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    Usa "excuse me" in una frase

    excuse me frasi di esempio

    excuse me

    1. "Excuse me, I have to go urinate in a cup," he whispered to them, then turned

    2. "Travis, I have to take this call, please excuse me

    3. "Oh excuse me please" was my reply

    4. He said, "Please excuse me too;

    5. Excuse me, Collin, may I interrupt you

    6. ' He cast a quick look at the two men, 'Excuse me, I must travel

    7. Then all at once, Alexis stood up, saluted again and said, 'Please excuse me, sir, now I have to prepare for the funeral services

    8. 'Excuse me, but in England everything with chips - is true?'

    9. 'Excuse me, Mr

    10. My aunt stood her ground and levelled with one of them as he was lighting a cigarette, 'Excuse me

    11. “Oh my manners, excuse me, my name is Lady Emily

    12. “Excuse me there, oh, where was I? Ah yes, Jake is holding him up at the Riders Hall

    13. Just as I was about to throw the raki down my throat, he laid his hand on my arm, 'No, no, no! Excuse me sir, the raki is for you to rub on your face

    14. 'Excuse me,' she said and ran to the bathroom

    15. 'Ahem, excuse me,' I said as the shopkeeper scanned Vidya up and down

    16. "Excuse me, I think this is a matter for a moment's private discussion

    17. ‘Excuse me,’ he said tentatively in a lilting Welsh accent, ‘but are you related to David Grant?’

    18. 'Excuse me? I wouldn't know if it has happened?' she said and stopped to look

    19. "Excuse me, but you wouldn't be Billy Whitlow, would you?"

    20. “Excuse me, I’m so tired all of the sudden

    21. “Um, excuse me, Mr

    22. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to

    23. “Excuse me, fine sir, but I was wondering if I could just have a few moments of your time,” Monica began, but then Olorhleng slammed the door

    24. "Excuse me-" she tried to change the subject and withdraw before the tension she could feel growing in Jim's body, actually did get loose

    25. “Excuse me,” she said politely to an apoplectic little girl

    26. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, addressing himself to the

    27. ‘Excuse me but the monster bit was way over the top Nimblefax

    28. “Oh, I’m sorry, excuse me

    29. “Excuse me Zune, but it’s a hierarchy problem, don’t you see? There’s nothing wrong with classifying and grouping and organizing and all that, but the deal is, when we end up on top of the taxonomical pyramid, that tends to give us illusions of grandeur and superiority that are not at all justified when a global point of view is taken into consideration

    30. So sorry, please excuse me

    31. “Excuse me Captain?” Dena, standing at her side had noticed that the Elf's claws had extended and gripped the arms of her chair so fiercely there were puncture marks in the titanium frame

    32. ‘Excuse me!’ The computer was merely that; it was simply programmed to follow instructions

    33. Excuse me girls, but there seems to be some

    34. “Excuse me a moment,” he said and went to go speak with Hans

    35. “If you’ll excuse me

    36. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘but who gave you the authority to decide just whom I should speak to, especially when she is the girl I am in a relationship with, and is someone for whose welfare I care greatly

    37. I could have said something like, “Oh excuse me, it’s my

    38. “Excuse me” she said sweetly to a mixed group of drinkers

    39. ‘Excuse me?’ That was as near to an outward sign of outrage the elder was ever likely to reach

    40. ‘Excuse me,’ I said hurriedly, and abruptly got off the couch and made my way outside the room into the courtyard, instantly feeling the chill nip at my bones

    41. excuse me," I shouted as he walked away

    42. excuse me, officer," I said

    43. “Excuse me; can I have a word with you?”

    44. “Excuse me, miss, can you tell me if Mr

    45. “Excuse me miss” said a lady wearing all black clothing that almost

    46. I stepped past Worth and into the bathroom, closing the door with a firm, “Excuse me,” when she tried to follow

    47. “Excuse me,” she called to the secretary

    48. So you have to learn to say, “Excuse me, but I’m watching this show now

    49. “Excuse me a second longer,” I said to her as I stopped walking beside her which in turn stopped her in her tracks

    50. “Excuse me for not greeting you fully and properly, my lady

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