Usa "feldspar" in una frase
feldspar frasi di esempio
1. 2 – on the basis of feldspar sand
2. feldspar matrix, and this matrix contrasts dramatically with the icy blue doubly terminated aquamarine
3. It was made of black, glassy lava mixed with bits of feldspar
4. The ground rose appreciably as it moved away from the sand flats by the waves, and we soon arrived at some long, winding gradients, genuinely steep paths that allowed us to climb little by little; but we had to tread cautiously in the midst of pudding stones that weren't cemented together, and our feet kept skidding on glassy trachyte, made of feldspar and quartz crystals
5. To those of our readers who may not be familiar with this subject, we would however take the liberty to remark, that porcelain clays generally arise from the decomposition of granite, and particularly of that kind which is denominated graphic granite, and which abounds with feldspar
6. On some scattered fragments on this river, are found carbonate of lime in crystals, with pieces of white feldspar
7. The granite consists chiefly of granular feldspar, with grains of white quartz, and a little light coloured mica, is moderately fine grained, and of a grayish white colour
8. The tourmalines are contained chiefly in a false vein of silicious feldspar and quartz, which begins in the centre of the upper edge of the bed of granite, and passes obliquely, descending to the northeast, about twenty feet, where it is intercepted from sight by the mica slate
9. This vein of silicious feldspar contains also a vein of bluish white transparent quartz, which is from three to eight inches thick, and passes through the centre of the vein of feldspar
10. Hunt, of Northampton, I determined the feldspar to be a new variety, which has been since confirmed by Professor Hauffman, and now ranks as a new sub-species, under the name of silicious feldspar
11. Between this and the saussurite, or tenacious feldspar, the one contains eleven of lime, and the other only a trace
12. The silicious feldspar, which I suspect to be the basis of the granite, crystallizes in thin rhomboidal tables
13. They are triedral prisms, with convex faces, striated longitudinally, and generally traversed perpendicularly to the axis, with very small fissures filled by some silicious substance, probably feldspar
14. Small crystals of the red often run from the vein of quartz into the adjoining feldspar
15. The rose mica is found in a large grained granite with amorphous quartz and silicious feldspar, crystallized and amorphous
16. The feldspar is generally white, rarely light blue
17. The crystals of feldspar in it, are often very perfect
18. Smaller masses have been found associated with feldspar
19. Plates of mica, 3 or 4 inches across, are common in it; and one specimen of a beautiful blue feldspar, the fragment only of a crystal, measured in one direction 8 inches