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    Usa "falsetto" in una frase

    falsetto frasi di esempio


    1. Without yet being able to actually see him, Amonas heard Hilderich cry out in a near falsetto:

    2. Ebira's voice had gone into falsetto and she spoke so fast with excitement that it was hard to keep up

    3. “Oh, that’s okay,” Tina mumbles in a terse falsetto voice, “I’ll just step in the bathroom and towel it off

    4. ‘What?’ said Adam with his voice breaking into falsetto

    5. The unnecessary falsetto and that big foot clomping along in time

    6. police used in rural areas) who spoke in falsetto

    7. and wrinkled, but his voice was a surprisingly youthful falsetto

    8. Haven nodded and said in the deep falsetto voice of a television announcer, “And now

    9. For thousands of years: the high-pitched falsetto of boys and men, the highest, purest birdlike sounds of opera singers: have been an integral part of the highest culture, all over the world

    10. someone could be heard within dancing frantically, marking time with his heels to the sounds of the guitar and of a thin falsetto voice singing a jaunty air

    11. Energy was streaming and colliding all around, but Nicky seemed to have withdrawn into his own cool microclimate in the driver’s seat, and Charlie could hear him crooning falsetto, Aaaah … love to love you, bay-buh, his eyes never leaving the road

    12. The government clerk echoed it in falsetto

    13. After a moment's silence the guitar tinkled again, and he sang again in the same falsetto:

    14. The flattery addressed to him causes him much pleasure, and with a high, squealing falsetto, which is heard throughout the barracks, he begins to sing, "la, la, la, la," to an idiotic and ridiculous tune; the only song he was heard to sing during his stay at the convict prison

    15. The Jew feels that he goes beyond all the others, he has beaten them; he triumphs with his hoarse falsetto voice, and sings out his favourite air which rises above the general hubbub

    16. When the work is over, a prisoner goes out of the barracks, sits down on the threshold, meditates with his chin resting on his hand, and then drawls out his song in a high falsetto

    17. All up and down, and round about, roaring cheers greeted him, followed him—men flung up their hats for him, women in shrill falsetto cried his name

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