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    Usa "falconer" in una frase

    falconer frasi di esempio


    1. “Hey, Falconer, didn’t think you’d find me here did ya?” Greg said under his breath as he

    2. “Brad Falconer was one of the most intelligent and resourceful pirates to ever harass the

    3. quarry, given the hawk by the falconer) was a

    4. And to the solemn court of Green street there came sir Frederick the Falconer

    5. John Falconer, a survivor of the Bataan Death March, looked out as Hiroshima neared

    6. Ahead of me was an outcropping of batholithic rock, overgrown in some places with grass, within view of a statue called The Falconer

    7. The truth is that in the midst of that sordid internecine battle in a company in perpetual crisis, in the midst of his disasters as a tireless falconer and the more and more uncertain dream of Fermina Daza, the impassive Florentino Ariza had not had a moment of inner peace as he confronted the fascinating spectacle of that fierce black woman smeared with shit and love in the fever of battle

    8. We see this in the fact that the most eminent palaeontologists, namely, Cuvier, Agassiz, Barrande, Pictet, Falconer, E

    9. Falconer has given a striking instance of a similar fact, for an existing crocodile is associated with many lost mammals and reptiles in the sub-Himalayan deposits

    10. Falconer, believes that it is chiefly insects which, from incessantly harassing and weakening the elephant in India, check its increase; and this was Bruce's conclusion with respect to the African elephant in Abyssinia

    11. Falconer in two series—in the first place according to their mutual affinities, and in the second place according to their periods of existence—do not accord in arrangement

    12. In a similar manner we know, from Falconer and Cautley's discoveries, that Northern India was formerly more closely related in its mammals to Africa than it is at the present time

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