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    Usa "excesses" in una frase

    excesses frasi di esempio


    1. excesses of that day, but I can tell you that this fiasco

    2. They challenge the excesses of the

    3. His court is filled with pagan excesses

    4. That said, what has gone wrong with our culture over the past half century that causes so many of us to excuse excesses of the left as mere idealism? (Remember, ideas, not ideals

    5. The theatre was famous since its inception for satirizing the foibles, excesses and stupidities of the government

    6. “Well, I can certainly see why the political parties would not like to commit to their spending, since they would be liable for excesses above that, but wouldn’t the politicians themselves and special interest groups be hurt, too?” Michelle asked

    7. ” He compared the excesses of this

    8. Founders were ever mindful of the crimes and excesses of the Church and monarchs of

    9. Seeing that I was bewildered by that remark, he explained that even though the papa was the “vicar of Christ” and the successor of the “apostles,” he did not lead a very moral life, and was wont to flaunt his excesses at this banquets

    10. An obsession with technology coupled with consumerism has led to the excesses

    11. Though his stomach was unsettled thanks to the previous night’s excesses, it still growled, reminding him it was mostly empty

    12. Sprinkled like detritus among the Art Deco excesses of this sumptuous apartment were several garish minimalist paintings, overwrought little sculptures, and hand woven panels in primitive frames

    13. After my evening porridge, for lack of other diversion, I surveyed with sinking heart the castle’s kitsch decorative excesses

    14. The alarm clock had not been set because it was a Sunday and due to the excesses of the previous afternoon/evening he had not wanted to awaken until late in the morning or whenever he came to

    15. As he was a little sore from the excesses of the previous night, he suggested they get dressed and head back to his apartment where he could change his clothes prior to them going out for a meal

    16. This ritual of having the ‘hair of the dog’ to offset the effects of hangovers was prevalent on Monday’s after the excesses of the weekend

    17. He once said that you would need an oxygen mask from men breaking wind from the night’s excesses

    18. After Hu Lyang had sated his lust, he took control of the video camera and ordered his biltong-chewing “cameraman” to enjoy himself as well, while he directed the action – the excesses he conceived were demonic and indicated a totally deranged mind………

    19. 18 "Woe upon you, scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! for you are scrupulous to cleanse the outside of the cup and the platter, but within there remains the filth of extortion, excesses, and deception

    20. The world wanted revenge and the Allies were handing it to them on a platter with Goring, Hess and the others paying the price for The Fuhrers excesses

    21. Gerard takes him to the hospital out of town, fills in the papers for him, displaying a doctored driver’s license that indicates it has expired, and referring to a medical plan number whose file exposes his past excesses and criminal behavior, but in Gerard’s old name

    22. In the past these disciplines have successfully controlled the excesses of Kings and even Emperors

    23. The world is perhaps more caring or at least concerned with the excesses we experienced before World War II

    24. The scars tempted him to gain excessive power to squelch the sense of vulnerability—power that wasn’t necessarily healing, such as prestige, adoration, and more excesses of money than he already had

    25. He resisted all fairly well, except for excesses of money

    26. It was obvious that she liked the house, that she spent the whole year dreaming about the excitement of the young people her arrival brought around, and that she was not far removed from the festive vocation and hospitable excesses of her father

    27. ” During the course of the first week he became accustomed to the inroads that time and the rain had made in the health of his concubine, and little by little he was seeing her as she had been before, remembering her jubilant excesses and the delirious fertility that her love provoked in the animals, and partly through love, partly through inter-est, one night during the second week he awoke her with urgent caresses

    28. Nothing seemed to be happening at all, and to a generation which remembered, without much difficulty, the horrors and excesses of World War One, as it now had to be numbered, it seemed almost like anticlimax

    29. Then someone asked, “whom will we whip upon now to keep up our excesses?” So started the war of the uncaring rich, fighting each other for survival, once wealthy whiners, now cave people with spears hovering around their piles of paper money and gold and fighting each other off

    30. The horrific stories told by our hosts of the Teoti’s excesses hardly varied from village to village, if only half the number of soldiers that were promised by the village elders showed up, our forces would be quite a formidable army

    31. From time to time the trail moves away from the earth and all the gods return home while they can, without their wisdom and guidance, mere mortals try to take the place of the gods using falsehoods and lies and that is when the bad times start, and continue until the trail touches the land once again and the gods return to curb the excesses of the powerful and greedy, and a new age of peace and plenty begins once more

    32. I only left Kenya because my contacts urged me to avoid the excesses of the Mau Mau rising

    33. To avoid suspicion with the security guard, she put the items in bags she had kept from clothing stores, so her purchases appeared as Anna’s usual shopping excesses

    34. The latest row between her and the United States, concerning the admission of Communist China in the United Nations at the expense of the Nationalist Chinese government in Taiwan, had gained her the cooperation of a state representing a quarter of the World’s population, which in turn had given her enough influence to help prevent the worst of the excesses from Communist Chinese leaders

    35. these excesses be unaccounted for in the AFN equation, but so too will the unused capacity

    36. Too many of his close aides are dogmatic, ruthless hardliners that will spoil Vietnam’s future by their excesses if not held in check

    37. The speculative excesses that helped fuel the economy encouraged the issue of massive

    38. situation as it arose, avoiding some of the speculative excesses of its peers

    39. ‘’The worst part is that, apart from non-violent passive resistance, there is not much we could do to resist the excesses of the Terran Federation right now

    40. manufacturers a clear message that packaging excesses won’t be tolerated, by buying in bulk and buying products with minimum packaging when possible

    41. During those months, the ISF will be free to arrest, beat, torture and execute thousands, if not tens of thousands of innocent people that have little means to defend themselves from ISF aggression and excesses

    42. Its past excesses however ensured that the ISF troopers that tried to surrender got no mercy from their vengeful Terran compatriots

    43. Nancy spoke with me a number of times about the future state of Israel, which she had visited often and reported on many times in her timeline, and she cautioned me about the excesses to be committed by the Jews against the Arabs still living in their portion of partitioned Palestine

    44. Those excesses, which included forced deportation of Arabs and ethnic cleansing of many Arab villages and towns under the guise of military counter-offensives, were painted over for decades by the Jewish leadership and were still being mostly denied in Nancy’s time as late as 2012, especially in the United States

    45. Now, with this said, what does President Dewey expect from me? To protect the future Jewish state in Palestine no matter what happens there, or to go there and try to be fair with both the Jews and the Arabs? I have to warn you that, if he expects me to go to Palestine and close my eyes to excesses committed by the Jews there, then I will refuse that job, Mister Vice-President

    46. She also promised them to do her best to protect the Arab villages that exist inside the Jewish zone from excesses and forced expulsions by the Jews

    47. If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: emotional problems or sexual guilt, and excesses in food, sex and drugs

    48. whole and retail sales clothing empire with sales in excesses of ten

    49. Given the Israeli ascent, maybe vexed with Palestinian excesses, ‘the God’ had tilted the Divine Scales towards the Jews, His originally Chosen People, all again, at the cost of the Musalmans as He warned them thus in the Quran:

    50. A point that came to my mind was that the media there is controlled by big corporations that have a lot to gain from Western neo-imperialist dominance (of which Muslim countries like Iraq have recently borne the brunt[134], and generating apathy, if not hatred, for Muslims, helps legitimize the same as also excesses in Afghanistan), as John Perkins has pointed out in his classic book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (which is indeed a must-read)

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