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    Usa "false alarm" in una frase

    false alarm frasi di esempio

    false alarm

    1. 'It's probably a false alarm

    2. With luck this will just be a false alarm

    3. “I bet you didn’t know that Mabel thought she was pregnant but it turned out to be a false alarm

    4. I figured when the cops didn"t find anyone lying in the street, they"d write it off as a false alarm

    5. He set the false alarm knowing I’d come out

    6. If it was a false alarm they’d have to call

    7. “Let us hope it’s a false alarm

    8. They sat at the wooden table and ate hot mutton stew and tried to pretend nothing had happened, that the fire signal was a false alarm

    9. Well, this time it was no false alarm

    10. Thankfully, it was a false alarm

    11. Fifteen minutes later we would hear that the alarm was a false alarm

    12. On the other hand, what do you think about a place that has all these “false alarms?” Aren’t those lies, too?

    13. Not long after, there would be an announcement that “the alarm was a false alarm

    14. ” I analyzed this scenario and figured that maybe there was a fire and the “false alarm

    15. The other possibility was that it truly was a false alarm

    16. If that were the case, could you trust a place that had all these “false alarms?” Either conclusion convinced me I had to leave as soon as possible

    17. It was possible someone had tricked the video feed, so a physical visit was the only way to be certain it was a false alarm

    18. He’d had false alarms

    19. These simple folks could be turned into street mobs, at will that is, by the unscrupulous elements amongst them with the false alarm of ‘Islam in Danger’, either from within or without

    20. Rather it be, help me I am drowning, or help, we are being attacked, to respond to a false alarm tends to be less dangerous than neglecting to respond to calls immediately

    21. In general, the greatest cost in responding to a false alarm seems to be the energy misspent and an erosion of confidence in the signal and/or the signaler

    22. The winter came before Ingeborg, after many false alarms due to her extreme eagerness to give Robert the happiness he wanted, was able to assure him with certainty that he would presently become a father

    23. “False alarm at Brookside,” Chief Anderson announced as he picked up another call, this one sounding more urgent

    24. She still held out hope that Rick had heard of the false alarm at her school and knew what it meant

    25. I'm afraid it was a false alarm

    26. “The aircraft landed for twenty minutes then took off again, reporting a false alarm and it landed at Ho chi mihn airport at 6:05pm, where two people, the pilot and Co-pilot, logged in

    27. We were going paralel to the actual Renuka Lake after few false alarms

    28. Crystal opened her mouth to tell Powell that it wasn’t a false alarm, that she had smelled smoke, that there was a fire burning…somewhere

    29. It was a false alarm

    30. separated them on a false alarm, when they would have given worlds to remain a

    31. They said, no, 'twas a false alarm

    32. Again there was a long silence, and I had begun to fear that it was a false alarm, when a stealthy step was heard upon the other side of the hut, and a moment later a metallic scraping and clinking

    33. They were all false alarms, but they raised the prisoners’ hope

    34. The POWs were used to the sirens, which had always been false alarms, so the alert caused little concern

    35. “We had us three false alarms today,” he said

    36. police respond to are false alarms

    37. are false alarms: See Stephen J

    38. Dubner, “The Hidden Cost of False Alarms,” Freakonomics Radio, April 5, 2012; Rana Sampson, Problem-Oriented Guides for Police: False Burglar Alarms, 2nd ed

    39. Faster market players only respond to the triggers and/or actual carry losses, knowing that they will be too late to catch the exact market turn (but they also benefit from missing several false alarms)

    40. [4] The costs of many false alarms would have been overwhelmed by the savings from avoiding carry crashes in autumn 1992, early 1995, and Octobers 1998 and 2008

    41. What’s more, the spread bet companies know that when the annoyed punter has been kicked out of a bet by one of these many false alarms, s/he will quite likely reopen the bet – paying the added spread again each time

    42. My father tells of a raw individual from London Town who had aroused great wrath by having within a space of an hour given two false alarms for gas

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