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    Usa "fail to" in una frase

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    fail to

    1. because they fail to put into effect what they learn or

    2. · And, what happens if you fail to draw up a will? Then the religious law will take over

    3. She’s been up and down like the proverbial yo-yo all day … I don’t think she intended me to realise but I could hardly fail to notice

    4. "Your intelligence department will fail to find them," Bin-Martis said about himself

    5. They lose it when they fail to find a rider, and go mad instead

    6. If you fail to find one you like you are indeed unique

    7. She beamed with joy because the enhancements he'd made to himself over the centuries insured that no woman would ever fail to find fulfillment in his bed again

    8. I fail to follow the roads that I do not want to: I am where I should

    9. In the event that someone should fail to

    10. ‘Do share it with us, as I fail to see any

    11. I as principal can lessen the penalty, but since the two of you fail to cooperate or

    12. story, and the end of the story mind you, is that when you fail to answer they’re

    13. He proceeded straight through the offices of lesser managers and subordinates with Harry in tow, and Harry couldn't fail to notice the glances and stares he received in their passing

    14. After a while it became a vicious circle, I would fail to have a successful relationship and I would be bitter and unhappy

    15. ‘Monseigneur, I fail to see where this line of

    16. Only a fool or drunkard would fail to make such a distinction, and judging by the amount of transactions occurring, Brice realized there was no shortage of them in this town

    17. Years of dearth, it is to be observed, are generally among the common people years of sickness and mortality, which cannot fail to diminish the produce of their industry

    18. Why did these men fail to fire? I’ll tell you why, Professor, the simple and demonstrable fact is that there is, within most men and women, an intense resistance to killing other people

    19. And I fail to see you how could mistake her sweet voice as a

    20. Yet many offline businesses fail to

    21. Her greatest dread was that he’d fail to return one evening, killed in a rock fall maybe, or run off by the townsmen

    22. You are feeling overwhelmed, especially if you fail to keep all the balls in the air

    23. Nations, accordingly, seldom fail to retaliate in this manner

    24. "Really, I fail to see why you need to labour this point

    25. However because of lack of exercise, overheating, eating between the meals when not hungry, eating more indigestible foods like concentrated sweet-fried things causes problems of indigestion and fail to produce enough heat in the body

    26. However, when people fail to secure the coveted high ranking posts, they end up feeling inferior and depressed

    27. This superiority of profit in the colony trade could not fail to draw from other branches of trade a part of the capital which had before been employed in them

    28. directions and perversely, refuse or fail to follow the

    29. Why not use mind fusion to truly understand each other? How sad that if the B’tari fail to halt the TE wave then all those things unsaid would be lost

    30. That minister had unfortunately embraced all the prejudices of the mercantile system, in its nature and essence a system of restraint and regulation, and such as could scarce fail to be agreeable to a laborious and plodding man of business, who had been accustomed to regulate the different departments of public offices, and to establish the necessary checks and controlls for confining each to its proper sphere

    31. A more extensive foreign trade, however, which to this great home market added the foreign market of all the rest of the world, especially if any considerable part of this trade was carried on in Chinese ships, could scarce fail to increase very much the manufactures of China, and to improve very much the productive powers of its manufacturing industry

    32. This scheme of making the administration of justice subservient to the purposes of revenue, could scarce fail to be productive of several very gross abuses

    33. “The computer was too intelligent for it to fail to spot a rogue program

    34. than that it should come into the hands of a set of people with whom those resolutions could scarce fail to set them in some measure at variance

    35. The joint-stock companies, which are established for the public-spirited purpose of promoting some particular manufacture, over and above managing their own affairs ill, to the diminution of the general stock of the society, can, in other respects, scarce ever fail to do more harm than good

    36. The teachers had no jurisdiction over their pupils, nor any other authority besides that natural authority which superior virtue and abilities never fail to procure from young people towards those who are entrusted with any part of their education

    37. At Rome, on the contrary, the principal courts of justice consisted either of a single judge, or of a small number of judges, whose characters, especially as they deliberated always in public, could not fail to be very much affected by any rash or unjust decision

    38. 'Hmm, I fail to remember your surname

    39. In the greatest exigencies of the state, when the anxiety of the sovereign for the exact payment of his revenue is necessarily the greatest, they seldom fail to complain, that without laws more rigorous than those which actually took place, it will be impossible for them to pay even the usual rent

    40. fail to stipulate which charity

    41. C Rome, does not fail to inflict upon the reader the author"s collectivist, yea, communist, proclivities

    42. ) However, defendants fail to recognize that pro Islamic messages such as „Islam is Peace," and „Islam is Love," may be just as incendiary to individuals like plaintiff as anti-Islamic messages are to the individual who complained about plaintiff"s decals

    43. McCarthy could have taken lessons from today"s college campuses, where speakers not approved (read: conservatives) by the radical minority are shouted down, and an abundance of speech codes keeps the moderate students paralyzed, as they watch student newspapers which fail to toe the party line being stolen from the newsstands and sometimes burned on the spot, with a consequent lack of response, yea, sometimes even applause, from the cowardly administrations

    44. To demand, as have had recent liberal commentators, including the President of the United States, that both the Palestinians and Israelis get over their arrogance, is not only to ignore history, but also to fail to distinguish between just and unjust military actions

    45. One thing I fail to understand is that all of your worst enemies have essentially the same percentage rates

    46. One could not fail to notice the wagons that daily arrived at headquarters with forage for the horses of the general and staff and his cavalry escort, when vast paddocks of Parana grass in the valley guaranteeing food for the animals remained untouched

    47. oftentimes distorts a child‘s (emotional) sense of proportion; conditioned as many of them are by undisciplined, emotionally challenged environments that fail to provide spiritual sustenance and practical guidance to that child

    48. Who will fail to recall Apartheid Police Minister Jimmy Kruger notorious reply on hearing of the death of Steve Biko in SAP custody: “It leaves me cold!” Or in other words: “I really don’t give a (you know what) if you have seen the movie

    49. (Why do we do the things we do when we understand (beforehand) that it is wrong to do them?) I believe that many of us are oftentimes ―victims‖ of our own internal designs; adopting behavioral attitudes contrary to our discriminating nature(s) that fail to give proper pause to their origin, ―the (cause) of their origin, its history, its qualities and attributes and its results and effects‖

    50. The one thing which would never fail to anger us was the black power salute and we wished we could open fire, and shoot all the fists off

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