Usa "expectation" in una frase
expectation frasi di esempio
1. Because when you have an expectation of how you think other
2. and will look up or wait with expectation
3. smothering life and expectation under a blanket of grey cloud
4. with expectation still wrapped in tinsel and bright paper
5. relationship, definitely we do not embark on a relationship with the expectation that it
6. She felt the fear that comes with expectation still wrapped in tinsel and bright paper
7. More in hope then expectation
8. Early morning at the quayside and it was an ants' nest of confusion and expectation
9. The chamber was pregnant with silent expectation
10. Limit your expectation
11. Early the next morning they woke refreshed and filled with an air of expectation
12. 20According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed,
13. The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall
14. blitz and there was an expectation of an invasion at any time
15. Ted looks into Mickey's eyes and sees the glossy shine of expectation
16. conversation rather than an expectation of anything useful
17. The recognition of a history and the expectation of a future is integral to being human, thus our vocalizations had to account for these
18. She didn’t actually say it but there was no expectation of me going with them
19. She and George and White Feathers, indeed all their ancestors too, waited in expectation of some further developments in that line before making anything known to the girls and Jameson
20. They taught us from when we were the smallest of children to see and hear and smell the world around us, to work hard without expectation, to approach the world around us reasonably, to see the best in the people we knew---to hope for the rest and to walk with our heads held high
21. In justice to their creditors, however, their own capital ought in this case to be sufficient to insure, if I may say so, the capital of those creditors; or to render it extremely improbable that those creditors should incur any loss, even though the success of the project should fall very much short of the expectation of the projectors
22. This means their expectation on the profit share from you
23. It felt odd to be almost… could the feeling be happiness? No, more like hopeful expectation
24. The speaker took the time to look at the faces of the men assembled in front of him for a while, noting the quiet expectation in their eyes, before he began
25. There was a certain expectation and tension in the air; they could feel it when they walked in
26. To dream that you are being denied something suggests that you are not measuring up to the expectation of others
27. ” She raised her eyebrows in expectation and hope
28. And while she seemed in line with the general expectation at the beginning, her pride became evident - that stubborn Cyrodiil pride that he saw her exude
29. However, this must be love with no expectation of love in return
30. What is a selfish thought? It can be a thought about something you want, with the expectation that having it will make you happy
31. To the expectation of finding gold and silver mines, those first settlers, too, joined that of discovering a
32. It was a revenue, too, of a nature to excite in human avidity the most extravagant expectation of still greater riches
33. In the ultimate reality, the love that is referred to, is not the superficial kind, but instead speaks of unconditional love, where acts of love are carried out without any expectation of reward or praise
34. The expectation of a rupture with the colonies, accordingly, has struck the people of Great Britain with more terror than they ever felt for a Spanish armada, or a French invasion
35. concept, then you will have created an expectation that
36. He hadn’t left the base without the expectation of trouble, or even conflict
37. The colonisation project had been planned with the expectation of sending several waves of ships, each one adding equipment, personnel and supplies
38. Those fears and expectations may consist in the fear of deprivation or other punishment, and in the expectation of further preferment
39. I felt much pressure to conform to that expectation
40. “That was my husband’s expectation,” she said, “and I presume
41. " No rational expectation of a just return on investment? Then, no investment
42. The expectation was now so strong
43. An interesting concept that may be loosely defined as a group of symptoms, usually in reference to a living organism, and usually with an expectation of some sort of ultimately negative effect on that organism
44. Only a privileged minority could have the realistic expectation of a secure and fulfilling job, it now seemed to him
45. expectation that shone brightly in the eyes of each
46. As he walked onto the Bimah, the crowd hushed and the morning prayers began, the atmosphere was crackling with expectation
47. expectation of the coming Christmas morning
48. Skelda cringed in expectation of a physical assault but on this occasion it never came
49. Settling back down again, he feigned sleep, snoring loudly, but staying alert, every sense quivering with expectation
50. Your hearts shall be pierced and your every false expectation struck through!