Usa "extrasensory" in una frase
extrasensory frasi di esempio
1. Psychic – Spiritual, telepathic, supernatural, intuitive, extrasensory; not always of the light, can be positive or negative
2. With supernormal extrasensory
3. Rhine's theories regarding extrasensory
4. Also know that physical and extrasensory methods of information reception can also simply be received, it is not always necessary to react; you can simply file this information away to be stored
5. There is an abstract notion that exists within many cultures around the world that there is an extrasensory perception that we develop over a series of time
6. There are extrasensory communications; plants emit electric currents just like human and animal respond to feelings with their power of extrasensory communication
7. You can only understand this deeply and interpret this logically only if you have an evolutional ability that can consciously manipulate activated Levels of high-quality Energy-Plasma through such extrasensory abilities as superlogic, intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, and others that are manifested in more harmoniously organized Forms of Self-Consciousness
8. In turn, the presence of such an altruistic Experience will automatically refocus your Self-Consciousness into groups of higher-quality Stereo-Types that structure higher-quality scenarios, where you will have extrasensory abilities that can greatly affect the “future” dynamics of your rotation Cycle, radically changing your “future” Destiny
9. Call it a sort of extrasensory
10. Even if I try to discard I know things like this are a psychological imbalance, you think it’s an anomalous dream, supposedly a manifestation of extrasensory perception, that information is given that we could not have obtained otherwise but its our sub consciousness that piece together bits of information
11. “Adi and what is about the extrasensory perception?” I asked undecidedly
12. healing extrasensory adepts (average age 41,9 ± 9,9 years old) it was
13. A number of concepts connected with extrasensory perception,
14. interest to the extrasensory capacities in the late 1970s