. And the leaders of the heads of the thousands who are placed over the whole creation and over all the stars have also to do with the four intercalary days being inseparable from their office according to the reckoning of the year and these render service on the four days which are not reckoned in the reckoning of the year; And owing to them men go wrong in it for those luminaries truly render service on the world-stations one in the first portal one in the third portal of the Heaven one in the fourth portal and one in the sixth portal and the exactness of the year is accomplished through its separate three hundred and sixty-four stations
14. categorization: Let the degree of exactness reflect the purpose of the task
15. There has been a Grand Square in the heavens (at varying degrees of exactness) all year thus far, and it is still strong for most of this month
16. If the ceremony didn’t result in the desired outcome it was either because the ritual was not performed with meticulous exactness by the supplicant, or the god failed in its duty
17. Epsilon blitzes the room with exactness
18. " Thus natives with Neptune sextile Pluto within one degree of exactness are the most compulsively pragmatic and individualistic – not in the sense of being rebellious or flaunting their independence of spirit, but rather they are self-contained lone wolves
19. All aspects between one and two degrees of exactness indicate flexibility, the ability to adapt oneself to changing conditions – "universals are only to be perceived in terms of constant flux
20. Natives with Neptune sextile Pluto between three and four degrees of exactness are the most eccentrically pragmatic and individualistic – highly self-attuned and self-assured, with great depth and delicacy of feeling
21. " Natives with Neptune sextile Pluto between five and six degrees of exactness are the most dispassionately pragmatic and individualistic: they are cool, down-to-earth, purposeful and realistic – ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work
22. "Though the mills of the God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small: though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness He grinds them all
23. 'My dear Heinrich--will you not try--in the presence of--of relations, and of--of our children--' her voice shook a little, and she stopped, and began with great haste and exactness to fold up her table-napkin
24. Barnes's commiseration that I should have to be engaged on so hot a day in what she with felicitous exactness called a domestic pursuit, and trying very hard not to be too evidently pleased
25. Sig began his routine sweep, moving from room to room with the same exactness he’d done hundreds of times before
26. The countable reality, the pragmatic exactness is; though
27. odd about the exactness of the plan and the storm outside
28. The worship of measurement, or the worship of exactness, is basically the worship of the concept of the absolute
29. the only reason Science works and can be used by humans is not because of its exactness, but because of the general principle of dynamic balance
30. How do you distinguish between laughter, fun, wonder, relativity, truth, and semantics… if you want to ‘precisely’ ‘know ‘exactly’ what anything ‘is’ or ‘means’? Pure wonder does not bother with exactness in any boring absolute way
31. what exactness the threatening of the law was fulfilled in judgment
32. generation to generation, shows with what exactness the threatening of the law was fulfil ed in
33. generation, shows with what exactness the threatening of the law was fulfilled in judgment
34. Thomas Thayer: "The entire history of the Jewish people as a nation, and as individuals, from generation to generation, shows with what exactness the threatening of the law was fulfilled in judgment
35. "The entire history of the Jewish people as a nation, and as individuals, from generation to generation, shows with what exactness the threatening of the law was fulfilled in judgment
36. greater exactness and less risk, and without dangerous inquiries and investigations, that next day at a certain time an old woman, on whose life an attempt was contemplated, would be at home and entirely alone
37. While Don Quixote and Sancho were shut up together, they had a discussion which the history records with great precision and scrupulous exactness
38. He, meanwhile, whatever he might feel, acted with all the firmness of a collected mind, made every necessary arrangement with the utmost despatch, and calculated with exactness the time in which she might look for his return
39. Something of ideal truth is sacrificed for the sake of the representation, and something in the exactness of the representation is sacrificed to the ideal
40. For I must remark, Thrasymachus, if you will recall what was previously said, that although you began by defining the true physician in an exact sense, you did not observe a like exactness when speaking of the shepherd; you thought that the shepherd as a shepherd tends the sheep not with a view to their own good, but like a mere diner or banquetter with a view to the pleasures of the table; or, again, as a trader for sale in the market, and not as a shepherd
41. I speak generally, and not with any pretension to exactness
42. that exactness of shape, in the fall of it towards the loins, where the waist
43. So I said nothing; only I got the town-clerk’s young man, who acted as clerk to the committee of the subscription, to make out a fair account of the distribution of the money, and to what intent the residue had been placed in the towntreasurer’s hand; and this I sent unto a friend in Glasgow to get printed for me, the which he did; and when I got the copies, I directed one to every individual subscriber, and sent the towndrummer an end’s errand with them, which was altogether a proceeding of a method and exactness so by common, that it not only quenched the envy of spite utterly out, but contributed more and more to give me weight and authority with the community, until I had the whole sway and mastery of the town
44. In any case, it would have been difficult to find out beforehand and with certainty, with greater exactness and less risk, and without dangerous inquiries and investigations, that next day at a certain time an old woman, on whose life an attempt was contemplated, would be at home and entirely alone
45. How much it really said if he had understood!—that she adhered with literal exactness to orders
46. No one in Middle march was likely to have such a notion of Lydgate's past as has here been faintly shadowed, and indeed the respectable townsfolk there were not more given than mortals generally to any eager attempt at exactness in the representation to themselves of what did not come under their own senses
47. He for his part had tossed away all cheap inventions where ignorance finds itself able and at ease: he was enamoured of that arduous invention which is the very eye of research, provisionally framing its object and correcting it to more and more exactness of relation; he wanted to pierce the obscurity of those minute processes which prepare human misery and joy, those invisible thoroughfares which are the first lurking-places of anguish, mania, and crime, that delicate poise and transition which determine the growth of happy or unhappy consciousness
48. I had not, it seems, the originality to chalk out a new road to shame and destruction, but trode the old track with stupid exactness not to deviate an inch from the beaten centre
49. His top mind looked at him—a scientist, a thinker trained, conditioned to method, to exactness
50. Fanny thought it a bold measure, but offered no further resistance; and they went together into the breakfast-room, where Edmund prepared her paper, and ruled her lines with all the goodwill that her brother could himself have felt, and probably with somewhat more exactness