Usa "fathom" in una frase
fathom frasi di esempio
1. First there’s the matter that you wouldn’t be able to fathom my explanations
2. Once she entered the area, the hardest thing to fathom was the sheer bulk of the assembly that was missing, she could float in the space
3. So, while Betty and I drag the boxes of decorations out of the cupboard where they live during the rest of the year, the men bring in the barrel used for the tree which is kept in Fred’s shed for some reason I cannot fathom, and the tree itself which has been lying in my drive for the last two days resulting in me having to park in the car park but that was a minor inconvenience, though I didn’t think so when I left my mobile in the car and only discovered it an hour later by which time the rain was pouring down
4. The Heavenly Mother, built in 2280's and re-fitted in the 2340's and the Al-Harron from the 2350's were impossible to fathom
5. Just because they on this earth cannot fathom eternity or the whole picture of the world’s history or even beyond the picture of world history does not mean that God cannot either
6. How will we survive something as gruesome and terrible as the Tribulation without falling away? It is only by the empowering of the Spirit in a way that we have not yet experienced, nor began to fathom
7. You would not like it – it is very noisy and the traffic never seems to stop except on those occasions when, for some reason I cannot fathom, they raise the automatic bollards in the middle of the road and divert the traffic, making the street a pedestrian area
8. roster whose working Tom could never fathom out, individual
9. Standing in the sitting room, she perused the plan of the site which hung on the wall, grimacing as she tried to fathom its intricacies
10. we can’t fathom what come over us
11. He can see the shimmer of scales reflecting sunlight a fathom beneath his feet
12. How he’d thought he could erase a twenty-year absence, she couldn’t fathom
13. He couldn’t fathom how he continued to miss him
14. Who can fathom the mind of the creator of the Universe? Who
15. A renegade power whose purpose she could not fathom nor predict
16. How Misty Plateau got its name no one in Dort could fathom out
17. It was like waking up, Lemoss was still trying to fathom out why Mr
18. He tried coffee once and couldn't fathom what the
19. A sound that she could never quite fathom, though she was well aware that spectral beings abounded
20. She glowed with an inner beauty that was hard to fathom; it drew people to her as if by an invisible force
21. He couldn’t fathom it either
22. It had substance and meaning, a sense of purpose hard to fathom by those of the Babylonian culture
23. However, what they couldn't fathom was the presence of six small evenly spaced 'moons' joining Elenessa's two larger moons in orbit around her
24. She couldn't fathom why anyone would voluntarily add another chore to their routine; and there was the potential for personal injury that long grab-able, tangle-able hair just was
25. It was a bond as deep as anyone could fathom
26. It comprises multiple dimensions which our present level of human consciousness cannot fathom
27. no reason he could fathom, it had inspired him
28. Considering all these facts, it is mind boggling to even try and fathom how one would go about constructing an object such as this, containing the qualities that have been mentioned, from a human point of view
29. John Joseph's character was something she could not fathom, and it had become more so after the death of their father, when he was fourteen and she was thirteen
30. He couldn't fathom what Maureen had just told him
31. ‘OK,’ he sighed, ‘I can fathom a guess at what you’re suggesting
32. The relief of having finally been set free from the torment he was scarcely able to fathom
33. How she had had the guts to try such a maneuver he couldn’t fathom, however
34. insanity of what they were doing, but he could fathom it now no better than before
35. I cannot fathom the rising anti-Semitism
36. She shook her head, shaking off the overwhelming awareness of something she knew was part of her, yet which she could not fathom
37. It felt like he had an agenda no one could hope to fathom, plans within plans that he had no intention of altering or suspending
38. Is that much understood now? Am I coming across? Can you reestablish the true position you are in now? Can you fathom that in my greater scheme of things you and your ’people’ are a nuisance I want to deal with efficiently and move on? Or are you that infatuated with your pet idea of a free world that you have been completely cut off from reality? Perhaps you might be thinking it will all sort itself out in the end, aren’t you? How preposterous a notion! I can only find it natural to nurture such gross misconceptions since you are little more than infants, barely able to stand on their own two feet
39. What did they hope to gain, other than seed war, bloodletting, misery, and hate? He could not fathom
40. Perhaps God was gone, leaving for reasons only He could fathom
41. Though if I were you I would have kept my mouth and ears shut, unable to fathom or understand a single moment of the numbing madness around me
42. Ethan stood frozen in his chair, unable to fathom what exactly had transpired
43. "She's getting some flesh on her bones and she's clean and respectful--though there's more in her than _I_ can fathom
44. At first I could not fathom what the little box was for
45. He couldn’t fathom it so it was
46. Derek again couldn’t fathom his surroundings or how he had
47. He tried to fathom it, putting it into context with all the other strange incidents that had happened to him lately, but
48. people had visited the sight looking for clues to something that he couldn’t fathom
49. actions you have to first apprehend me, conversely to fathom me you have to grasp
50. But TJ, TJ wasn’t one of them, I had done no wrong to her, of that I was sure, so I couldn’t fathom the coldness, the anger and the sense of betrayal I was receiving in bounds from her
1. Ted continues to slide all the way to the door, where, having fathomed out the intricate operation of the swing handles, he pulls his jacket collar up and weaves his way out into the night
2. The grief of parents of such special children cannot be fathomed
3. She was not that far off from the truth but what I experienced was tenfold what she and everyone else fathomed
4. There is a bond between them I have not yet fathomed
5. It all died down fairly quickly and he fathomed that they had retreated to the privacy of their bedroom to discuss something either very urgent or important
6. If that was the case, how then was I to explain the earlier whispers, horse-related incidents, and the wind? The answer was not nearly as difficult as one might have guessed, I fathomed
7. The thought of the act of help coming from the alien and the reapers was something he could have never fathomed
8. Essentially it was the largest burst of energy ever created, and its magnitude cannot even be fathomed or understood to by the human mind
9. whispered that he had fathomed the thing
10. His parents had mentioned it in the past, but he had never quite fathomed exactly what it was
11. But who is there in the world that can boast of having fathomed or understood the wavering mind and unstable nature of a woman? Of a truth no one
12. I have not yet quite fathomed her meaning
13. I promise you, 150 years ago, no one could have fathomed a day when there would be jobs called social media marketer, stem cell scientist, and robotics engineer
14. Sherlock Holmes was a man, however, who, when he had an unsolved problem upon his mind, would go for days, and even for a week, without rest, turning it over, rearranging his facts, looking at it from every point of view until he had either fathomed it or convinced himself that his data were insufficient
15. Successive nations perchance have drank at, admired, and fathomed it, and passed away, and still its water is green and pellucid as ever
16. I fathomed it easily with a cod-line and a stone weighing about a pound and a half, and could tell accurately when the stone left the bottom, by having to pull so much harder before the water got underneath to help me
17. Tempests, because sensual lust is a tempest—worse than a tempest! Beauty is a terrible and awful thing! It is terrible because it has not been fathomed and never can be fathomed, for God sets us nothing but riddles
1. It is a mathematical construct which can be verified with simple skills and it is ancient beyond fathoming
2. When I said it is ancient beyond fathoming, I mean its origins are lost in the mists of time just as the origins of language itself, and this diagram handed on from age to age remains our only clue
3. "Where?" he asked, not fathoming the mechanics of it
4. Perpetuating old dead cultures and religions at the expense of every new generation that is brainwashed into conforming to whatever brand of insane reality your civilization holds as sacred and unchangeable… only for later generations being completely incapable of fathoming why people would live in this insane manner
5. Was it not magnificent! Such power! Such reasoning! In fact, as they afterwards modestly admitted to each other, it was so profound that even they experienced great difficulty in fathoming the speaker's meaning
1. The Shenandoah was anchored in eighteen fathoms as the Laurel came to and was lashed alongside of her
2. in the water that were fathoms away
3. water, lines being drawn fathoms away by the curling of waves
4. "Know, Lahzhl, had I my bow, one shot would gain us a hundred fathoms clearance
5. With the water now less deep, I had relaxed my grip on the rope, and as I let me eyes wander above me, I must have moved out a little from behind Dog because, with my next step, I suddenly found myself in over my head, sinking into the fathoms, floundering for my life in a moment of panic
6. Without thought to himself, he dove ten fathoms down and freed these trapped souls
7. The series continues with Fathoms of Forgiveness
8. To them he was an indigenous villager, but as far as he was concerned he was just a farmer who eked out a living from the poor earth, and added a few nutrients to his system and fewer dollars to his pockets by fishing with his rod and net in Three Fathoms Cove to the north of where the secondary road ended at Yung Shue
9. Three fathoms Cove, with its two tiny verdant islands, was a cutaway of Tolo Harbour, right at the end of the channel of the same name that was the marine highway for vessels coming from Mirs Bay to Tai Po
10. Wan Lung had been casting his line and hand net in Three Fathoms Cove almost daily for much of his long life
11. Wan Lung was led away again and the detective began asking questions that the old man replied to in short grunts, the answers throwing no light on the dead man’s identity or how he ended up in the waters of Three fathoms Cove
12. What possible connection could there be between a well known doctor, a female reporter, and an ordinary-looking Chinese man found in a battered sedan driven into Three Fathoms Cove?
13. Police divers have recovered the body of a man, trapped inside a car, from Three Fathoms Cove in Sai Kung
14. He was still smarting from the last time they had had dealings and while the force had escaped the media criticism he had dreaded, once again it was a case of a bigger story developing which reduced the body in Three Fathoms Cove to but another possible murder, he was not prepared to meet further requests without a full detailed explanation, and if possible a direct instruction, from at the very lowest the Secretary for Security who was his policy secretary
15. hauling in a few fathoms of line, lit
16. waterproof, to two fathoms no less
17. When the vessel reaches the other world it is plunged several fathoms down into the ocean where it disengages from the particle beam
18. And if the Lord designed from these to teach endless torment, it missed even the suggestion of it a thousand fathoms
19. And had he not begun at once to bombard that position, he would have sunk his own boat a hundred fathoms deep
20. They depict Him as claiming the possession of a nature which none but the Father 'knows’ or fathoms; and as declaring absolutely that no being knows the Infinite Nature except Himself, and those to whom He is pleased to reveal it’ (Matt
21. Don Quixote said that even if it reached to the bottomless pit he meant to see where it went to; so they bought about a hundred fathoms of rope, and next day at two in the afternoon they arrived at the cave, the mouth of which is spacious and wide, but full of thorn and wild-fig bushes and brambles and briars, so thick and matted that they completely close it up and cover it over
22. "Why should I? You're just as dead if you fall from forty feet as you are from four thousand fathoms, that's what I say
23. The dreadful presence of the sea troll had probably concentrated the hydrophobes' minds wonderfully, because it then rose at a very steep angle and didn't begin level flight until it was a dozen fathoms above the waves
24. This chase dragged on for about three–quarters of an hour without the frigate gaining two fathoms on the cetacean
25. At this location, in three or four fathoms of water between the Paeu and Vana reefs, there lay some anchors, cannons, and ingots of iron and lead, all caked with limestone concretions
26. The skiff was aground ten fathoms away from us
27. This was off the coast of Tihama, and there such zoophyte displays not only flourished below sea level but they also fashioned picturesque networks that unreeled as high as ten fathoms above it; the latter were more whimsical but less colorful than the former, which kept their bloom thanks to the moist vitality of the waters
28. But this rope measured no more than about ten fathoms, and its end had simply been fastened to a small barrel that, while floating, would indicate the dugong's movements beneath the waters
29. The skiff approached cautiously to within three fathoms of the animal
30. We know that the crew of the Royal Navy's Bulldog fished up a starfish from 2,620 fathoms, hence from a depth of more than one vertical league
31. A few hundred fathoms at best
32. Two broke, from the heat of the fire; the other ten were sunk three hundred fathoms deep into the sea
33. The note of banishment, banishment from the heart, banishment from home, sounds uninterruptedly from The Two Gentlemen of Verona onward till Prospero breaks his staff, buries it certain fathoms in the earth and drowns his book
34. Its universality: its democratic equality and constancy to its nature in seeking its own level: its vastness in the ocean of Mercator's projection: its unplumbed profundity in the Sundam trench of the Pacific exceeding 8000 fathoms: the restlessness of its waves and surface particles visiting in turn all points of its seaboard: the independence of its units: the variability of states of sea: its hydrostatic quiescence in calm: its hydrokinetic turgidity in neap and spring tides: its subsidence after devastation: its sterility in the circumpolar icecaps, arctic and antarctic: its climatic and commercial significance: its preponderance of 3 to 1 over the dry land of the globe: its indisputable hegemony extending in square leagues over all the region below the subequatorial tropic of Capricorn: the multisecular stability of its primeval basin: its luteofulvous bed: its capacity to dissolve and hold in solution all soluble substances including millions of tons of the most precious metals: its slow erosions of peninsulas and islands, its persistent formation of homothetic islands, peninsulas and downwardtending promontories: its alluvial deposits: its weight and volume and density: its imperturbability in lagoons and highland tarns: its gradation of colours in the torrid and temperate and frigid zones: its vehicular ramifications in continental lakecontained streams and confluent oceanflowing rivers with their tributaries and transoceanic currents, gulfstream, north and south equatorial courses: its violence in seaquakes, waterspouts, Artesian wells, eruptions, torrents, eddies, freshets, spates, groundswells, watersheds, waterpartings, geysers, cataracts, whirlpools, maelstroms, inundations, deluges, cloudbursts: its vast circumterrestrial ahorizontal curve: its secrecy in springs and latent humidity, revealed by rhabdomantic or hygrometric instruments and exemplified by the well by the hole in the wall at Ashtown gate, saturation of air, distillation of dew: the simplicity of its composition, two constituent parts of hydrogen with one constituent part of oxygen: its healing virtues: its buoyancy in the waters of the Dead Sea: its persevering penetrativeness in runnels, gullies, inadequate dams, leaks on
35. The night was so quiet that it almost seemed to be already submerged under fathoms of water
36. saw before them a low cliff, some five fathoms high, with a broken and jagged top
37. for a moment measuring it with his eyes -- `about eighteen fathoms I should guess
38. shapely, fifty fathoms from its base to the pinnacle, where the banner of
39. the road-builders of old had cut the rock sheer for many fathoms above their heads
40. There, within the limits of those few square fathoms, fifteen hundred men fell in less than an hour
41. The ravine was there, unexpected, yawning, directly under the horses' feet, two fathoms deep between its double slopes; the second file pushed the first into it, and the third pushed on the second; the horses reared and fell backward, landed on their haunches, slid down, all four feet in the air, crushing and overwhelming the riders; and there being no means of retreat,—the whole column being no longer anything more than a projectile,—the force which had been acquired to crush the English crushed the French; the inexorable ravine could only yield when filled; horses and riders rolled there pell-mell, grinding each other, forming but one mass of flesh in this gulf: when this trench was full of living men, the rest marched over them and passed on
42. Taking it from its root in the stocks to its tip in the clouds, it is sixty fathoms long, and its diameter at its base is three feet
43. Roaring, stamping around, he must have tromped the joys of the world and jammed them in this jar and writ in a big hand, shouting, RELISH! For its very sound meant rolling in sweet fields with roistering chestnut mares, mouths bearded with grass, plunging your head fathoms deep in trough water so the sea poured cavernously through your head
44. Jimmy in the bathtub, turned over and six fathoms deep
45. In the meantime, in the space of a few minutes, twenty iron bars had been wrenched from the grated front of the wine-shop, ten fathoms of street had been unpaved; Gavroche and Bahorel had seized in its passage, and overturned, the dray of a lime-dealer named Anceau; this dray contained three barrels of lime, which they placed beneath the piles of paving-stones: Enjolras raised the cellar trap, and all the widow Hucheloup's empty casks were used to flank the barrels of lime; Feuilly, with his fingers skilled in painting the delicate sticks of fans, had backed up the barrels and the dray with two massive heaps of blocks of rough stone
46. All this was ten fathoms distant from him
47. Paris in 1806 still had nearly the same sewers numerically as stated in 1663; five thousand three hundred fathoms
48. Beyond lay fathoms of Mirror Maze which housed a multifold series of empty vanities one wave on another, still, serene, silvered with age, white with time
49. He stared at fathoms of reflections
50. For even twenty fathoms underground he would instantly have recognized the husky voice he had carried in his soul ever since the afternoon when he heard her say in a swirl of yellow leaves in a solitary park: “Now go, and don’t come back until I tell you to