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    Usa "far-off" in una frase

    far-off frasi di esempio


    1. maybe some day in the far-off future

    2. watched the Sun crest the far-off hills

    3. back towards the far-off wooded hill

    4. She knew that was just a mental lapse, a break of concentration and before she knew it her hands were playing some other riffs from some far-off time and song

    5. The fear soon passed as they recognized their canine mentor from the far-off Sapient Realm nature planet

    6. There’s an underground slave trade in the town, obviously involving the eventual transport of the victims to far-off lands if ransom is not made

    7. They sat close, in matching wicker chairs with the softness of yellow lamplight casting a warm glow over their faces, and spoke in conspiratorial whispers while an endless selection of salsa music, blended with the static of another far-off station, played over the speakers

    8. With Michael Henderson his target, Edgar couldn’t order a back-up team of the OIJ, but that problem could be circumvented by requesting the assistance of customs officers and airport police who reported, not to the OIJ, but to Port Authority headquarters in far-off Limon

    9. There was a dizzyingly wide divergence of beliefs and practices in those far-off days

    10. A trader had come in from the far-off western lands

    11. The trader, who told us of the cataract that poured water out of the mountains far off in the west, also told of many people who lived in places on the other side of those mountains, but that’s also in a far-off land

    12. the fleeting smell of far-off pollution

    13. She lay down in the clearing, and with the far-off keening of a hawk in her ears, she fell asleep

    14. William now had a far-off look in his eyes

    15. They had been trapped and left to starve, each in his home, by a political decision made in a far-off capital around conference and banquet table

    16. After a winter sojourn to stir up business and quell a union organizing drive up north, I told my boss that the only hot place in the Duluth-Superior, WI, metropolis was an indoor rink devoted to curling, that occult sport where contestants push a heavy stone toward a far-off goal and team members sweep the ice ahead of the slowly sliding object to ease its course to bump other stones out of a score

    17. The houses here were smaller than those in Annyeke’s district, or even near the public square where she’d given her speech to the people, the same speech that carried the assumption that he, a dishonoured and deceitful scribe from a far-off land, could somehow help this beleaguered city

    18. An occasional slow rolling of thunder could be heard coming from somewhere out of the north, all the more startling for not being able to see the lightning flash that should have preceded the far-off rolling growl

    19. His gaze returned again to the far-off habitation

    20. The other man’s body balanced between sky and the far-off earth, hemmed in only by air, he stretched out his hand

    21. Meanwhile, elsewhere, far-off, Jexter The Clown was deep in thought

    22. It was far-off, a

    23. lowered around the canopies of far-off trees

    24. of the horizons of the far-off sea

    25. In answering this question, Jesus said: "My friend, we are all Jonahs with lives to live in accordance with the will of God, and at all times when we seek to escape the present duty of living by running away to far-off enticements, we thereby put ourselves in the immediate control of those influences which are not directed by the powers of truth and the forces of righteousness

    26. Conan was no longer aware of the voice, save as far-off rhythmical waves of sound

    27. The only sign of life was a glint of steel on the far-off battlements, a raven in the sky that wheeled backward and forth, dipping and rising as if seeking something

    28. Occasionally, the clouds broke but the only thing I could see were icebergs on the far-off horizon

    29. In those few, short days with her in Vancouver, he had desperately hoped for a revival of that early love which had started in far-off Prague

    30. off to far-off places

    31. He floored the boat, which planed over the surface of the mist, eating up the distance between him and the far-off trees that stood spire-like on the horizon

    32. samples to far-off areas

    33. I was almost ready to resign and do nothing further, but then I saw an 800 number on the card and I decided to call – what could it hurt? After suffering through voice maze I finally got a human on the line in a far-off country

    34. As he started to drift off to sleep, he thought he heard a sound in the far-off distance

    35. Ooops! After helpfully imparting this news, trying to cadge a ride on the tandem and some fags, they left team Slightly-Nervous-and-Looking-over-Their-Shouders to creep on down the uncomfortably deserted road towards an ever visible, but infuriatingly still far-off, Erzurum

    36. of a far-off star that read, “One wish granted, and another one lost,

    37. claim in a far-off corner of the government’s land that just hap-

    38. His Planetary Greeg Carnival was indeed a resounding success though, with a steady supply of enslaved workers bringing him new and exciting Greegs and their ships being sent off to far-off mazes, serving as a bribe to the Council of Eleven and a Half Thousand Different Coloured Robes

    39. Three places in a far-off world

    40. Three places where women ran things in a far-off time

    41. The flashes of the far-off future were so infrequent they were like rare dreams

    42. God indicated to that in His Noble Saying: "Thereupon she conceived him and retired with him to a far-off place

    43. In those far-off days, George’s highly-strung wife, Philippa, used to pour the tea

    44. In those not-so-far-off days, a string of low hills dotted

    45. The far-off place turned out to be Blackheath, which was on the south bank of the Thames and not far from the Palace of Westminster, where Harald was working

    46. as they set such a far-off date

    47. Means more to me than trips to far-off lands

    48. In its first state of beauty in those far-off Catholic days what a haven it must have been for all the women and most of the men of that lonely turnip-growing village; the one beauty spot, the one place of mystery and enthusiasm

    49. I thought him a terrifying old uncle, a parched, machine-like person, whose soul seemed withdrawn into unexplorable vague distances, reduced to a mere far-off flicker by the mechanical nature of his work

    50. Mitch lay on his pillow, his thoughts, far-off, staring up at the ceiling

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    Sinonimi per "far-off"

    distant removed afar abroad backwoods below the horizon unapproachable