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    Usa "extremity" in una frase

    extremity frasi di esempio


    1. ” In his extremity, he chose the

    2. extremity of the monastery overlooking a deep ravine

    3. “You, O king – because you have grown great and become strong, and your grandeur has increased, reaching to the heavens, and your kingdom has expanded to the extremity of the earth – you yourself are the tree

    4. He entertained no doubt but that they were the extremity of those which had been described by Marco Polo, and that they were not very distant from the Ganges, or from the countries which had been conquered by Alexander

    5. The underlying message of this anomaly is that an extremity can be the causation of the other

    6. He again walked the slippery path of circumstance as well as conscience while the raft glided along at the extremity of the rope, pulled only lightly by the ever lessening current, as those exhilarating thoughts tempted the very depths of his being

    7. 15 But now, because it is not so, he has visited in his anger; yet he knows it not in great extremity,

    8. Jews wrote to you in the extremity of trouble that came on us in those years, from the time that Jason and his company revolted from

    9. And in those days the sun shall be seen and he shall journey in the evening on the extremity of the great chariot in the west

    10. 73 And Esau listened to the voice of Jacob, and Esau returned with the four hundred men that were with him on their road to Seir, and Jacob and all belonging to him went that day as far as the extremity of the land of Canaan in its borders, and he remained there some time

    11. When the ball reached the upper extremity it would be one o’clock

    12. 73 And Esau listened to the voice of Jacob and Esau returned with the four hundred men that were with him on their road to Seir and Jacob and all belonging to him went that day as far as the extremity of the land of Canaan in its borders and he remained there some time

    13. 7 What time as Demetrius reigned in the hundred threescore and ninth year we the Jews wrote to you in the extremity of trouble that came on us in those years from the time that Jason and his company revolted from the holy land and kingdom 8 And burned the porch and shed innocent blood; then we prayed to the Lord and were heard; we offered also sacrifices and fine flour and lighted the lamps and set out the loaves

    14. As he gazed into the extremity of his view of the path, a small silhouette of a bird winged its solitary way in from the western sky

    15. The inexorable movement of these waters into an even narrower southern extremity rapidly inundated the small amount of tidal lands along its mountain-lined shores

    16. As he gazed into the extremity of his view of the path, a small silhouette of a bird winged its

    17. southern extremity rapidly inundated the small amount of tidal lands along its mountain-lined

    18. 5 Through envy Paul too showed by example the prize that is given to patience: 6 seven times was he cast into chains; he was banished; he was stoned; having become a herald both in the East and in the West he obtained the noble renown due to his faith; 7 and having preached righteousness to the whole world and having come to the extremity of the West and having borne witness before rulers he departed at length out of the world and went to the holy place having become the greatest example of patience

    19. imperfections on either extremity of the marks, I imagined that

    20. In the extremity of fear and excitement the mind can play tricks?’ He looked up as though seeking confirmation of his hypothesis in Sanjay’s face

    21. So, you see, when there is a real extremity help is at hand; but I think

    22. He had scarcely used the latter two in the past two weeks, on account of the extremity of his situation, and even receiving images from the television was becoming a thing of past activities

    23. They reached the northern extremity of the plateau, and stood gazing up the steep pitch of the cliffs

    24. Promontories ran out into the desert, forming barren valleys, all but one of which were closed on the northern extremity by rugged cliffs

    25. And then, as the horde writhed and coiled upon itself, Amalric's lancers, having cut through a cordon of horsemen encountered in the outer valley, swept around the extremity of the western ridge and smote the host in a steel-tipped wedge, splitting it asunder

    26. In his extremity he had picked up a sword dropped by a dying sailor, and as the Zingaran rushed recklessly at him, he struck with the unfamiliar weapon

    27. In this extremity Ascalante's cynical philosophy did not desert him

    28. Now the barbaric suggestion about the king was more pronounced, as if in his extremity the outward aspects of civilization were stripped away, to reveal the primordial core

    29. It was long and narrow, a typical trading-ship of the southern coasts, high of poop and stern, with cabins at either extremity

    30. Toward the latter part of the period other Hyrkanian clans push westward, around the northern extremity of the inland sea, and clash with the eastern outposts of the Hyperboreans

    31. The Hyrkanians were not convinced; three more invasions burst upon the Zamorian borders, and the Lands of Shem, and were hurled back by the Aquilonians, though the Turanian armies grew larger as hordes of steel-clad riders rode out of the east, skirting the southern extremity of the inland sea

    32. Hosts of steel-clad riders galloped around the northern extremity of the inland sea, traversed the icy deserts, entered the steppes, driving the aborigines before them, and launched themselves against the western kingdoms

    33. They walked past the building used by the international staff, heading towards those used by Afghans and finally entering one extremity of a long building

    34. ‘’It is near the eastern extremity of the town, just besides the road leading through town to the city of Farah, to the West

    35. Nancy then drew a bearing on the departure flashes and detonations from the enemy mortar firing at intervals from the eastern extremity of the town on the police station

    36. Getting up from her chair and going to her small kitchen corner, she took the time to prepare a solid breakfast, eating it at her small dining table set at one extremity of her lounge

    37. The airliner then started rolling away from the departure terminal, heading for an extremity of the main runway

    38. Geiger nodded his head, looking for a moment down the long line of wounded and sick waiting on stretchers along the tree line facing the southwest extremity of the grass strip

    39. Again, the anomaly can be explained by the extremity of the movement; a

    40. One extremity of the asteroid was actually one big hole with a diameter of at least one kilometer

    41. As the second cut tree was dropped into the huge box, a large rectangular bundle of wood beams came out through one of the doors at one extremity of the box, suspended under a telescopic arm

    42. The whole city was about twelve kilometers to the side, with the Palace City and Imperial City situated at the northern extremity of Chang’an, walled off from the rest of the city

    43. It fil ed the extremity of the cavern

    44. The severed extremity rolled across the

    45. massive extremity bounced across the stone floor as its

    46. Sorcery is defined by its intent, not by its extremity

    47. gustin was at the last extremity of starvation

    48. The upshot of your last letter is, I gather, that for some strange reason, some extremity of perverseness, you would have me walk in silk attire, and do it in halls made of marble

    49. _He_ was up there, he, the real master, sent for, no doubt, in her extremity by his once-upon-a-time wife to put order into the mess they were in

    50. And so at Binz, dragged out of my pleasant dream to night and loneliness, I could not move for a moment for sheer extremity of fright

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