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    Usa "fall again" in una frase

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    fall again

    1. The fact that people fall again and again by not consistently taking the medication is an indication that a change has to be made

    2. Her tears start to fall again

    3. started to fall again, and the road became almost

    4. ourselves firstly) not to fall again in the mistakes, but to

    5. She lilted her lovely, bare tits and let them fall again, this being a calculated move on her part to inspire him to great things in a hurry

    6. Rome will fall again, an American Rome this time around, and not because of defeat by an external aggressor, but rather because it destroyed itself

    7. Salic raised a foot and kicked the man in the stomach, causing his to lose his balance and fall against the keel of the boat

    8. I fall against him, my cheek against his chest

    9. From the edge of his vision, he saw the knife rise and fall again, twice, and then Kanlin was silent

    10. But this time, when the blacksmith raised his arm, he caught it before the blow could fall again

    11. Suddenly, she felt as if something released her, causing her to free-fall again, but this time it was downward and much, much faster—dizzyingly faster

    12. Should he fall against Azeth, he would wager that his troops would be quite happy to see their own young pup of a commander dead and fight all the harder for their own lives

    13. The rain started to fall again but Zoe didn’t mind it at all

    14. And I ran so fast that I did not know for how long and when my forces, mitigated by the exhausting effort to flee, seemed to abandon me, a leafy tree, that was guarding a small marble tomb, planted on one side of the road with its roots protruding as fingers scratching the ground, made my weakened legs bend and fall against the dusty and weary way

    15. When the sun rose they burrowed into the sand and waited for dusk to fall again

    16. Outside in the cold, overcast day, with snow starting to fall again, the two just stood, stunned

    17. Sebastian feared the coming of the dawn for he knew that in spite of the fact that they had significantly improved the odds against them, too many helicopters and armored land vehicles remained for him to think he or any of his people would survive to see night fall again

    18. The snow had started to fall again, but heavier this time, they hoped that the weather would clear up a little as they were expecting to have many visitors that day and the many pies, sandwiches and desserts would be devoured by all


    20. So as my tears were starting to fall again, I put my face into my

    21. If she ran faster she might fall again, but if she didn’t, they would surely catch her

    22. She couldn't fall again

    23. Nick heard the security chain scrape across the mechanism and fall against the doorframe

    24. Inacio rolled his eyes and let his head fall against the chair

    25. She could feel his chest rise and fall against hers, his hand touching the bare skin of her back

    26. She locked one hand in his, and stroked his nape as his body began to rise and fall against her

    27. As I sat there next to him, tears started to fall again

    28. I could feel myself slipping back to sleep and I let my head fall against his chest, where I felt an intense peace as I listened to his beating heart, intense peace

    29. My head was still spinning, but I got to my feet and Medraut helped me up behind him, and as we rode away from the field, so tired now I cared nothing for my actions, I let my head fall against his shoulder, then up again, and realised something strange had happened to me

    30. stone was hoisted up and allowed to fall again and again, but the woman seemed

    31. ceiling, are about to fall against you

    32. By this road that I have described, rough and hard, stumbling here, falling there, getting up again to fall again, they reach the rank they desire, and that once attained, we have seen many who have passed these Syrtes and Scyllas and Charybdises, as if borne flying on the wings of favouring fortune; we have seen them, I say, ruling and governing the world from a chair, their hunger turned into satiety, their cold into comfort, their nakedness into fine raiment, their sleep on a mat into repose in holland and damask, the justly earned reward of their virtue; but, contrasted and compared with what the warrior undergoes, all they have undergone falls far short of it, as I am now about to show

    33. Cathy, beside herself, gave the chair a violent push, and caused him to fall against one arm

    34. The young people uttered a cry of joy, while Maximilian raised his head, but let it fall again immediately

    35. The only other member of staff he had managed to get hold of at Oden’s Medical Centre was Birgitta Lindgren, who had rushed into the hallway only to see her colleague fall against the door with a fatal bullet wound to his head

    36. Deep in concentration she worked on for hour after hour, until the sky darkened outside and the snow began to fall again

    37. The rain began to fall again; first like a wet mist, then with a heavier touch, thickening into a smart, perpendicular downpour; and the hiss and thump of the approaching steamer was coming extremely near

    38. And then I heard him fall, and rise, and fall again, with a sound like the ripping of sacking

    39. a handsome young woman with deep dark eyes and long heavy clinging tresses, which seem to clasp in a beseeching way anything they fall against

    40. The water rose as high as Thunder’s belly before it began to fall again

    41. He was pursuing a broad paved road, which undulated between two rows of trees, over the hills which succeed each other, raise the road and let it fall again, and produce something in the nature of enormous waves

    42. The November wind shook the house and as she talked, the snows of winter began to fall again in the cold steel sky

    43. How is it I remember him when all else slips away? When often I cannot remember your dear grandmother’s face, God forgive me, why does his face come back on the shore by the sea? Why do I see us fall again and the earth reach up to take the wild young horses driven mad by too much sweet grass in a line of days that never end?’

    44. Inflation persistence did fall again through the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s to levels not seen since the 1960s

    45. Jody looked back in time to see the hammer rise and fall again on the flat forehead

    46. This same summer the pond has begun to fall again

    47. "And this one!" he roared again, noticing Kirillov, who was still standing with the lantern; he raised his fist, but let it fall again at once

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