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    extract from

    1. One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer

    2. Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer

    3. Louis is provided in an extract from LiveScience Journal in 2007

    4. 15 - Extract from a note of the National Geographic magazine in which Philip Gingerich, one of the researchers who worked in Wadi Al-Hitan, Egypt, known as the valley of the whales, is interviewed

    5. Here is an extract from a 2005 court document that relates to Keith and his parents

    6. The beast is invited to indulge without limits the insatiable lust of sexual abandon; to dither over pollution of the earth while its mind is filled with rot; to allow science to extract from it its precious humanity; to yield up its individuality and dignity one small drop at a time until one day it is noticed that something is missing

    7. “With the permission of the court, I wish to read an extract from the Manual of Courts Martial, dated 1951, page 324, which bears upon this case

    8. Her memories were too faded to tell his name – I don’t think she knew it herself, although their drunken rutting was easy to extract from her mind, as their daughter, Athene, was conceived in the God-King’s Temple that night

    9. They are being used, the energy of the channel, to bring forth the entity so that they may manipulate the physical energy of the human body and extract from it what is necessary to create a physical apparition

    10. He found inside a color map of the area around Ravensbrück, a series of very high definition air photos of the camp itself with annotations on them, a fact sheet about the camp and an extract from an operational order concerning the operation they would be executing

    11. This extract from Deuteronomy is a good sample in concise terms of this

    12. He was surrounded by politruks who were trying to extract from him information about his district

    13. ‘’I have here copies of a message my headquarters just received from Brigadier General Dows in Korea, plus one I had to extract from the logs of your own headquarters and that was not retransmitted to me

    14. Of course, the nobles of the land are insulated against that, since they extract from the peasants and farmers much of their produce in the form of various taxes, both royal and local ones

    15. Here is an abridged extract from some review studies carried out by FAO (United Nations):

    16. tried to extract from me the names of Uruguayans living in

    17. the impact of the opportunity that the buyer can extract from the strategic

    18. Cocaine is a purified extract from the leaves of the Erythroxylum coca bush

    19. The chemist who can extract from his heart’s elements

    20. preceded by an extract from the Bible

    21. Thymus extract from calves, known as Thymomodulin®, has been found, in a double-blind study, to decrease the frequency of respiratory infections in children who

    22. An extract from elderberry leaves, combined with St

    23. Phosphatidylcholine (PC)—a purified extract from lecithin—is one of the components of bile that helps protect against gallstone formation

    24. Homer says that this is possible with the help of Hermes and of the moly herb, that only the gods are able to extract from the earth

    25. you can extract from that infinite storehouse within

    26. act on the information they extract from their customers

    27. What medicinal properties you can extract from my letters you are welcome to, but pray are you mad that you should think of coming here? When you do come you are to come with your wife, and when you have a wife you are not to come at all

    28. He weighed, with true German caution, Vicki and her dimples against the tiny portion which was all he could extract from her parents, and found them not heavy enough to make up for the alarming emptiness of that other scale

    29. " (extract from the website)

    30. Not a word could I extract from him on the subject, either

    31. An extract from that list:

    32. Once you have selected an optimal exchange, you will want to determine the best way in which you can use it to maximize the amount of high-quality traffic you extract from it

    33. The extract from DOC is there to prove that you can paint characters with dialogue, you don’t need

    34. Lorentz wanted to ask him too, but held back since he believed there is nothing much he could extract from anyone, since they themselves were in a muddle

    35. I would like to fill two chapters on that extract from McGarvey’s sermons

    36. Samuel Cox’s Salvator Mundi, to which I am indebted for the following extract from Dr

    37. Is the Pneuma, or spirit, here spoken of as begotten or born of the Holy Spirit, a new substantive addition in regeneration to the nature of the man born of the flesh? or is it the enewal in power of an element belonging to man as born into the world? Has every man pneu~ma as well as yuch>, spirit as well as soul? or is spirit the production of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, and therefore peculiar to the saved? This question is one of exceeding difficulty, partly in consequence of the varying terminology adopted by so large a number of Scripture writers, which renders it perhaps impossible to extract from them a homogeneous psychology

    38. Each of these 'texts’ requires to be examined in its own terms, in its own connection, and in its own place as an extract from a book with a special history

    39. In 1940 I developed an extract from the arteries of cattle

    40. That fabric covering you was woven from the masses of filaments that anchor certain seashells; as the ancients were wont to do, it was dyed with purple ink from the murex snail and shaded with violet tints that I extract from a marine slug, the Mediterranean sea hare

    41. There he saw the grand-marshal, who charged him with an oral message to a Bonapartist in Paris, whose name I could not extract from him; but this mission was to prepare men's minds for a return (it is the man who says this, sire)—a return which will soon occur

    42. Brother Didlum did not mention the details of the `arrangement', to have done so at that time would have been most unseemly, but the following extract from the accounts of the chapel will not be out of place here: `Paid to Rev

    43. This is why gunners are fine with small, consistent profits that they extract from the market

    44. Most privily, Susannah took this Opportunity of being upon bended Knee to reach into the stuff’d Portmanteau and extract from it a jewell’d Necklace of glitt’ring Diamonds which Lord Bellars had given me during my Lying-in (and which I was utterly astounded to see, thinking it had long since gone to pay our Creditors!)

    45. As we have seen, an estimate of the company's current intrinsic value on the basis of its earnings power requires two steps: first, adjustments to the reported earnings in order to arrive at a figure that represents the cash the investors can extract from the firm and still leave it functioning as before; second, selection of a discount rate that reflects both interest rates and the riskiness of the firm relative to other investment alternatives

    46. Why exactly have you come here? What information is it that you wish to extract from me?”

    47. The second article, which enters a little more into detail, is an extract from the Journal de Paris, of the same date

    48. The difference, of course, is that Natasha, being the controlling woman she was, actually dictated to Marilyn what experiences she should draw from and, moreover, even attempted at times to manipulate those experiences—such as when she encouraged her to meet her father in order to then extract from that relationship what might benefit her acting

    49. He did not abstain from conversing with me: he even called me as usual each morning to join him at his desk; and I fear the corrupt man within him had a pleasure unimparted to, and unshared by, the pure Christian, in evincing with what skill he could, while acting and speaking apparently just as usual, extract from every deed and every phrase the spirit of interest and approval which had formerly communicated a certain austere

    50. This seems to owe something to an extract from Menander in the Florilegium of Stobaeus, xcvi, which, together with a line of Theognis, quoted under the same heading, has partly inspired the following lines of Chénier, ll

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