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    Usa "explainable" in una frase

    explainable frasi di esempio


    1. It is explainable by the history of this nation,

    2. It was now explainable why people feared the genothroids so

    3. That was explainable

    4. Life is not a fucking inexplicable mystery, it is not an exception; it is not an anomaly; it is an explainable understandable logical phenomenon which can be explained scientifically and mathematically

    5. All this is understandable and explainable

    6. There are understandable, explainable causal reasons for everything in human history

    7. It would behoove you to analyze, investigate, evaluate and try to explain your own family’s history and your own: you may find disturbing patterns that are not rationally explainable

    8. But what is not explainable was the perfect flying formation they were in… about 12-18 of them or so: the spaces between them were very close: not more that 2 wasps could have fitted in the space between each one of them

    9. Suddenly for no explainable reason: This cousin who loved his friend the Tsar and was his best friend and had been the best of friends all their lives… suddenly this fucking corrupt weak fear-filled ruler starts hemming and hawing: and begins invention flimsy excuses as to why the govt of England should not allow the Tsar to escape sure death at the hands of the revolutionaries and be given a small villa to live in

    10. This is commonly assumed by traders to be evidence of a market inefficiency when in fact, it is completely explainable by the properties of random walks

    11. It is explainable in part by the stock market’s feeling that General Motors’ 1963 earnings—the largest for any corporation in history—can be maintained with difficulty and exceeded only modestly at best

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    Sinonimi per "explainable"

    explainable interpretable