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    Usa "faintly" in una frase

    faintly frasi di esempio


    1. days and weeks, while Benjamin was faintly clinging to life, the Holy

    2. would start humming faintly

    3. looking on with that faintly amused expression he so often wore and

    4. The stone shone faintly in the

    5. The lights of Port Hedland twinkled faintly then faded as the dawn approached

    6. Mugs were filled with clear cold water that tasted faintly of the canvas it was stored in

    7. A falling star shimmering faintly in a hue of blue and what appeared to be

    8. I faintly heard Shreya asking them,

    9. They calculate that this tiny seed of singularity smelt very faintly of oranges

    10. Eventually they caught a small rat and they both smelt faintly of fresh blood, a few drops of which still clung to Ben's snout

    11. Ivory coloured flip-cards above the pointer had appeared faintly - as though they had been there all along

    12. They were heard long before they were seen in the darkness of the plain, and their feral noises at first dissolved into the night sounds, only faintly present over the crickets

    13. ‘What trial is it?’ Alice panted as she ran; but the Gryphon only answered ‘Come on!’ and ran the faster, while more and more faintly came, carried on the breeze that followed them, the melancholy words:–

    14. She faintly heard a button pop as her shirt was liberated from her waistband

    15. He faintly heard three beeps inside the pod, followed by a female voice shouting, “Hang on, I’ll be there now

    16. Grant smiled faintly and then

    17. ball for me – now – back to reality!” She smiled faintly, moving with the utmost caution

    18. He smelled faintly of cologne and leather and his lips were smooth and

    19. old rector reached her faintly in pauses; habit led her along the

    20. 'What trial is it?' Alice panted as she ran; but the Gryphon only answered 'Come on!' and ran the faster, while more and more faintly came, carried on the breeze that followed them, the melancholy words:--

    21. Such cave inhabitants lack pigment in the skin and look white or faintly pinkish

    22. They could hear radios squawking incoherently and phones ringing in the background, more faintly now that a sheet of thick glass separated them from the waiting room

    23. Outside, the sounds of men and machinery working could be faintly perceived; maybe forty metres distant

    24. “But with you, no line is too far,” I said faintly, through the sensations that he stirred in me

    25. Catching sight of myself in the mirror, there was the air of the faintly ridiculous about me

    26. Less than ten minutes later, there was a faintly glowing worm on the horizon, and as I got near, tiny pin-pricks of light

    27. There was some hesitation in his voice, even something faintly akin to embarrassment:

    28. And then rolling hills of auburn slowly lifting off the ground as if the very hand of God had touched and pinched the lands, his hand print faintly echoed in the timid, graceful slopes

    29. He hadn’t been able to discern the sound of a motor; soon, however, it came faintly through the silence

    30. Faintly visible through a center-divided wheelhouse windshield, were two people

    31. A faint humming noise echoed faintly throughout the chamber, which was otherwise deafeningly silent

    32. Molo returned the smile, but only faintly; his mind was focused on the deep thoughts the words of the Pilgrim had given birth to

    33. And faintly trust the larger hope

    34. It was only then that she could enjoy the huge expanse of the starry sky that only faintly lighted a moonless night

    35. Colling could see outbuildings behind the main house, and as they stepped out of the truck, he could faintly hear barnyard sounds coming from that direction

    36. The sound of motors revved up high could be heard, faintly but clearly

    37. Same shit, eh?” he said suddenly and laughed out loud all alone, his laughter echoing faintly in the relative silence of the monastery courtyard

    38. He seemed relaxed, faintly smiling out of sympathy

    39. “Boom boom boom boom,” was faintly emitting through the gym doors

    40. “The Captain,” she said faintly

    41. I picture my mother standing behind me with a comb and a pair of scissors, faintly smiling as she trims my hair, and I want to scream rather than insult her like this

    42. A moment ago, he was still faintly smiling

    43. Her cry of anguish could be heard faintly in the

    44. Faintly echoing the question

    45. They rode in a private compartment, with red velvet seats and windows, faintly etched with dragons and serpents, that looked out on the country as it passed

    46. Meanwhile, a blue light was faintly flashing from a distance as it raced up the hard shoulder after a call from motorway control

    47. silence, I could faintly sense the Holy Spirit cheering

    48. Jiva had the remnants of a smile on her face, the sides of her lips twitching faintly, and I exhaled at the simple natural manoeuvre synonymous to all creatures, that still, after all these years, managed to calm the nerves when shared

    49. I could hear my name, faintly, as if in the distance someone was calling me, pleading with me to listen

    50. could faintly be detected as the aroma of excited female

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