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    Usa "exuberantly" in una frase

    exuberantly frasi di esempio


    1. He might be a few years younger than her, but this past year’s sunshine had exuberantly shot him up several inches over her height

    2. Shortly after, they both laughed exuberantly at nothing but the mood, which was between them

    3. Faster and faster, they spun around, exuberantly laughing and hooting

    4. “I’ll second that, every word of it!” Overlord Senchak called exuberantly as Tokibimina resumed her seat

    5. ―Got it!‖ he said exuberantly and continued to prance alongside them

    6. but my heart was exuberantly happy

    7. He was exuberantly

    8. "Wow," she said exuberantly, "what's all that about?"

    9. She called out exuberantly, “you did it! I knew you

    10. The watching audience below hooted and hollered exuberantly, some calling out, "Fall!" Lov reached up with his other hand, slapping it down flat on the smooth stone

    11. “Here it is!” he shouted exuberantly

    12. just change my thinking and my story will have to change!” she cried exuberantly

    13. “So, she's here?” Nuluv exclaimed so exuberantly that Ralf almost leapt into her arms and licked her face

    14. She was exuberantly happy

    15. ” I said exuberantly and she gave me a dumbfounded look of puzzlement

    16. Exuberantly she told everyone how excited she was to praise Jesus today and then asked the crowd if they were to, but she didn’t give them any time to respond before launching into her song

    17. I probably shouldn’t react that exuberantly to killing several somethings with a few clicks of the trigger, but they weren’t human so it wasn’t too bad of me, was it?

    18. wanna never start eating again,' he said exuberantly and proudly told me he once fasted

    19. Caleb closed his eyes, when he opened them his blue eyes shined so exuberantly that Holly had to shield her face

    20. “I knew all along it wasn’t Ziggy!” she’d cried, but so exuberantly it was obvious she must have harbored some secret doubts

    21. When I nodded exuberantly, she turned and disappeared into the back without another word

    22. She kissed him exuberantly

    23. His state of mind was exuberantly blissful

    24. Such are the prairies and barrens of the west; but, in order to make ample amends for any deficiency, nature has made them exuberantly fertile

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    ebulliently expansively exuberantly riotously