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    Usa "feeble-minded" in una frase

    feeble-minded frasi di esempio


    1. Feeble-mindedness is a term often misused

    2. feeble-minded, we think of him as being a hopeless case

    3. Stazl was a useless taxi pilot from the planet of Imboid, notoriously noted for its feeble-minded and slightly imbecile inhabitants, and Grobut, intelligent and resourceful, was most likely not very inclined to want to share any possible proceeds from his Eryx adventure with anyone

    4. But Steve was out with his feeble-minded friends at the

    5. past feeble-minded boyfriends that whined about everything

    6. Paul tells the Thessalonians to "esteem their ministers very highly," it is to the laity, and not the clergy, that he addresses the words, "Warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak" (1 Thess

    7. Jesus and his feeble-minded crew, whom he treats so

    8. proves to me that her readership is feeble-minded

    9. As the boy had evidently set his heart on doing the same as the other children, Owen gave him the twopence, and they afterwards learned that the Easter Offering for that year was one hundred and twenty-seven pounds, which was made up of the amounts collected from the parishioners by the children, the district visitors and the verger, the collection at a special Service, and donations from the feeble-minded old females elsewhere

    10. I wanted to stop up the past and destroy Papa’s preserved memory forever, if it was going to be played with by feeble-minded children like these

    11. Georgiana said she dreaded being left alone with Eliza; from her she got neither sympathy in her dejection, support in her fears, nor aid in her preparations; so I bore with her feeble-minded wailings and selfish lamentations as well as I could, and did my best in sewing for her and packing her dresses

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    Sinonimi per "feeble-minded"

    moronic fatuous senile foolish retarded