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    Usa "fight for" in una frase

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    fight for

    1. " In spite of knowing she was totally illegal and would be erased if found out, she would fight for survival if she had to wouldn't she? That survival instinct had certainly been cloned with her hadn't it?

    2. history of our fight for liberty

    3. The OAAU was an organization rivaled Thanksgiving feasts, or how we held our elders in focused on the fight for human rights of Afro-Americans and such high regard—the highest in fact, or how arriving on promoting cooperation among Africans and people of African time to an event was never as important as showing up in descent in the Americas

    4. Julia tried to be confident, for though she was not sure whether the five of them could stop Justice, she knew she had to fight for liberty, for the creature that called itself Justice was truly nothing more than a monster driven by vengeance and hatred, and she knew that under him there would be no more freedom for any living creature in the universe, and she could simply not abide by that

    5. watched the man she had come to love fight for both their lives? Heather strained

    6. He had seen it in their fight for the walkway, as he saw it still, filling the vale below

    7. Whatever the battle, Drau’d would always fight for the side of the righteous

    8. fight for higher things,’ he suggested

    9. "So you've come to fight for this city after all?"

    10. To fight for vengeance and hate is not our way

    11. Ascending it, he would have to fight for every inch

    12. to the allegation of a fight for religious convictions

    13. And he would fight for the future he believed Mede was trying to preserve with the Concordat’s signature

    14. From those sworn to fight for him and give their lives for the homes and lands we hold dear

    15. The train rolled on out of the station and we hung out of the doors trying to get our first look at the French countryside that we had come to fight for

    16. homeland and do whatever he could to fight for the South

    17. their land of birth in the fight for their homeland

    18. The foresight of the heavy and unavoidable burdens of war would hinder the people from wantonly calling for it when there was no real or solid interest to fight for

    19. possible for the South to take to the hills, and to continue the fight for independence

    20. They have been shaping us into weapons to fight for them

    21. Will you still fight for me if you are so corrupted you become a spirit of evil? Carl asked as he gripped the glowing metal

    22. There was another pause and then, But who will you fight for when the taint has you in its grasp?

    23. Still, if Alex had been trying to get somewhere with her, why wouldn’t he have tried with Lori? And hadn’t he told Josh that it wasn’t what it looked like - when it was exactly what it looked like? Should she fight for him, or was she better off without him?

    24. Among them was the valiant Amanda Toade, who had always been first in line to fight for Thimble Down and its denizens

    25. Bandages became loosened, haemorrhages re-started, and men who had gone forth to bravely fight for their country a few hours previously, begged piteously to be killed to end the agony entailed by official negligence

    26. This meant wars in the old days as the Kings' illegitimate offspring decided to take fight for their inheritance as happened often in history causing civil wars and worse

    27. Frail women and children were trampled underfoot in the mad rush; men forgot their chivalry in the fight for food, which they usually wanted for their own little ones, and few but the most resolute, and therefore the least needy, ventured into the seething crowd

    28. Fidel Castro is coming to town! This poorly stylized villain, who for years has fed off the (romanticized) illusions conjured up by left-leaning individuals, will undoubtedly receive a warm reception in some quarters by disaffected groups whose alienated affections for this great nation have grown naturally disposed toward honoring every ideological enemy of America as some visionary liberator in their incorrectly perceived fight for ―freedom

    29. He wanted for her to fight for her position at Em’s side, to insist that she should be allowed to leave as well

    30. A second later they had to fight for their very souls

    31. Forced to fight for his life, Brokin had quickly countered the unexpected assault, leaving his attacker with little choice but to parry the frenzied blows being rained upon him from every direction

    32. This meant wars in the old days as the kings' illegitimate offspring decided to take fight for their inheritance as happened often in history causing civil wars and worse

    33. Save poor Americans from dying, they will fight for years and proclaim healthcare to be “tyranny

    34. I had what to fight for, to survive and to move forward

    35. This fact is often overlooked by complacent individuals who have been (naturally) conditioned by freedom; that is to say, never had to fight for it

    36. A voice in his head said; “Fight for them

    37. There are only two things we should fight for

    38. She helps him fight for evil

    39. Thank you all for this brave act, tonight we will fight as one, and fight for our lives

    40. 3 Look even out the best and meetest of your master's sons, and set him on his father's throne, and fight for your master's house

    41. “You let Selena fight!” Nico felt as though she was arguing with her father to go out on a date rather than to go fight for her and her friend’s protection, like she wanted to

    42. She hated to think of Walter fighting that little sneak, but oh, he had been splendid! And he was going to fight for HER-Faith Meredith--to punish her insulter! Of course he would win--such eyes spelled victory

    43. that peace is hard-won, that sometimes it is necessary to fight for peace

    44. When they take our bones and dump it in a hole at the back of the crematorium with animal bones and then still has the audacity to tell us we should be happy they don’t put it in refuse bags and dump it at the rubbish-dump, then surely we can bury these bones ourselves cant we? I hope someone is prepared to fight for this when they make cremation compulsory by law

    45. She was ready to die for the life she’d led, not fight for a new one

    46. They always retreat when the grandmaster wizard or any of the master wizards appear on the scene and send in their underlings to fight for them, and our combined forces should be able to handle their underlings,” I said

    47. Elijah: Complaining? You have made it a habit to point out every day that I was given everything and that you had to fight for it all

    48. So, when they thought that they might have to be on the run again, they knew that all of their descendants must be kept away from their long history which was filled with their fight for survival

    49. The fight for power lasted for many millennia and there were several kings and queens until Helos and Gaya came to power and ruled for the longest of time

    50. Elena: Chronos was not interested in the fight for power

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